Hazard Control
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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be kept in a 20x20x20 room with a glass divider and a hole four inches in diameter in the middle of the divider to allow the umbilical cord holding SCP-XXXX and SCP-XXXX-B together. Both rooms are to be stocked with a bed, a television with streaming capabilities, and other objects for entertainment purposes.

Meals are to be issued three times a day in occurrence with the normal breakfast, lunch, and dinner times. SCP-XXXX-B is to be given portions that would be handed to an average child of the age of eight.

SCP-XXXX is to be monitored by two guards at all time. No member of personnel is allowed to let SCP-XXXX-B make personal contact with SCP-XXXX at any time for any reason unless sanctioned by Dr. Ruby.. Personnel is also not allowed to accept any sort of cooked meal from SCP-XXXX.

Description: SCP-XXXX and SCP-XXXX-B were found at ██████████ Elementary school in █████████ Country, ████████ after the disappearance of ██ children. The small size of the school allowed SCP-XXXX to continue on for roughly ██ years.

SCP-XXXX expresses an obsession with feeding anyone who asks for a meal. It will go to any lengths to make the best home cooked meal with the ingredients it has at its disposal. Typically the meat of the dish is made up of parts of SCP-XXXX-B. The umbilical cord attachment heals any wounds received1 and acts as a natural pain killer during the process of removing limbs, organs, or flesh from SCP-XXXX-B.

The umbilical cord also can maintain and act as SCP-XXXX-B vital functions. The only organ that the cord cannot replicate and function as is the brain. If removed from the cord even after initial attachment for less then a minute with no previous injuries it will result in the immediate death of SCP-XXXX-B.

When SCP-XXXX is not attached to a form of SCP-XXXX-B the umbilical cord will search out a new subject to turn into SCP-XXXX. The preferred age range is between the age of 6-12. However the highest age that SCP-XXXX is willing to use is 16. Anything beyond that SCP-XXXX's cord will ignore and continue to look for another target in the suitable range.

If separated from a suitable target long enough SCP-XXXX will go into a hibernation mode. Sleeping for 23 hours of the day and waking up long enough to eat, drink water, and occasionally clean herself in the shower. After a month the

Interviewed: SCP-XXXX

Interviewer: Dr. Ruby

Dr. Ruby: So SCP-XXXX would you state your name?

SCP-XXXX: Oh, am I being interviewed? It reminds me of the little ones back at ██████████ who would come up to interview me for the school paper. Nothing ever made me smile more. Oh my dearie I've blathered on long enough. The name is Fran.

Dr. Ruby: Fran, can you tell me why you use SCP-XXXX-B in your cooking? Why not use other ingredients like beef, pork, or chicken?

SCP-XXXX: Because when you're cooking on a budget you've got to do whatever it takes feed the little ones. They've got to grow up big and strong. The best way to that has always been a good hearty meal.

Dr. Ruby: So you would rather use human flesh than actual other meat recommended for human consumption?

SCP-XXXX: I never said that. I said when you're working on a budget you have to do whatever you can to feed the little ones.

Dr. Ruby: How big was the budget typically? At least what were you working with on a day to day basis?


Dr. Ruby: Well, that is…moving on.

SCP-XXXX: Are you hungry dearie?

Dr. Ruby: No thank you. I ate already.

SCP-XXXX: Look how skinny you are! You need a little meat on those bones. Bring me the girl and let's cook up a wonderful stew.

Dr. Ruby: As I said I am not hungry. Now, can you tell me why you chose children over adults? Adults are larger and are capable of producing more meat are they not?

SCP-XXXX: I have my reasons.

//SCP-XXXX is silent for the rest of the interview. Dr. Ruby asked a few more follow up questions but eventually terminated the interview after a few more minutes. //