Dr Xander
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SCP-XXXX in possession of a lamp during a containment breach.

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX must be contained in a reinforced steel chamber. Ultraviolet lights should be installed out of SCP-XXXX's reach. (See Incident XXXX-1) Ultraviolet lights must be installed behind sealed plexiglass. The temperature of the chamber must be kept at 10°C at all times. In the event of a change in temperature, all Ultraviolet lights are to be activated immediately. When the temperature is restored, Ultraviolet lights may be shut down. Any damage to any object present inside of SCP-XXXX's containment chamber must be repaired immediately. SCP-XXXX must be transferred to it's testing chambers during maintenance.

Description: SCP-XXXX is an animate, viscous liquid. It is slightly translucent and is a deep purple. All attempts to separate pieces of SCP-XXXX have proven it to be impossible. [See Incident XXXX-1] Due to the difficulty of testing SCP-XXXX, only █ tests have been performed and were successful. Little is known of SCP-XXXX's composition, though testing has shown traces of nitrogen, carbon, chlorine, and an unknown substance similar to lithium. The specimen possesses two unique properties: the ability to change it's physical state and the ability to take control of normally inanimate objects.
SCP-XXXX is able to change it's state at any time, though the process performed is very slow. However, it has been observed that SCP-XXXX is highly sensitive to temperature changes. It maintains an average temperature of 10°C. If the temperature around it drops below or rises above 10°C, then SCP-XXXX's process of changing it's state will be severely altered. The magnitude of the change in temperature determines how the process is changed. If the temperature rises above 10°C, SCP-XXXX will be able to change into a gas form much faster than normal, but appears to have difficulty becoming a solid. If the temperature drops below 10°C, SCP-XXXX shows opposite results.
SCP-XXXX displays different properties in each form that are unique to that form. In liquid form, it appears to be a large puddle that can move slightly slower then the average walking speed of a person along the ground. It can travel through small crevices if possible. When a living organism comes in contact with SCP-XXXX in it's liquid form, the specimen will begin to bubble, though no gas is released from SCP-XXXX. This process appears to be SCP-XXXX consuming the organism. The organism will begin to rapidly sink into the entity and is converted into more of said entity. When SCP-XXXX's mass is recorded after this process, it appears to have gained mass equal to half the mass of the organism devoured. This process is believed to be similar in nature to digestion in a normal organism, as SCP-XXXX's pH levels lower to that of hydrochloric acid. These results are inaccurate, as the experiment was performed quickly to avoid [DATA EXPUNGED].
If SCP-XXXX condenses into a solid, it's height will begin to rapidly double. Final heights recorded have ranged between 9ft and █ft. It is assumed to have control of how it takes shape, though it is unknown if this is true. It has been observed to form cubes, spheres, and cylinders, as well as various shapeless masses. It forms a smooth, slippery crust around itself while the inside assumes all the properties of a polymer. SCP-XXXX is noticeably quicker in it's movements in all forms of solid. It adapts to whatever form it takes to be able to move in the most efficient way possible, most commonly sliding or rolling. If any organic material comes in contact with SCP-XXXX in solid form, it becomes impossible to remove it from from the entity. Severing material stuck to SCP-XXXX does prove affective in removing it. A breach in the crust of SCP-XXXX will manifest and the organism will be dragged into the gelatinous fluid inside through a process visibly similar to peristalsis. The material will quickly dissolve and increase SCP-XXXX's mass. It is theorized that the pH of the gel under the crust is identical to that of SCP-XXXX's liquid form while consuming matter. It is possible that the pH remains constant in this state as opposed to only during digestion.
SCP-XXXX's gas state grants it the ability to fly. SCP-XXXX is invisible as a gas provided it is not exposed to Ultraviolet light. It is unknown what causes the specimen to be sensitive to Ultraviolet light. SCP-XXXX is able to enter other organisms through any cavities in the body, including the ears, mouth, eyes, and any breaches in the subject's skin. Organisms exposed to SCP-XXXX in gas form display no anomalous properties until about 5 minutes have passed. The organism will undergo an "increasing, traveling pain," as described by D-9483. The pain appears to start near the nasal area and reaches the max level of pain around half of an hour. The organism will become physically incapable of movement and speech once this point is reached. Soon after, the body will [REDACTED]. SCP-XXXX is extremely dangerous in it's gas form and is to be treated with high caution. Gas masks must be worn when interacting with SCP-XXXX. Masks are to be worn with no openings. Oxygen tanks are to be used, and no damage to the containers used must be present.

D-5578 Sample of the remains of D15578 after expose to SCP-XXXX in gaseous form.

SCP-XXXX is able to take over inanimate objects in all forms. It is unknown how it does so, and appears to soak into objects before taking control. The entity is obscured from view once it has entered an object. SCP-XXXX has been observed to take over a variety of objects, such as:
• Sofas, Tables, and other Furniture
• Household Appliances
• Artificial Plants
• SCP-914
• Dead Bodies
It should be noted that any objects under control of SCP-XXXX commonly take on an unnatural appearance, such as sections of items splintering to form claws or fangs. Objects can gain properties they did not have before, various forms of mobility being the most common. Some objects appear to move as if they have joints, though none were present before animation. Other properties witnessed are flight, increased [REDACTED], [REDACTED], and the ability to [REDACTED] organs. It is believed SCP-XXXX can choose to leave the object at any time, returning said object to it's normal state. Any damage done to the object by SCP-XXXX will be repaired, but other damage caused by battle or by the environment will remain. If the object is destroyed or damaged to a great extent, SCP-XXXX will be forced to leave the object. Upon leaving an unsuitable object, the item will [REDACTED]. All personnel must be prepared to stay a distance of at least 25ft away from objects under the influence of SCP-XXXX once the object has been damaged beyond repair.
SCP-XXXX reacts to sights and sounds, though it lacks any organs that would allow it to do so. It appears to avoid any possible threats as a liquid, being observed to "run" away from personnel. However, it has also been observed to charge towards personnel in what seem to be attempts to dissolve them into more mass. It is very aggressive as a solid, attacking all life on sight in any way possible. It is unknown how SCP-XXXX reacts to humans when a gas due to the difficulty of viewing it. It is known, however, that SCP-XXXX will always attack if any objects are within it's reach and will use them in defense.

Has anyone else considered the possibilities of SCP-XXXX possessing tiny or colorless organs that we are unaware about? The fact that it has no visible organs does not mean it has none at all! -Dr K██