hpdarkman40 - Room 907 (Title may change)
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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: A GPS device, voice/video recorder, and tamper-detection device should be maintianed in the room at all times. The foundation-maid entrance to the room must be protected at all times, and on site personnel disquised as university members are to notify any interest concerning SCP-XXXX as soon as possible.

Description: Room 907 is a 15 x 15 square foot room currently located 135 feet underground below a small university campus.
The room appears to be completely surrounded with an unknown metal substance simalar to steel. The inside appears exactly as an average university classroom as found throught the rest of the campus, with the exception of a large amount of high end computers.

The anomulous properties of the room begin to appear every sixth hour of the day, when a large ringing sound resonates from the room and into the surrounding area. This sound is accompanied by a flash of blue light from the room. During this flash of light the entire room is teleported to an unknown location. Tracking devices placed inside during this time are unable to report a location during the time of the flash.
High speed footage of the room during the flash seems to indicated an alternate timeflow during the flash, however we are unable to verify this due to techical limitations of the equiptment. Other attempts at verification are currently underway.

Addendum: Analysis of the computer's harddrives has been unsuccesful, as the drives appear to be expertly cleaned and have heavy anti-forensics techniques applied. The partial decryption of drive 7 was made possible by an apparent mistake by the previous owner(s). Reports were found that appear to indicate a major study of [redacted (quantum mechanics, density states, closed timelike curvers) ]


A picture of the real bell tower, of the real campus on which this article is based on will be included.
More information reguarding the SCP will be added.
I'll attempt a crosslink with another SCP as soon as I find the SCP Number. No idea where it when to, lots to search from. ANY comments are welcome.