Dusk Plays

SCP-3475- All Purpose Cleaner

Subject Class: Safe

Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be stored under armed guard in storage facility site-██ in order to prevent SCP-XXXX from being stolen. SCP-XXXX may only be removed from storage for testing with written permission from a level 4 operative or above (See Addendum XXXX-A for a list of approved tests and conclusions). Any attempt to remove SCP-XXXX from containment without proper permission will be dealt with by means of immediate detainment and subsequent interrogation.
Any object coming into contact with SCP-XXXX is to be destroyed immediately after testing.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a standard cleanser spray bottle filled with approximately 32 FL OZ (1 QT) of an unknown substance.
The bottle is semi- transparent with a white spray top and an adhesive sticker with text that reads “All Purpose Cleaner” in 36 point Fang Song font.
When sprayed onto any surface or object it produces the most appropriate liquid to “clean” the subject (henceforth known as SCP-XXXX-1 and up).
As of yet no amount of usages has caused the level of the liquid to decrease. It is assumed at this time that the bottle itself is sentient and able to choose the appropriate fluid based on logic or preference.
SCP-XXXX was originally discovered in the janitor’s closet of [REDACTED] High School in [REDACTED]. Another abnormality exhibited by SCP-XXXX is the seemingly endless supply of liquid produced by the object.

Addendum XXXX-A: The following is a list of all requested subjects for testing with SCP-3475 approved and denied.

[Requested SCP-XXXX for testing on a dirty bathroom mirror]- Approved. SCP-XXXX was sprayed onto the surface of the bathroom mirror (SCP-XXXX-1) after which the fluid became a standard glass and multi surface cleaning product.

[Requested SCP-XXXX for testing on a white T-shirt stained with motor oil]- Approved. SCP-XXXX was sprayed directly onto the stained shirt (SCP-XXXX-2) after which the liquid became a mixture of dish detergent and vinegar. One researcher expressed surprise as he had assumed the liquid would become a standard stain remover.

[Requested SCP-XXXX for testing on human skin stained with permanent marker]- Approved. Subject D-3475001 (SCP-XXXX-3) was told to mark any spot on his forearm with a liberal amount of black permanent marker, upon doing so researcher sprayed SCP-XXXX onto the marker stained portion of the subjects forearm.
Rather than becoming some sort of soap to remove the marker the liquid became an extremely corrosive acid which completely destroyed the arm of SCP-XXXX-3. Subject was immediately taken to the infirmary where he died of shock and blood loss.
Records show that SCP-XXXX-3 was incarcerated for committing homicide by means of dropping a child into a volume of hydrochloric acid. The acid expelled by SCP-XXXX then became an unknown liquid which removed all traces of blood from the floor of the testing area.

[Requested SCP-XXXX for testing on black liquid secreted by SCP-106]- Denied. This is probably one of the most thoughtlessly dangerous test requests that have ever come across my desk. Not only would it most likely end with the loss of life for foundation assets but also the loss of SCP-XXXX completely.

[Requested SCP-XXXX for testing on liquid secreted by SCP-35]- Approved. A small amount of fluid was removed from the containment cell of SCP-35 and transported to another containment cell for testing. Rather than spraying the liquid from SCP-XXXX itself. The liquid was placed in a small eye dropper and dripped into the secretion. Liquid became an unknown fluid that began to break down the secretion. It is hypothesized that it had become a molecular de- bonding agent. Secretion was the sprayed with the bottle directly. 34 FL OZ of secretion was completely broken down by 1 spray from the bottle in approximately 3 minutes.