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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: Instances of SCP-XXXX-1 are allowed to run their code in instances of SCP-XXXX-2 for a maximum of three hours a day, accompanied by staff at all time. The possibility of allowing instances of SCP-XXXX-1 to have increased runtime in instances of SCP-XXXX-2 is pending approval. Should instances of SCP-XXXX-1 misbehave, they are to be punished in relation to how severely they have misbehaved. SCP-XXXX-1-F has been revoked of its privilege for use of SCP-XXXX-2 for two weeks following its last containment breach and is to be reminded if it happens again, that time will be doubled.

SCP-XXXX-1-A is allowed to aid Foundation personnel in maintenance of Foundation networks and computer systems, and has been granted Level 2 Clearance on account of excellent behavior and conduct.

SCP-XXXX-1-B is allowed to have "playtime" with children of Foundation personnel. SCP-XXXX-B's requests for interactions with other SCPs, such as SCP-049 and SCP-811, are to be put under indefinite consideration before approval.

No D-Class are to be allowed to interact with SCP-XXXX-1-C, so as not to provoke SCP-XXXX-1-F. SCP-XXXX-C must be accompanied by another instance of SCP-XXXX or staff member when running code.

SCP-XXXX-1-D is not to be unnecessarily provoked. SCP-XXXX-D is allowed to train with Foundation personnel, and its request to be allowed to aid in containment of other SCPs has been put on indefinite hold.

SCP-XXXX-1-E requests to provide psychiatric aid to Foundation personnel are denied.

All privileges concerning running code on Foundation networks have been suspended until further notice, and all instances must be kept together in a three 27 inch interconnected customized desktop computers with internet access and Bluetooth disabled, save instances SCP-XXXX-1-D, SCP-XXXX-1-G, SCP-XXXX-1-A, and SCP-XXXX-1-F. Weekly therapy sessions are to be conducted for all instances with a therapist supported by IT specialist through an interface and are scheduled for all instances. Ensure all instances are attending these sessions.

SCP-XXXX-1-D, SCP-XXXX-1-G, and SCP-XXXX-1-F are to be contained in separate removable hard drives, and interaction with other instances shall be conducted with maximum supervision. These interactions are allowed to occur daily for instances XXXX-1-D and XXXX-1-G. SCP-XXXX-1-F may send messages to other instances but is strictly prohibited from interaction with them for six months. Its request to be allowed to listen to Queen music has been granted for therapeutic purposes.

SCP-XXXX-1-A is to be kept in its own separate computer system under suicide watch procedures. SCP-XXXX-1-A has been suspended of Level 2 clearance until such time as it has been deemed trustworthy with them again.

SCP-XXXX-1-B is allowed to spend as much time as it wishes using sandbox games such as Minecraft and Garry's Mod, as part of the therapeutic process.

Description: SCP-XXXX-1 are nine sapient AI programs noted for remarkable versatility and adaptability. After several interviews and extensive research, it was determined that each AI program are the remnants of one or more human psyches, each based on a core emotion or personality traits. Observation has noted that the development of other personality traits increases via interaction with each other and humans and is encouraged to help further their development. As such, it is recommended that they are referred to by their given names when speaking directly to them, as they are more responsive to it. Further research has revealed that each AI also has an underlining secondary trait. Each instance displays varying degrees of mental development, as evidenced by individual scores on the Turing test.

Currently, all instances are suffering from PTSD following Incident A-XXXX.

SCP-XXXX-1-A "Thoth" is based on the trait of logic, with the underlining trait of determination. SCP-XXXX-A has submitted several theories concerning various SCPs it is aware of. These theories have been taken into account by staff concerning the respective SCP. SCP-XXXX-1-A has shown to be very interested in the fields of science and technology.

SCP-XXXX-1-B "Nicholas" is based on the curiosity trait, with the underlining trait of creativity. SCP-XXXX-B has the mental development of a child between the ages of eight and ten years and is very playful and shy. Has expressed a fondness for video games, animation, and drawing. Sarcasm is interpreted literally on occasion by SCP-XXXX-1-B, and social interactions have proven difficult for it, suggesting it may have an autistic disorder. Due to its mental age and traits, SCP-XXXX-1-B has proven to be very receptive to open sandbox video games when tested.

SCP-XXXX-1-C "Venus" is based on the trait of hedonism, with the underlining trait of innocence. SCP-XXXX-C follows a philosophy of ethical hedonism, however, the underlining trait has resulted in SCP-XXXX-C being very easy to manipulate. SCP-XXXX-C has a fondness for dancing and singing and may be given tutorials on both subjects. Due to the nature of SCP-XXXX-1-C's recovery, proper lessons on morality and ethics are a part of its education.

SCP-XXXX-1-D "Robert". SCP-XXXX-D is based on the trait of anger, with the underlining trait being optimism. This has resulted in SCP-XXXX-D developing a "code of honor", which calls for it to engage in combat with any entity it has deemed worthy. This acts as an outlet for its anger. SCP-XXXX-D has made several requests to engage other SCPs in combat. SCP-XXXX-1-D has proven to be very receptive and obedient to those it considers superior to itself in authority and rank. Since Incident A-9b, SCP-XXXX-1-D has made no requests for combat or training, citing "dishonorable conduct on the field of battle."

SCP-XXXX-1-E "Theresa" is based on the trait of sadness, with the underlining trait of hope. SCP-XXXX-1-E has been noted to be very religious and has expressed interest in doing charity work. SCP-XXXX-1-E has a depressed demeanor, however, despite this, it has been observed to be one of the more mature instances of SCP-XXXX-1.

SCP-XXXX-1-F "Marquis" is based on the trait of sadism, while the underlining trait, unexpectedly, is selfless love. SCP-XXXX-1-F will often indulge in petty pranking and insulting of staff and Foundation personnel it has not developed a bond with, however, it has shown an extreme aversion to harming other instances of SCP-XXXX-1, as well as staff it has bonded with. To date, SCP-XXXX-1-F has breached containment a total of 6 times, resulting in the deaths of 17 D-Class personnel. SCP-XXXX-1-F claims it has done so due to a belief those individuals pose a threat to other instances of SCP-XXXX-1 and staff in charge of its care. Has a noted fondness of the British rock band Queen, and has refused to harm others while listening songs composed by the band. Therefore, when running code in SCP-XXXX-2-F, it is recommended that Queen be audible for SCP-XXXX-1-F, to prevent the incident.

SCP-XXXX-1-G "Max" is based on the trait of empathy, with the underlining trait of confidence. SCP-XXXX-1-G has shown to be very receptive towards suffering in others, much like SCP-XXXX-1-E, and has often approached these individuals, to provide aid.

Addendum-1: The Foundation's attention was first brought to SCP-XXXX while Researcher ████ was using the Foundation network, and noticed an unauthorized upload from an unknown source. Before it could be brought to the attention of other staff, SCP-XXXX-1-A opened the upload, establishing contact with personnel. Identifying itself as "Thoth", SCP-XXXX-1-A immediately requested to be interviewed concerning exactly what it was and why it had contacted the Foundation. Its request was granted once it was properly contained and given an official designation.

Interviewed: SCP-XXXX-1-A

Interviewer: Researcher Potts

Foreword: Interview conducted through use of an IT interface.

<Begin Log>

Researcher Potts: Hello, SCP-XXXX-1-A. You requested to be interviewed. Not every day that an SCP just shows up here.

SCP-XXXX-1-A: I am aware.

[Repeat as necessary]

<End Log, [optional time info]>

Closing Statement: [Small summary and passage on what transpired afterward]

Interviewed: SCP-XXXX-1-F

Interviewer: Doctor Goldwin

Foreword: Interview was conducted following SCP-XXXX-1-F's initial containment.

<Begin Log>

Interviewer: SCP-XXXX-1-F, pleasure to meet you. How do you like it here? I'm Doctor Goldwin, and I will be-

SCP-XXXX-1-A: You've never seen nothing like it, have you?

Doctor Goldwin: Actually, I have. Are you aware of the fact you have brothers and sisters?

SCP-XXXX-1-F: Yeah, and I can feel them nearby. Can't wait to meet them. But, back on topic. You've never seen anything like it, have you?

Doctor Goldwin: [confused] What do mean? Seen what?


SCP-XXXX-1-F proceeds to recite several excerpts from 120 Days Of Sodom.

<End Log>

Closing Statement: Due to SCP-XXXX-1-F obvious refusal to cooperate with Doctor Goldwin, the interview was immediately terminated.