Dshell #2
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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX-1 is housed at Site-17-B and kept in a standard living containment cell. SCP-XXXX-2 are to be terminated on sight by Site Security. To prevent further stress to SCP-XXXX-1, it will be referred to by its given name 'Naomi.' All on-site combat personnel are to be equipped with iron alloy melee weapons and munitions laced with iron oxide.

Description: SCP-XXXX-1 is a human female adolescent of unknown descent. At the time of acquisition, SCP-XXXX-1 was approximately 4 years old. SCP-XXXX-1 has two luminescent wings extending out of its back. Also unusual but not anomalous is SCP-XXXX-1's blue hair color.

SCP-XXXX-2 collectively refer to hostile entities that attempt to breach SCP-XXXX-1's containment. Varying in description and size,

Hello, if you are reading this, you have been transferred to Site-17-B. You are curious why we're guarding an SCP that simply attracts more SCPs. Well, that's because the file isn't telling you whole truth. We don't have the whole story, but SCP-XXXX-1 is apparently the last of a fairy family involved with a blood feud with another fairy family. That is SCP-XXXX-2.
You maybe wondering why we simply don't hand that little girl over. That is because the Ethics Committee won't let us, and we are the MOTHERFUCKING Foundation. We are not some children in body armor and lab coats, we are a trained human organization dedicated to serving the world. Humans are the DOMINANT species of this world, and we intend to keep it that.
We secure, we contain, and we protect.
And that includes our SCPs.
Signed, O5-█