Dr_Pictune's Sandbox

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX should be kept in a standard containment cell at site 19. SCP-XXXX should be supplied with a daily ration of one liter of water and four kilograms of uncooked beef.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a quadrupedal mammal with a likeness to canis lupus in both appearance and genetics. SCP-XXXX has no fur on its body and has teeth 5 cm in length. Its teeth are too large for its mouth and tear through its snout and chin. SCP-XXXX is capable of opening it’s mouth to 20 cm of height and its face seems to stretch to fit its mouth. SCP-XXXX is extremely predatorial to all mammals including humans and will seek out, kill, and eat all mammals it can see. When attacking more than one target SCP-XXXX will multiply to fit the amount of targets and then fuse back into one entity when it has finished feeding. How it multiplies is relatively unknown but it seems that it is less aware of its surroundings in this state and can be easily attacked from behind. If SCP-XXXX has not caught its prey withing fifteen minutes of multiplication than all but one of it will disappear. The entity that does not disappear is completely random.