Furukizu Kishi

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be contained within a reinforced glass cube inside a sealed room. Sterility is to be maintained inside of the enclosure at all times. All personnel entering the object's containment space are to be required to wear hazardous materials suits, and are required to stand a minimum of five meters away from the object. Due to anomalous effects only emerging upon contact with the sickle, SCP-XXXX is to be handled via the remotely controlled grappling machine installed adjacent to its containment area.

If an subject is afflicted with SCP-XXXX's anomalous effects, unless the contact is required for testing purposes, the option of euthanization is to be given. If the subject declines euthanization, they are to be placed in a sterilized testing cell and given basic amenities until stage 3, upon which they will be terminated. Subject will have the option of euthanization via lethal injection throughout the decomposition process.

If tests are to be carried out, subjects at stage 3 are to be placed in an isolated room with SCP-XXXX for five minutes alongside or without two other unafflicted D-class personnel. After the five minutes have ended, subjects are to be terminated via a shot to the brain.

Description: SCP-XXXX designates an antique kusarigama1, found in a museum of traditional combat in the province of ███████, Kyoto, Japan. Before containment, it was held in the lobby for an event allowing for open display, before complaints were received on several incidents involving the deaths of tourists who had previously made physical contact with the object. SCP personnel were sent to investigate, and barring the accidental death of one researcher, the object was contained without incident.

SCP-XXXX’s anomalous effects begin to manifest when contact is made with a subject’s bare skin. When contact occurs with the blade, the subject will be inflicted with a severe cut which will quickly become infected if appropriate measures are not taken. This cut has been shown not to heal and will not scab, continuing to bleed until the inflicted expires due to blood loss. Attempts at bandaging or otherwise wrapping the wound have been unsuccessful (the bandages quickly became saturated with blood and did not stop nor slow the rate of blood loss).

When contact occurs with the handle, the subject’s skin will start to suffer necrosis at a rate of 0.06654 – 0.08581 m2 of skin per hour2. All layers of skin are affected by this, including the subcutaneous tissue, however x-ray scans on affected personnel have allowed it to be discerned that that no damage is done to the subject’s internal structure at this stage. Despite this, the subject’s outward appearance will eventually resemble a corpse in an advanced state of decomposition within the day of contact. Any attempts at amputation or other measures have thus far failed, with the necrosis increasing it's rate of spread rapidly upon attempted treatment, continuing to consume the affected.

After all healthy patches of skin have been affected, the necrosis will rapidly spread inwards, rotting the subject’s insides3. However, it has been noted that even upon this phase, the nerves, spinal column and brain stem are not damaged, even when all other types of specialized cells around them have respired. When subjects reach this stage, they continue to exhibit normal signs of cognizance and sapience, and seem develop an obsession with the retrieval of SCP-XXXX. Subjects at this stage also seem to exhibit physical traits equivalent to that of healthy peak humans in their prime.

If contact is made with the sickle, stage 2 subjects become immediately hostile to any sentient organisms around them4, wielding the kusarigama with a high level of proficiency regardless of previous experience. A bullet wound to the brain will not directly kill, however this will cause the subject's body to become rigid, loosening their grip on the sickle. Upon cessation of contact with the weapon, their nervous systems will quickly rot, effectively neutralizing them.