
Item #: SCP-XXXX
Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be kept in a 6m x 6m x 6m soundproof chamber, inside of a 10m x 10m x 8m chamber, with 2m thick, reinforced concrete walls, furnished with only the necessities required for comfortable living, as well as books and a television with cassette tapes and DVD’s. The television cannot be connected to any cable or satellite networks. No material that may induce nightmares or material that may scare the subject is to be provided to the specimen. Only material authorised by Level 3 personnel or higher may be given to the specimen. All personnel are permitted to enter the specimen’s containment chamber between the hours of 9am to 7pm. Staff are permitted to pass through the larger chamber between the hours of 7am to 8pm, and at all other hours must pass through the outer corridors.

Description: SCP-XXXX appears to be a young male, of Caucasian skin, approximately 20 years of age. The specimen was first located in [DATA EXPUNGED] after local police reported the deaths of 3 civilians, including a 5 year old child. Foundation security attempted to capture the specimen, but the subject fled after [DATA EXPUNGED]. The specimen was encountered again in [REDACTED] but escaped once more. The specimen was encountered again in [REDACTED], and was successfully captured after much negotiation. It is held willingly.

The specimen is able to deactivate certain parts of the brain, and claims to have no control over the ability. No evidence to suggest otherwise has been observed. Tests have proven that the release of energy that deactivates the brain functions is a strong release of electric currents. It is currently unknown how SCP-XXXX avoids injuring itself in the process. The specimen’s ability acts as a defence mechanism, and triggers in response to fear and occasionally extreme anger. The range and severity of the blast differ, but averages are:

• 0m to 3m from centre- Death
• 3m to 7m from centre- Severe brain damage and permanent loss of certain, non-essential functions
• 7m to 10m from centre- Temporary loss of non-essential brain functions and possible memory loss
• 10m to 15m from centre- Severe headaches
• 15m to 17m from centre- Mild headaches or unaffected
• 17m and further- Unaffected

The size or species of the subject within the blast range, doesn’t affect the outcome. A cat 3m from the centre will die and a cat 4m from the centre will be brain damaged. It is unknown if this occurs.

Tests have been conducted to determine if different scenarios that cause fear will lead to the specimen releasing the electric currents differently.

Test 1.1

Specimen is removed from containment chamber for tri-monthly medical examination. Researchers install cameras and electrical sensors in the chamber. Caged budgerigars are moved into outer chamber, situated 0m, 1m and 2m from the chamber wall, labelled A, B and C. Three more budgerigars are placed in the in the outer corridor, labelled D, E and F.

Specimen is returned to containment chamber. The specimen is provided with food, and informed of the horror film that it has been provided with.

SCP-XXXX begins watching the provided horror film. Sensors indicate an average amount of electric currents in the air.

Sensors indicate a gradual increase in the level of electric currents in the air. Levels appear to rise with the agitation of the specimen.

First “jump scare” in the film. Sensors indicate a large jump in the levels of electric currents. Budgerigars A and B stop moving. Budgerigar C appears to be paralysed.

Second “jump scare” in the film. Sensors indicate a smaller jump in electric current levels. Budgerigar A remains motionless. Budgerigar B twitches. Budgerigar C remains unaffected.

Film ends. Researchers remove budgerigars from outer chamber and corridor. Film is removed from SCP-XXXX.

The budgerigars were the examined. Budgerigar A was dead. Budgerigar B was in a severely brain damaged. Budgerigar C was paralysed. Budgerigars B and C were euthanized. Budgerigars D, E and F were released.

Test 2

The specimen was falsely told that it was being moved to a new facility, and was to leave with foundation security immediately. The specimen left the containment area without incident.

The specimen was left in the custody of two D-Class personnel. Researches and security guards retreated to secure observation chambers.

D-Class personnel began escorting SCP-XXXX to the testing area. Night vision cameras and electrical sensors were activated.

Specimen reached testing area. Researches deactivated all non-essential electronic devices, excluding cameras and electrical sensors. Specimen appeared shocked when the lights switched off. Sensors detected small burst of electric activity. One of the D-Class personnel swore and clutched his head. The other appeared unaffected. The specimen apologised to the affected.

Sensors indicate a gradual increase in electric activity. Both D-Class personnel complaining of mild headaches

Electrical activity increasing steadily. D-Class personnel standing further away from SCP-XXXX, possibly to alleviate the pain.

Lights and other electrical devices are reactivated. Specimen appears shocked again. Both D-Class personnel appear in severe pain. Researchers leave watch room.

Specimen is escorted back to containment chamber. Specimen appears angry about being lied to, and unwillingly being used in an experiment. All personnel report headaches.

**Incident 0001- The [Redacted] Experiment

Test 1.2**
This test was conducted in the same conditions as the previous experiment (Test 1.1).

SCP-XXXX is fed and informed about the films, all different [REDACTED] it has been provided with. All films contain a scene from a horror film. The subject is not told about the scares.

Specimen begins watching the film. Sensors indicate the electric currents in the air to be no higher than normal.

Sensors show no rise in electrical activity.

The horror scene appears. The specimen screams. Sensors stop working. All budgerigars stop moving. Researches appear affected.

Films are removed from SCP-XXXX. All budgerigars are deceased. As many as 200 personnel were affected by spike in electric activity.