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SCP-XXXX in its normal state

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be contained in a bulletproof glass case in a closed off room requiring keycard access. SCP-XXXX may only be accessed by personnel with level 4 and above security clearance to prevent misapplication.

Description: SCP-XXXX is at the time of writing, a Kevlar police vest. The appearance and functionality of the vest changes however, according to the whim/personal preference of the wearer. SCP-XXXX seems to have almost no boundaries of what it will become. When SCP-XXXX is worn, it will retain its police vest appearance (and assumed functionality) for approximately three (3) minutes, before a shroud of fog emanates from the vest, engulfing the wearer, and restricting view. The fog will remain for one (1) minute and thirty (30) seconds before dissipating quickly, revealing the subject in the selected armor. Testing of SCP-XXXX both on, and off a user, has shown that it is indestructible, and will protect the user from any outside harm, however depending on the shape and/or material of the armor, there may be full or limited protection of the body. SCP-XXXX is removed via the subject placing their hands on their shoulders as if they were taking off a police vest. Fog will immediately emanate from SCP-XXXX and it will be returned to its normal state, allowing it to be removed.

Addendum: Testing has proven that while SCP-XXXX may be invulnerable itself (whenever the SCP is returned to it's normal state, any damage done to the user/the armor is gone), the Subject wearing it will remain vulnerable depending on the level of protection. See Testing Log B for more details.

Testing Procedure: When testing is to be done, one D-class subject is to have an explosive inserted surgically to prevent potential damage to the federation and/or containment breach due to SCP-XXXX's invulnerability. Testing has shown that SCP-XXXX’s ability only protects against any outside harm. Should the test subject become aggressive towards staff during testing, or be unwilling to remove SCP-XXXX, the explosive is to be detonated, terminating the subject. Due to SCP-XXXX’s nature, it will remain unharmed. Any D-class subject selected to handle SCP-XXXX must be in good standing with the federation and go through a full Psychological Evaluation to ensure that SCP-XXXX is not mishandled. Depending on the behavior of the subject towards wearing SCP-XXXX, they may be considered for more testing.

When testing, a D-class subject will enter a 5mx5mx5m room. SCP-XXXX will have already been transferred to this testing location. The subject will be told to put SCP-XXXX on. Afterwards, the subject will either be told to imagine a specific type of armor named by the scientist, or be told to imagine any type of armor of their choosing. Once SCP-XXXX has changed, testing can occur.

Records of testing: