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Item #: SCP-2000

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: As of this writing, SCP-2000 is beyond the reach of human visitation, without the use of extraordinary means. All public knowledge of Mars comes from telescopes immune to SCP-2000 by virtue of distance from the planet, or from automated probes. Primary containment is therefore achieved by a simple extension of existing Foundation activities.

In addition to other duties, existing Foundation assets in national space agencies and private space exploration firms are to monitor all projects likely to breach containment around SCP-2000. The datastreams from probes entering SCP-2000's zone of effect are to be tapped, and data from anomalous observations redacted, before reaching the public or the broader scientific community. If the SCP-2000 containment group leader deems it unlikely that redaction can be achieved, Foundation assets are to sabotage the probe mission to maintain containment.

Should data from an anomalous observation be leaked to the public, a small detachment from Mobile Task Force Gamma-5 will be temporarily assigned for secondary containment, using standard protocols for discrediting anomalies. Group members shall cooperate with Task Force members in framing the leaked data as a conspiracy theory, hoax, or case of quack science.

Work is ongoing to modify space probes' hardware, software, and structural configuration to mitigate the effects of SCP-2000, with steadily improving success. As of this writing, the current iteration of countermeasure technology, Model 2000-Mark-6, tested on recent surface rovers, reduces the frequency of SCP-2000 anomalies by an average of 93%. All future Mars probes will have the Mark-6 modifications applied, until further notice from higher authority. This application may proceed with the cooperation of the launching agency, or by covert means. If the SCP-2000 containment group leader deems it unlikely that modification can be achieved, Foundation assets are to sabotage the probe mission to maintain containment.

Until countermeasure techniques become fully reliable, Foundation agents in national space agencies, governments, and private companies will seek to covertly prevent any manned exploration of the planet Mars, as this might lead to an irrecoverable containment breach.

Description: SCP-2000 is an anomaly observed in a region surrounding the planet Mars. SCP-2000 appears to replace normal conditions of the planet Mars, apparently at random times and for variable duration.

In the absence of SCP-2000 effects, Mars appears as a lifeless planet with negligible atmosphere. Observations of SCP-2000 appear to show Mars as a quasi-habitable planet with an oxygen-nitrogen atmosphere, native life-forms, "canal" megastructures, and the ruins of a technological civilization.

The anomalous conditions on Mars indicated by these observations are, by all empirical standards, "real;" there is no evidence of psychological, memetic, or telepathic effect.

Telescopic observation of Mars, including observations by automated mechanisms and telescopes in low Earth orbit or deep space, occurs normally and never detects SCP-2000. No observation of SCP-2000 has been recorded at a distance greater than 81000 kilometers since 19██. Prior to that time, numerous Earth-based observers reported observations that might have been SCP-2000-1.

Observations of SCP-2000 result in perception of three major manifestations. There are also numerous subsidiary manifestations, which might loosely be classed as 'logical corollaries' of the existence of SCP-2000-1, -2, and -3.

This document contains only executive summaries of the anomalies; for details see Document 2000-1.

SCP-2000-1 appears to be a system of large canals on the planet Mars. The canals range from roughly 20 to 500 meters in width, mostly in the northern hemisphere of the planet. Water from these canals appears to be tapped and run off to various points near the canals, creating broad, multikilometer bands of conditions comparable to dry terrestrial scrubland where plant life can exist, thanks to the influence of SCP-2000-3.

SCP-2000-2 instances are assemblies of large masonry structures, apparently cities or the ruins of cities, made up of buildings ranging in size from 2 to 150 meters. Many SCP-2000-2 instances show signs of prolonged neglect, decay, and structural collapse. Others appear to be largely intact. To date, there is no clear evidence of whether these buildings and cities are occupied by intelligent life, or whether they are entirely abandoned.

SCP-2000-3 is an anomalous observed composition and density of the Martian atmosphere. Atmospheric pressure is roughly 40% that of Earth. The atmosphere implied by SCP-2000-3 observations would be marginally breathable to humans, if not for a highly toxic concentration of carbon dioxide.

In addition to SCP-2000-1, -2, and -3, there are the minor manifestations or 'logical corollaries' referenced above. These are various landforms, structures, and organisms which might reasonably be inferred to exist if the planet Mars were affected by the major manifestations.

For example, orbiters observe that craters which are sharply defined in reality appear weathered by wind and atmospheric moisture under the influence of SCP-2000-1 and -3. Landers may detect flora and fauna consistent with the ecological conditions of SCP-2000-1 and -3, and/or small artificial structures in keeping with the architectural style of SCP-2000-2.

Anomalous Properties:
SCP-2000 is observed only intermittently, with anomalous observations beginning seemingly at random after a period of normalcy ranging from minutes to days. The perceptual anomalies appear to be 'real' in the experiential context of the probes themselves. Thus, a Mars orbiter or lander which gets too close to the atmosphere of SCP-2000-3 during an anomalous observation will experience atmospheric friction and burn up on reentry (see incident logs 2000-14 and -22). A Mars rover which encounters wildlife around SCP-2000-1 can affect or be affected by the organisms, and so on.

Conversely, at times when an SCP-2000 manifestation is not taking place, the ordinary (uninhabitable) nature of Mars asserts itself and is fully 'real.' Thus, a probe designed to function only in the atmospheric pressure of SCP-2000 would fail in the near-vacuum conditions of the ordinary Martian atmosphere, and so on.

It is as yet uncertain whether it is the inhabitable or uninhabitable version of Mars that is more "real," or indeed whether the question has any scientifically rigorous answer. Current Foundation policy, pursuant to discussions at the highest level, is based on the premise that the "real" Mars is the one which can be observed from Earth.

For further information on the history of SCP-2000 observations, see Document 2000-2.

Current Status: Ongoing difficulty with the ███████ and ███████ space agencies has posed a persistent threat of containment breach since the 1980s. Pursuant to this, the Foundation will continue to undermine ███████ and ███████ Mars probe operations for the foreseeable future (see Special Containment Protocols, paragraph 2).

Most of the Foundation's data on SCP-2000 comes from random observations made at unpredictable intervals by various national Mars probes. Since the Foundation has been taking steps to make such observations less likely, there are many unanswered questions.

Some of these questions may be answered by the proposed Foundation Mars probe series for the 201█ and 202█ launch windows. Discussion of these proposals is ongoing, at the highest levels of Foundation space science and policymaking.

**Addendum 2000-A: **

Supplemental Correspondence Archive:

Supplemental History File:

Supplemental Science File: