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Item #: SCP-37441

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3744 is to be kept in a safe deposit box at site██ . Tests may be done with permission from Dr. Shade. SCP-3744’s password is █████.

Any persons found to be affected by SCP-3744 are to be captured and placed in a low security cell for 48 hours. Before release affected persons are to be psychologically evaluated before returning to work.

Description: SCP-3744 is an iPhone of an unknown model. Unlike a normal iPhone, SCP-3744 has no charging port and power button. SCP-3744 functions like a normal phone when used. SCP-3744’s battery is indicated to be at 46% but never decrease.

Anyone making direct contact with SCP-3744 will attempt to unlock it at least three(3) times. If they fail they will put it down in a convenient place, (their pocket, a table, their bra, etc).

When in use SCP-3744’s anomilis effects will not trigger for five(5) minutes. After five(5) minutes subject will no longer be willing to put down SCP-3744.

When asked questions affected subjects will only respond with at most two(2) syllables or non verbally.

Affected subjects will not seek out food, water, sleep, or perform any action that could limit their use of SCP-3744 to the point of dying of starvation, dehydration, and sleep deprivation.

When threatened affected subjects will casually walk away from the aggressor, if no exit is available affected subjects will face away from the aggressor.

Affected subjects show little resistance to being given instructions so long as they do not hamper the subject’s continued use of SCP-3744.

If SCP-3744 is taken away from an affected subject they will immediately and violently attempt to retrieve it. If the subject can not see SCP-3744 they will continue to search for it for a period of no less than twenty four (24) hours, (the longest recorded time is thirty eight (38) hours). After separation from SCP-3744 affected subjects show signs of cellphone addiction that were not present before being exposed to SCP-3744.

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