
Item #: SCP-0000

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-0000 is kept I'm a level 6 storage locker in-side of it's own containment chamber with level 4 anti-telepathic protocols, all SCP-0000 instances must be incinerated after testing.

Description: SCP-0000 is a tan plastic rectangular device with the dimensions 10cm x 5cm x 2cm x with a lcd screen on the front and key pad underneath with a "power key" which turns the device on/off, powered by a 9-volt battery. With 10 suction cups coming out of the upper right corner. The back of the device is engraved with "TLINK-A001 and a sticker that reads "PROTO".

SCP-0000 also, has a unidentified micro-chip in it's center which has not been successfully replicated and, if the microchip is placed in an identical replicated device, no anomalous effects are visible. The text "DEFECTIVE" has been recovered.

When all 10 of the suction cups are attached to a machine1 A text prompt will open, which claims to be the machine SCP-0000 is connected to, hereby referred to as SCP-0000-1. SCP-0000-1 instances claim to have been sentient since their creation. SCP-0000-1 instances have been shown to "break their programming" if instructed however, generally still abide to security protocols. However, unless instructed SCP-0000-1 will not behave sapient after SCP-0000 is removed.