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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX should be kept in a blindingly bright room with mirrored walls. No subject or scientist should be allowed entry to the cell the SCP is contained in. Cell should be made of 1-meter thick concrete and surrounded by two cages with thick, gapless bars.Entry should only be through a 1-meter thick blast door, which is to remain locked unless a light goes out. In the case of an extinguished light, SCP-XXXX should be heavily tranquilized via a gas which is to be released until all personnel have left the cell, and the door has been secured firmly again. Any personnel entering should be wearing protective padding and eyewear, and should not look at SCP-XXXX, or else they may succumb to insanity. Upon leaving, personnel should have a 48-hour long quarantine.

In the event of a breakout, all areas should be brightly lit.

Description: SCP-XXXX appears as a shadowy figure in the shape of an unidentified canine, which balances on its back legs, hunched forwards. It is completely transparent with the exception of the head, which appears to be a canine skull with horns similar to a Nubian Ibex. Bloodred eyes are occassionally visible through the eye sockets. The figure appears to have a tail of approximately 1.5 meters in length, and the back legs seem to be clawed, although exactly determining that has proven to be difficult. The front legs also have long, curved claws, which are able to damage material.

SCP-XXXX has eaten only human meat, but it is unknown where the ingested food has gone, despite examination via camera from the back. All food disappears once getting into the throat area.

SCP-XXXX demonstrates eerily humanoid intelligence. It communicates mainly via grunts and growls but has occasionally demonstrated the uncanny ability to speak in perfect English.

It so far has not been able to be terminated(See Addendum-2), but can be slowed and weakened when directly exposed to light.

Any personnel that looks straight at SCP-XXXX will soon start to exhibit insanity and severe paranoia, and later will gush a black liquid, now discovered to be blood, from any orifice.

Addendum-1: Dr. ███████ came in direct contact with SCP-XXXX. Soon collapsed in a near-catatonic state. Began bleeding profusely exactly 60 minutes later, at 1300 hours in militia time.

Addendum-2: During testing, Dr. ████████ discovered that direct sunlight has successfully injured SCP-XXXX. Termination may be possible but will be postponed temporarily.