SCP Draft - Working title: Truthpen


rating: 0+x

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be kept in a passcode-protected laboratory room within an anaerobic glove box.

SCP-XXXX must never be handled with bare skin. When in the vicinity of SCP-XXXX, personnel must always wear full-body hazardous material protection gear as defined in Protocol HM-XXXX.

Despite the adverse [REDACTED] effects attributed to SCP-XXXX, no psychological screening for personnel is required prior to assignment at this time, as there is no evidence of correlation to [REDACTED].

Description: SCP-XXXX appears at first look to be a standard ballpoint pen with blue ink. Branding and composition are consistent with a commercial Uni-ball Rollerball Micro Point 0.5mm pen.

SCP-XXXX is inanimate and non-aggressive, and was classified as "Safe" until [REDACTED], otherwise known as Incident-XXXX-2. The initial 2 incidents evaluated together led researchers to no longer regard [REDACTED] as coincidence [see Addendum-XXXX-a and Addendum-XXXX-b].

L3 clearance eyes-only beyond this point.