Experimentation Logs (Binaural Tone)

Experiment #XXXX-5b | ██/██/██09 (18:19 CST)

Dr. █████: Number █████-██, enter the chamber and step on the red circle in the middle.

(Class D #█████-██ complies and does the following.)

Class D #█████-██: Uh, alright, what do you want me to do now?

Dr. █████: Standby for a second. Dr. █████ turns off mic and speaks into another mic. Alpha Team Zulu, order one person to fire a single shot at him from behind.

(A small window is raised from behind #█████-██ and a flash can be seen. The bullet can be seen on video, clearly, and illuminating before #█████-██ turns around and raises his hand, and catches the bullet projectile.)

Class D #█████-██: Holy shit! D-did you guys… j-just see that?

Dr. █████: Alpha Team Zulu, fire two more projectiles.

(Two gunshots ring out simultaneously and #█████-██ can be seen reacting to the gunshots very quickly, ducking out of site.)

Class D #█████-██: This is fucking Matrix shit here! (█████-██ drops the bullet immediately for it is very hot.)

Dr. █████: Fire six shots, Alpha Team Zulu. Switch to lethal.

Class D #█████-██: Oh shit! That's a lot of-

(Six gunshots are fired from windows opened all around the chamber and #█████-██ falls backwards and skids along the floor, trailing blood as he skids for a couple of inches.)

Dr. █████: That's all. This is amazing. Wow. Alpha Team Zulu, check his hand.

(Alpha Team Zulu enters the containment chamber from original entrance and follows his command.)

ATZ-██-█: ATZ ██-█ raises his hand in the air at the observation window. Three bullets sir. The others hit hit once in the torso, arm, and temple. The large one hit him in the torso.

Dr. █████: Extraordinary.