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Item #: SCP-2798

Object Class: Thaumiel

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2798 is to be contained in an provisional-containment cell located at Site-23, the cell components and or the environment is not to be altered. Armed-personnel taking posts at the entrance of SCP-2798's cell are only optional, as it does not possess a body with enough strength and agility in-order to pose as a physical-threat to the Foundation. Nowhere at any time nor' any place under any circumstances should SCP-2798 be released from its cell. This is disincluding fail-safe warhead self-destruction, wherein a specially-selected site-assigned Task Force is to escort SCP-2798 into the nearest Foundation-facility for debrief and relocation for recontainment into a duplicated-cell. Any personnel that have or may have wanted to engage in a conversation with SCP-2798 about any Foundation or universal-information are to engage protocol-Blackout wherein they must report to the nearest medical-quarters for a manually-selected memory-removal of the anomalies existence through the person(s) subconscious.
Personnel whom have executed this protocol are to be reassigned by security-specialist and supervisor. Failure to follow this protocol will result in termination due to breaking OPSEC.

Description: SCP-2798 is a male-humanoid originating from white-descent. Analysis includes the entity is 180.34 cm and weighs 68.9 kilograms. SCP-2798 possesses extreme-awareness and knowledge of the Foundation itself. This is including information about any and all anomalies, O5-Command, The Administrator, the creation of the Foundation, and the in-and-outs of any classified-information that even senior-staff are unable to obtain. Upon recent interviews, it is stated that SCP-2798 may originate from another universe. Wherein all of the Foundation and its characteristics are fictional, and only written by college-grade student writers, upon brief-cyber investigation, it is noted that SCP-2798's online-username is 'DrBright'. Upon a conversation with Dr Bright, claims are made that no such website nor' user exists. Upon attempted-termination due to the protection of the Foundations' cyber-information, it is claimed by SCP-2798 that anomalies related to the Foundation will no longer exist if it is terminated, due to a paradox.

SCP-2798 does not possess any supernatural-ability that would differ him from the average-human. He was contained because the mental-information he possesses.

It is unknown how SCP-2798 warped space time in order to get to this universe. However further claims are to be considered false, any personnel briefed on SCP-2798 are to be told that the anomaly is a conscious-intelligent organism, this is done to avoid suspicion from personnel. Interviewers are to be cautious when asking questions, any irrelevant questions will lead to Foundation-arrest.

Important Note: O5-Command has banned the termination of
SCP-2798 due to the protection of the Foundation and its co-existence with the universe and space time.

Addendum: At approximately ██:██ █ protocol-'Blackout' was engaged when Dr ███ directed SCP-2798 for a conversation regarding information about SCP-███ and the location of Area █. Dr ████ escaped Site-23 and was captured at the Tigris & Euphrates taking digital-photos with an electronic-device atleast █ Km away from a designated tourist-area, the device was confiscated on █:██ █. Dr ████ was terminated and the data recovered from the camera was destroyed.

Addendum-Beta: At approximately █:██ ████ Time, personnel located at Area-█ were attacked by an unknown-force, which eye-witnesses have confirmed it was SCP-███-2.

Addendum-Epsilon: After countless questioning it is known that SCP-2798 is a part of a group whom supposedly formed the Foundation in an alternative universe, upon further questioning, it is said that SCP-2798 got here through [ DATA EXPUNGED ].

Recipient: noitadnuof.tenipcs|c5o#noitadnuof.tenipcs|c5o
E-mail: Hey there, just wanted to make this clear, uh, all requests for interviews are to be denied briefly as we're going through a rebuilt-in maintenance phase in order to get morale back up for the termination of Dr. Johnson and his involvement with 001. Just make sure Site-23 doesn't go rogue because their Assistant-Head decided to break protocol, thanks. Also now that we're supposedly fake, I may resign as Administrator.
The Administrator

O5-13: Affirmative, I'll inform the rest of the council about the current situation.