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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: Due to the migratory nature of SCP-XXXX, MTF Gamma-15 (callsign “Candymen”) has been permanently assigned to prevent SCP-XXXX from initiating a █████████ incident. Personnel assigned to SCP-XXXX must provide a report before the twenty-fourth of each month on all residential districts within a one kilometer radius of the previous █████████ incident. Failure to do so will result in immediate reassignment and further disciplinary action.

Upon detection of a potential instance of SCP-XXXX, personnel assigned to SCP-XXXX must immediately inform Dr. Crane, who will initiate procedure 298-Purgatory. MTF Gamma-15 will immediately be called to the residence in question, and quarantine the building. MTF Gamma-15 must maintain quarantine until the twenty-fourth of that month under the disguise of a serious house infection.

If SCP-XXXX remains undetected or uncontained before the twenty-fourth of the current month, immediately initiate procedure 298-Blacklight. Site-██ is to remain on full alert, and any Mobile Task Forces in the area are advised to immediately assist MTF Gamma-15 in preventing a █████████ incident, and prevent further casualties.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a round hairbrush approximately 15cm in length, made out of glossy bright pink plastic. Several stickers of popular children’s cartoons from the 19██s appear on the sides and back of SCP-XXXX. Attempts to remove stickers from SCP-XXXX are unsuccessful. When used, SCP-XXXX shows no evidence of wear. Hair brushed by SCP-XXXX acts accordingly, but the object remains perfectly clean, the plastic keeping its bright sheen.

Upon the beginning of each month, SCP-XXXX relocates itself to areas which have high concentrations of children between the ages of █ and ██. Locations include playgrounds, daycare centers, schools, and parks. Once first contact with SCP-XXXX occurs, the child, now known as SCP-XXXX-1, seems to recognize and develop attachment to the object, followed by a strong urge to bring it to their home. SCP-XXXX-1 has been reported to use SCP-XXXX frequently, but only in the presence of a mirror. Subject tends to lock the door upon use, disallowing entry from any other members of their family. No other anomalous events occur until the twenty fourth of the current month.

On the twenty-fourth, other members of SCP-XXXX-1’s family become agitated while SCP-XXXX-1 uses the hairbrush. Incidents begin as polite yet tense arguments, innocent accidents, and brief yet unusual disagreements. During the course of the week, arguments begin to escalate. Physical altercations start 2-4 days later. Shoving, slapping, and even full fist fights have been recorded. Once SCP-XXXX-1 stops using the hairbrush and exits the room, all instances of domestic abuse cease. The family acts normally, despite bruises and cuts from previous incidences appearing evident.

Failure to contain SCP-XXXX and remove SCP-XXXX-1 from the premises before the end of the month results in a █████████ incident, and the formation of SCP-XXXX-2.