foundlamb's first SCP

Item #: SCP-xxxx

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-xxxx is to be kept in a standard non-human avian(this word is temporary, until I can find a better word for is able to fly) containment unit with the edition of a mature blackberry bushes, and an artificial stream. Once every two month’s a D-class personnel is to be placed into the enclosure to allow the instances of SCP-XXXX breed.
Any instances found roosting in areas outside of foundation control are to be monitored by mobile task for gamma-53 (code name: pest control). Gamma-53 is authorised to elimate any instances it deems are a threat to local civilian populations.

Description: SCP-xxxx is a species of non-sapient parasitoid hominids that undergo a process of metamorphosis similar to insects. In both forms the organism resembles a 10 to 12 year old human female with sections similar to arthropods, they have an exoskeletal structure composed of scale like plates that refract light and give the impression of ‘shimmering’, this is more pronounced on the wings of the adult form.

SCP-XXXX begins its life as a naiad with a tail similar to that of the infraorder Astacidea, it will moult six (6) times with the final moulting being change the from naiad to mature specimen, in this stage it will lose its tail and grow wings similar to those of the family Lepidoptera.

Wild instances of SCP-XXXX nest in blackberry bushes growing near or out of rivers, and will nest in groups of up to 100, with up to 10 instances to a bush, at least one bush will always be partially submerged to allow easier access to the nymphs.

The major threat posed by SCP-XXXX originates from its parasitoid reproduction process. When an adult specimen human (referred to as the subject from here forward) the instance of SCP-xxxx will enact an aerial mating dance, designed to call other instances to it, the exact nature of the dance varies between subjects. When 50 instances or 70% of the local population of SCP-XXXX are present they will land on the subject and inject their reproductive fluid1. The subject is then released.

After a four day incubation period the subject will be drawn to the point of impregnation, and then subsequently onto the . If unable to do that any subject will become extremely agitated and violent2, if the subject is successful in returning to the site the naiads will burrow out, this can be highly traumatic, and is almost universally fatal as the naiads can successfully incubate anywhere in the body, favouring lungs and neural tissue. The process is however never painful as in the early stages of its naiad form SCP-XXXX produces a similar set of psychoactive chemicals as is contained in the reproductive fluid.