Duties and Expectations
The first duty of a Images Subteam member is to be familiar with our CC-BY-SA 3.0 License. Junior Staff will initially only be expected to understand the basic precepts of it so as to be able to handle assignments given to them by the Team Captain or other ranking staff. Operational Staff and above, as well as Junior Staff who are being promoted to Operational Staff, should have a thorough and complete understanding of the license and its interaction with other license/license-equivalents such as CC-BY-NC and Public Domain, as well as possess at least a working knowledge of United States Fair Use Law. In addition, all Junior Staff and above should be able to answer basic licensing questions posed by users, Operational Staff and above should be able to apply our license to unusual and/or edge cases.
Team members should be in both 17 and 34, and if possible, 19, when they are on chat, and ready to answer posed licensing questions in any of those channels when they are active. In addition, all team members should be ready and able to answer same on the wiki or through wikidot or chat PMs.
Finally, team members should be knowledgeable as to how to handle an images violation when one is assigned to them, including logging it on 05, and are responsible for making the broader team aware of ones that are brought to their attention or that they discover independently. Junior Staff will receive instructions, Operational Staff and above are expected to be able to operate with a degree of autonomy.
Being recommended for promotion from Junior Staff to Operational Staff shall be determined by a discussion between the Team Captain and Licensing Team Operational Staff about the quality and quantity of your activity on the team, as well as other factors. The final say on recommendations belongs to the Team Captain.
New Images Enforcement
Images posted to articles after February 24th, 2017 must be brought into immediate compliance with the site's images policy. The following guide will take you through the process for ensuring all new images are in compliance with the site's license.
I have created a workbench page here that should list all articles on the site containing an image: http://www.scp-wiki.net/cimmerian-s-workbench
The above page will be updated as needed over time. It is not entirely comprehensive and if you come across an article containing an image that was both posted after February 24th, 2017 and contains either no source or an invalid source, you should enforce as appropriate.
The listed articles prior to February 24th, 2017 are not enforced under this guide's procedures. Do not enforce them utilizing this guide.
One you click through to an article you must first determine if it is validly sourced.
Section 1: Checking listed sources for validity.
A validly sourced image meets three criteria:
- The image must have a source posted on the discussion page of the article using the image.
- That image source must list the image as being under a Creative Commons License or having been released by the image's creator for use on the wiki or that the image has entered the public domain.
- The image's creative commons license does not contain a No Derivatives clause.
As of this posting 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0 variations of the creative commons license are compliant with the site's license.
Additionally there are 4 possible elements in any creative commons license.
- ShareAlike (SA)
- Attribution (BY)
- NonCommercial (NC)
- NoDerivatives (ND) Reminder: This is the only element that is strictly incompatible with our site license and content.
Assuming the image source meets the above criteria you may change the page's tag from _image to _cc. This is true even if the image is not under a creative commons license. The _cc tag denotes compliance with the site license only. Removal of the _image tag will also remove it from the workbench page linked above.
Note: Oftentimes users will link directly to the image and not the licensing information page. In those cases, assuming there is a parent page with licensing information, you'll need to find it for them. Utilizing the image's filename in google is generally sufficient to get you the parent page. If for some reason you cannot do this, treat the image as unsourced, but explain to the user why and how to remedy the issue.
Section 2: Unsourced or invalidly sourced images.
Any image used in an article that provides no source or a non-compliant source must be processed according to our previously agreed upon methods. This includes the following steps:
- Post on the discussion page of the article in question. We have some boilerplate for this:
Images used in posted articles must comply with the site's [http://www.scp-wiki.net/image-use-policy image policy]. A source must be provided on the discussion page and the source must be compatible with the [http://www.scp-wiki.net/licensing-guide site's license]. The author will be notified after this posting via Wikidot PM and will have 48 hours to properly source the image before it is edited out of the page.
- You must send a wikidot PM to the author of the article linking them to the discussion page post you've created at the same time you post the timer. You can repeat the above information if you'd like.
- Before posting or sending a PM, be mindful of the context of the individual situation. If the user has posted an invalid source, say so. If they've provided a source but you can't get any license information out of it, say so. If there is anything out of the ordinary about the situation beyond not posting a source at all, say so. If they reply and ask for help, help them as much as you can. Our ultimate goal here is not the removal of the image but rather proper sourcing.
- If the images are not sourced within 48 hours, you are to edit the image block code out of the page. Do not delete the image file itself. Then post a reply to your above post indicating that the image has been removed and outlining the requirements for having the image re-added to the page. Be clear, concise, and firm in your explanation.
- You must send a new wikidot PM to the author to inform them of the edits made to their page and the necessary steps they must take before adding the image back to the page.
If the user adds the image back to the page without properly sourcing it and it's not a misunderstanding on their part, you should contact a member of the disciplinary team for assistance.
Old Violations
Responsibilities and duties for these shall be assigned personally.
Image Subeam Goals
- Ensuring full CC-BY-SA 3.0 compliance for image content on the wiki
- Enforcement of the terms of our agreements regarding SCP-173, SCP-111, and SCP-1926
- Assisting the userbase and staff with image questions and concerns
- Ensuring reasonable onsite compliance with the terms of our license