
Item #: SCP-X

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: The coastline of Antarctica is to be continually patrolled by Foundation personnel under the guise of surveying for unknown Antarctic wildlife. A region within 50 km of the ruin of Area-1937 is to be monitored by satellite. Each week, a random selection of Antarctic wildlife is to be dosed with Cmpd C-Γ-Κ. Any lifeforms positively identified as instances of SCP-X-1 are to be incinerated and the population from which the lifeform was selected is to be fully surveyed for further potential instances of SCP-X-1. All humans moving out of Antarctica are to be screened in a similar way using Cmpd C-Γ-Κ. Sightings of dead animals or animal body parts located above the snow or in locations where there were previously no observed dead animal tissue are to be treated as instances of SCP-X-1 and incinerated on sight.

In case of symptoms of SCP-X infection being reported in any living organism outside of Antarctica, quarantine of a region within 50 kilometers of the place where the symptoms were reported is to be established. Incineration and disinfection of all potentially infected tissue or contaminated terrain within the quarantine zone is to be carried out within 6 hours.

Description: SCP-X is a pathogenic microorganism which has been tentatively classified as a bacteria. The organism exhibits a spherical morphology and possesses several flagella at multiple locations around the cell. The cells are small, ranging from 300 to 450 nm in diameter (400 to 600 nm including flagella). The organism has displayed both parasitic and saprotrophic traits, being able to attain nutrition from both living and dead animal tissue. The organism has been observed to infect a large set of animals, successfully infecting 56% of tested species in the superclass Tetrapoda, within which it successfully infected 100% of tested species in the class Mammalia. No species outside superclass Tetrapoda have been successfully infected.

Examination of the cellular structure of SCP-X reveals an irregularity in the cell interior. At the center of the cell body is a spherical spatial distortion which prevents observation or interaction with areas inside the distortion. Ribosomes have been observed in the cytoplasm of the cell, but no RNA has been observed. This has lead to the assumption that either protein assembly happens inside the spatial distortion or the RNA is difficult to detect and unstable enough that it decays immediately after interaction with the ribosomes. Cellular reproduction is preceeded by the spatial distortion duplicating itself inside the cell, acting in a manner similar to the core of a eucariotic cell, leading to the assumption that any DNA is stored inside it. This spatial distortion is also believed to tie into SCP-X's primary form of movement: translocation. Individual cells of the organism have displayed the ability to teleport between 0.69 and 8.15 km, at a average rate of one teleportation every 28.9 hours. Cultures of the organism tend to teleport en masse, with each cell in the culture teleporting simultaneously to the same location.

Subjects infected by SCP-X have been given the designation SCP-X-1. There are three main stages of infection by SCP-X, each characterized by a set of symptoms exhibited by instances of SCP-X-1 during that stage. Stage 1 begins within 13 hours of initial infection and is characterized by confusion, micropsia, and macropsia. Stage 2 begins within 27 hours of Stage 1 and is characterized by tacticle and visual hallucinations relating to the shapes and sizes of objects. Stage 3 begins within 42 hours of Stage 2 and is characterized by unpredicatable teleportation. Instances of SCP-X-1 exhibiting the teleportation symptom are translocated distances ranging from 0.69 to 8.15 km. Instances of SCP-X-1 are teleported in random directions and are teleported to a stable surface at whatever location they appear in. Teleportation events can occur within seconds of one another, but the average rate of teleportation events has been observed at one event every 28.9 hours. The teleportation symptom can manifest in deceased instances of SCP-X-1.

All known cultures of SCP-X were recovered from [[SCP-2423]] on ██/██/20██. Initial transfer of the organisms placed them in a temporary BSL-4 compliant lab in ████████, ██. After the exact nature of the organism was uncovered and risk of containment breach was evaluated, a permanent containment area, Area-1937, was prepared in Antarctica and all cultures were transported there. [DATA REDACTED] was utilized in the sterilization of any contaminated areas from the temporary lab. Special permissions to conduct experiments aiming to more fully define the nature of SCP-X were granted to personnel staffing Area-1937. As an unintended result of these experiments, the liklihood of SCP-X breaking containment rapidly increased. In an attempt to avoid containment breach, the on-site nuclear warhead was detonated on ██/██/20██ by order of Dr. ████████, senior researcher at Area-1937.

Cmpd C-Γ-Κ is a chemical developed by researchers stationed at Area-1937 which can be used to identify instances of SCP-X-1. When ingested by an instance of SCP-X-1, Cmpd C-Γ-Κ triggers an often fatal seizure. Individuals not infected by SCP-X are not affected by Cmpd C-Γ-Κ, and pass it through their system without issue.

Addendum: Attached are audio logs from Area-1937. These audio logs were recorded as summaries of conditions at Area-1937 as well as updates on progress of experimentation on SCP-X. Recordings were made once every █ weeks, except for log E, which came █ days early.