eLkathebaloon- Anomalous Complex (number not chosen)

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Ecluid

Special Containment Procedures:

Due to the nature of SCP-XXXX, it cannot be moved, and the area around it (that will be referred to as Area-█ from now on) must be contained within over 40 kilometers metal wall, equipped with security cameras and sentries. The wall should be located at least one kilometer away from the object itself. Any anomalous object (SCP-XXXX-B) trying to leave the zone is to be contained by a task force. In the worst case scenario, if an anomalous object manages to escape the zone, it is to be destroyed immediately.

Access to SCP-XXXX requires authorization of at least one member of Level-4 personnel. SCP-XXXX must be constantly under the watch of qualified personnel.

A variety of different non-anomalous objects is to be delivered weekly to Area-█.

No personnel should come in contact neither with SCP-XXXX-A nor SPC-XXXX-B unless absolutely necessary. Research team is to be using security cameras and remote controlled drones.

Description: SCP-XXXX is complied of two objects. SCP-XXXX-A is a complex of buildings and underground facilities, compiling of labs, cells, medical facilities, archives, personal quarters, a complex ventilation system, a military outlet and a large cafeteria. The entire complex is around 5 km2 large. The underground facilities are over 500 meters deep. SCP-XXXX-A is filled with different documents, daily living, and working equipment. Every single object that doesn’t come from outside source, and is a part of SCP-XXXX-A has anomalous properties, although many –non-anomalous objects are located inside SCP-XXXX-A. The interior of the facility bears a resemblance to [DATA REDACTED]. The facility is located at [DATA REDACTED], the distance to the closest human settlement is exactly ███ kilometers.

SCP-XXXX-B are humanoid species, although the research team was unable to classify SCP-XXXX-B as part of any group of the animal kingdom. The species themselves seem to be omnivorous, and mostly resistant to the negative effects of the anomalies contained into the SCP-XXXX-A facility. Their anatomy is similar to humans in everything, with the exception of having no facial features. They consume food by an oral cavity located at the palms of their hands.

Furthermore they seem to follow similar behavior and daily routine to the human species, using many anomalous objects as parts of their daily lives. Even then, it is still unknown whether SCP-XXXX-B posses intelligence, as all of them seem to mimic human behavior whether it makes logical sense or not. For example: A member of the SCP-XXXX-B species was found to be trying to read a document, even though SCP-XXXX-B species do not posses eyes or any other kind of known visual organs. All of research team’s efforts of trying to communicate with the species have failed.

Whenever in contact with any non-anomalous object, whether it is inanimate or organic, SCP-XXXX-B will try to acquire the object by any means necessary and bring it to the SCP-XXXX-A. There it will attempt to contain the object, after that SCP-XXXX-B will [DATA REDACTED]. As long as SCP-XXXX-B can secure and contain new non-anomalous objects, it will not leave a radius of one kilometer from SCP-XXXX-A.

SCP-XXXX-B can be damaged, and even killed by most conventional weapons. They are immune to fire, and cannot drown as they do not possess a respiratory system and undergo anaerobic respiration to gain energy from nutrients, they can use chemical reactions in their bodies to produce toxic fumes that they can utilize in self-defense. SCP-XXXX-B will fight back if it is attacked first, it will also attack if an obstacle in acquiring a non-anomalous object arises. SCP-XXXX-B can also produce weak electromagnetic fields.
Addendum XXXX-A: A copy of one of the documents from the facility was acquired, four A4 pieces of paper, filled with mirror writing, when reversed the mirror writing seems to be similar to a computer code, but in an unknown programmer language. Mirrored stamps and logos can be found on the documents, it seems that the images are in fact [DATA REDACTED]

Addendum XXXX-B: All information about SCP-XXXX-B was acquired by observing SCP-XXXX-B and by the acquisition of test subjects from the facility. As removal of one of the SCP-XXXX-B from the facility seemed to make the rest of the species more hostile in their behavior, acquisition of new test subjects has been prohibited for safety reasons.