

A place to securely contain my SCP ideas.

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SCP-XXXX 1 (male) with ruler and coin for size comparison.


Object class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX specimens are to be kept in a sealed room inside five (5) standard, 25 gallon glass aquariums. Fitted lids will have a single, hinged access point for feeding, cleaning and removal of specimens, as well as a water mist system to maintain a humid environment. Aquariums should be furnished with peat soil, two live plants, and an overturned piece of bark. When in transport, SCP-XXXX can be placed in a small (39 x 25 x 24.5 cm), sealed terrarium designated for this purpose.

To prevent reproduction, SCP-XXXX specimens cannot be placed together in the same container.

Each SCP-XXXX specimen is to be fed one (1) live, small mammal (rat, mouse, or guinea pig) on a biweekly basis. Aquariums must be cleaned of dead material each month.

All personnel involved in maintenance or handling of SCP-XXXX are required to wear Class C hazmat suits (vinyl thickness no less than 150mm) while aquarium lids are open. Due to the risk of contamination, suits should be inspected for breach before and after handling. SCP-XXXX should only be allowed to touch human skin under experimental scenarios. Any experiment involving SCP-XXXX must first be cleared with Level 2 staff.

Personnel experiencing numbness or marked increase in paranoia, fear, or anger after handling SCP-XXXX should report immediately for medical testing and observation.

Physical Description: SCP-XXXX is a collection containing five adult specimens (SCP-XXXX 1-5, three females and two males) of the novel species Triatoma timor.1 They are 10cm long, flat bodied insects with elongated, cone-shaped heads bearing antennae and prominent proboscis. Their wide abdomens have a distinct gold/green banding pattern and paired wings. The insects appear to be related to other, more common Reduviidae, colloquially called “kissing bugs”, found throughout the world, though their method of feeding and large size are not consistent with the rest of the Family.

Behavior: SCP-XXXX, attracted to the bright lights of human dwellings, will wedge its flat body under doorjams or through cracks in walls and windows to access the interior of buildings. The insect will then hide itself beneath furniture or within crevices in the floor or walls. When night falls, SCP-XXXX will emerge from hiding and locate a sleeping prey item via body heat and CO2 emissions.

The insect settles on exposed skin (showing preference for the face) and bites using piercing mouthparts. The bite injects a thread-like feeding organ and a measure of saliva.2 Proprieties of SCP-XXXX saliva enhance natural sleep paralysis and induce a high level of abnormal brain activity. While asleep, this activity produces an intense and neurologically active dream state, upon which SCP-XXXX proceeds to feed.3 Test subjects describe negative dream experiences (nightmares) during an SCP-XXXX feeding, though memories of dream details remain unclear.

After one night of full feeding, subjects awaken and report feelings of exhaustion, anxiety and paranoia which linger throughout the day and increase as night approaches. If all exposure to SCP-XXXX is immediately halted, subjects return to baseline sleep patterns and psychological norms within three (3) days.

Repeated, nighty exposure to SCP-XXXX intensifies negative emotional response during the dream state, as indicated by increasingly erratic heart rate, distressed vocalizations, muscle tension, and heightened electrical activity in the amygdala and hypothalamus. These symptoms are accompanied by emotional aggravation during the day. Subjects grow increasingly paranoid, and many start experiencing hallucinations that cause them to lash out and harm others or themselves. Eventually (between 2-3 weeks), subjects become completely terrified of falling asleep, and will take any measures to prevent themselves from doing so. If, after four (4) weeks of exposure, the subject has not perished from cardiac arrest, malnutrition, or self-inflicted injury, he/she will enter a catatonic state where no higher brain activity can be recorded.