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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX itself is to be contained in a standard secure storage locker at Site-19

Instances of SCP-XXXX-1-X are to be stored in standard secure storage lockers at Site-19 on ███.██ ████abyte solid state hard drive disks. Any instances stored on other devices can be safely transferred onto a ███.██ ████abyte ssd with no ill effect. Affected individuals are to be psychologically evaluated monthly and checked for data degradation yearly.

Instance SCP-XXXX-1-1, containing Dr. S█████ is to be allowed to run constantly, except during an Keter class containment breach, such that he may be allowed to continue his work. His apparent knowledge of all level 4 information is not to be considered a breach. However, because of the extensive knowledge possessed by Dr. S█████, only personnel with level 4 clearance or and above are allowed contact.

All other instances of SCP-XXXX-1 are allowed visitors above level 2 clearance who are not currently assigned with other tasks.

Storage drives containing SCP-XXXX-1 instances are allowed read only access to files below level 3 clearance and carefully monitored read only internet access. If an instance is found to be attempting to upload itself, it is to be disconnected from it's power source immediately and the drive containing it is to be destroyed, preferably through incineration to prevent data recovery.

Object Description: SCP-XXXX is a virtual reality headset of unknown make and model produced when a standard Oculus Rift virtual reality headset was "refined" using SCP-914 set to "Very Fine".

When SCP-XXXX is placed on the head of a living human subject, the subject will immediately vanish. It appears that the subject's "Consciousness" is uploaded to the nearest computer/data storage device under the filename "[Subject]'s Consciousness." This file is encrypted with a key which has yet to be broken; research is ongoing.

Running instances of this program are to be designated SCP-XXXX-1. These programs seem to accurately simulate the behavior and thought processes of the subject. In all instances of SCP-XXXX-1, there is a marked increase in intelligence and computational ability, as well as a distinct knowledge of their current existence. In all current instances, SCP-XXXX-1 show no signs of discomfort or any sort of dissatisfaction with their new existence. It is unknown if this is an effect of the uploading process or if it simply a result of subjects believing they cannot age or die in the traditional sense.

Addendum SCP-XXXX-01
On ██/██/2███ it was found that on opening the file with a standard Ubuntu instance, it will start a simulation, apparently of the consciousness of the selected person.
Each instance of SCP-XXXX-1 has passed the turring test and appears to be indistinguishable from the uploaded subject excepting a significant increase in IQ and speed of response. It is hypothesized that this may be dependent on the computer running the simulation; Testing with computers of various ability pending approval.

Addendum SCP-XXXX-02
After incident XXXX-████-██, only Class D personnel may be uploaded without a majority vote of the O5

Testing Log

Test X - Date

Test A - ██/█3/20██
Subject: D-20104
Procedure: Instruct subject to place SCP-XXXX on parts of the body which aren't the head, I.E. the hand, arm, knee, shoulder, etc…
Results: As expected, there was no effect when SCP-XXXX was placed anywhere other than the subject's head
Notes: "I don't know why we expected any different" -Dr. M████████

Test B - ██/█5/20██
Subject: D-20104
Procedure: Forcibly place the object on subject's head with subject restrained.
Results: Subject does not dematerialize, repeating this process several times showed that when the object is used on a subject by anyone other than the subject, no changes will take place.
Notes: "This implies that it may understand the concept of voluntary use. Testing with unwilling subjects pending." - Dr. M████████

Test C - ██/█6/20██
Subject: D-20706 (Subject A), D-20707 (Subject B), D-20708 (Subject C)
Procedure: D-20706 is a willing participant, functioning as the control. D-20707 is unaware of SCP-XXXX's effect and believes it to be a standard VR headset. D-20708 knows the effect and is actively resistant to using the object. Subjects A and C instructed to place the objects on their heads, Subject B allows the object to be placed by assistant. In the event that D-20708 does not comply, threat of lethal force is authorized.
Results: D-20706 and 20707 are both uploaded without incident; programs run as expected, drives incinerated. D-20708 resists until threatened, on usage of the object, no effect is observed.
Notes: "This appears to confirm that the object does in fact have a concept of voluntary use, however, it also shows that 'voluntary' does not mean 'informed' nor does it require the willing subject to be the one to actually place the object" -Dr. M████████

Test D - ██/29/20██
Subject: D-20882, D-20875
Procedure: Test whether or not the process is in any way reversible. D-20882 (Subject A) will upload himself. D-20875 (Subject B) will then be terminated via SCP-963 such that the mind is wiped without causing physical structural damage to the subject's brain. Subject A's consciousness will then be selected and SCP-XXXX will be directly connected to the computer containing the file. SCP-XXXX will then be placed on Subject B's head.
Results: [DATA EXPUNGED] resulting in the detonation of the connected computer and complete failure of all connected networks resulting in ██ other containment breaches. Further testing using expired subjects is forbidden.
Notes: "Let's not try that again. Once we got the computers running again, the whole network was completely filled with these files. I will be filing a request for incineration of all drives involved in this incident and a possible reclassification as Euclid" -Dr. M████████

Note: Request for use in termination testing of SCP-682 pending O5 approval.
Note: Termination testing request approved. -O5-█