Frederick Alexander

This SCP is my take on "the drip" described in the album "Relentless Mutation" by Archspire.

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Keter


Special Containment Procedures: A sample of SCP-XXXX no greater than 2.0 mL is to be contained in a damage-resistant, opaque, vacuum-sealed plastic vial, which is to be sealed in an Anomalous Biohazard Containment Unit rated for class V hazardous substances at Site ███. The unit containing SCP-XXXX is to be monitored remotely by no fewer than one (1) and no more than two (2) D-Class personnel, who are, in turn, to be monitored remotely by security personnel for behaviors consistent with instances of SCP-XXXX-1. In the event that the D-Class personnel begin exhibiting behavior consistent with instances of SCP-XXXX-1, incendiary countermeasures are to be activated immediately to eliminate the affected D-Class personnel.

Any uncontained samples of SCP-XXXX are to be immediately remotely incinerated at temperatures above 1000 degrees Celsius. Any instances of SCP-XXXX-1, SCP-XXXX-2, SCP-XXXX-3 or SCP-XXXX-4 are to be immediately eliminated by any means necessary. Corpses of any such instances are to be immediately remotely incinerated at temperatures above 1000 degrees Celsius.

If any individual at Site ███ are suspected of having had contact with SCP-XXXX, they and any individuals who had contact with them are to be quarantined in an Anomalous Quarantine Zone rated for class V hazardous substances for up to twenty-four (24) hours. If subjects have not begun exhibiting behavior consistent with instances of SCP-XXXX-1 after that time, they may be released to return to duty. If such behavior begins to manifest, incendiary countermeasures are to be employed to eliminate affected individuals.

In the event of a major containment breach, Site ███ is to be quarantined in its entirety and the on-site task force consisting of combat-trained former members of MTF Eta-10 (See No Evil) is to be deployed to reestablish containment. Should containment be deemed impossible to reestablish, nuclear countermeasures are to be deployed to ensure the destruction of SCP-XXXX.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a black liquid of unknown composition. Physical descriptions of the liquid are inconsistent beyond this due to the anomalous properties of the substance. Chemical analysis of the substance has indicated the presence of some type of nucleic acid within it, as well as an extremely high concentration of [REDACTED]. SCP-XXXX has demonstrated autonomous movement and behavior, and when in the presence of a living human subject, will attempt to reach the individual.

SCP-XXXX produces extreme physiological mutations in individuals who establish direct visual contact with it. Subjects report experiencing visual hallucinations while viewing SCP-XXXX that are described as "horrific". Most subjects are unable to voluntarily describe the visual hallucinations due to their traumatic nature. Subjects can be forced to describe the hallucinations with chemically-assisted interrogation, however. Hallucinations typically consist of several dozen instances of SCP-XXXX-3 flocking around a nest made of the discarded remnants of [DATA EXPUNGED]. Dead instances of SCP-XXXX-4 are seen in the nest, apparently in an advanced state of decay, with small instances of SCP-XXXX-3 [DATA EXPUNGED] with the corpses.

Any visual contact with SCP-XXXX invariably triggers these hallucinations, regardless of clarity or duration of visual contact. Remote visual contact, through CCTV or some form of recording, reduce the potency of the visual hallucinations and, if visual contact is brief enough, can result in subjects remaining unaffected physiologically despite experiencing the hallucinations.

Any hallucinations caused by direct visual contact and most hallucinations caused by indirect visual contact immediately initiate physiological changes in affected subjects. These physiological changes are designated Stage I Mutation. Individuals experiencing Stage I Mutation are designated SCP-XXXX-1. Instances of SCP-XXXX-1 do not exhibit any visual symptoms, but begin to behave erratically and violently towards unaffected subjects, and become highly resistant to physical damage. If instances of SCP-XXXX-1 are terminated during this time, mutation decelerates without stopping, and subjects proceed to the next stage of mutation once Stage I is complete. If the subject's corpse is incinerated, mutation ceases.

Stage I Mutation begins in the brain; one full hemisphere begins producing SCP-XXXX, which begins engulfing the affected hemisphere. The substance then proceeds to spread down the affected individual's spine, consuming bone marrow and replacing it with SCP-XXXX as it progresses. Eventually, all bone marrow in SCP-XXXX-1 is replaced by SCP-XXXX, at which point mutation progresses to Stage II.

There are three variations of Stage II Mutation. [Describe the other three SCP sub-instances]

Recovery: [A.U.M. Compound]
Addendum XXXX: [M. Night Shyamalan-level twist]