Incident-X-1 occurred 16:17 Zulu Time. Post-incident analysis has confirmed that a technical malfunction was responsible for the Incident. No third-party action was involved in causing this incident.
The following is a report of Incident-X-1.
This Incident Report has been edited for sensitive and disturbing information.
Personnel involved in Incident-X-1:
Senior Researcher ████ ███████ (DECEASED); referred to as “SR”
Junior Researcher █████ ██ (DECEASED); referred to as “JRA”
Junior Researcher ████████ ██ █████ (DECEASED); referred to as “JRB”
Security Officer █████ ███████████ (DECEASED); referred to as “SO1”
Security Officer █████████ ███ (DECEASED); referred to as “SO2”
D-4623 (TERMINATED); referred to as D-4623
D-5158 (TERMINATED); referred to as D-5158
1500: SR, JRA, and JRB enter the operations area of SCP-X and begin running standard pre-test procedures.
1525: As per pre-test procedures, both doors leading to SCP-X are tested.
1526: Interior door fully opens and closes.
1527: Exterior door fully closes, and then reopens halfway.
1528: Exterior door closes, but not all the way. JRA questions whether the test should go forwards with the malfunction. SR dismisses JRA’s concerns and orders JRA to close it manually, which she does so. SR sends request to the IT Department to fix error. Other standard pre-test procedures proceed without incident.
1545: SO1 and SO2 escorts D-4623 and D-5158 to SCP-X’s operations area. JRB states “Ah, fresh meat! Ready for slaughter! [sic]” and laughs. D-4623 insults JRB and begins a shouting match, necessitating forceful restraint by SO1. JRB is reprimanded by SR.
1550: Exterior door opens. D-4623 is placed inside and briefed by JRA.
1552: JRA leaves chamber. Handcuffs removed from D-4623 by SO.
1553: Exterior door closes.
1554: Interior door opens. D-4623 proceeds towards SCP-X, expressing surprise and disgust at SCP-X’s appearance. Interior door closes.
1601: SCP-X’s effects begin to manifest. D-4623 screams several times and begins crawling towards SCP-X. D-4623 picks up a particular bone, immediately expressing relief from intense pain. D-4623 notes that pain is still present, but has decreased notably. D-4623 retrieves several smaller bones and begins to slowly assemble pieces into a helical structure. When asked how D-4623 knew to assemble the structure, D-4623 replies with “it feels right”. D-4623 continues to construct and join structures. D-4623 notes pain increases each time a structure is completed or joined with another, and the only way to lessen pain is to being a new construction. JRA notes that D-4623 has fallen into a trance-like state.
1612: Test declared finished by SR.
1613: Exterior door opens. SO2 escorts D-5158 into chamber and removes handcuffs. JRA briefs D-5158 on retrieval protocol. SO2 and JRA exit chamber.
1614: Exterior door closes.
1615: Interior door opens. D-5158 is immediately affected by SCP-X, contradicting previous tests. SR is visibly surprised and begins to take notes. JRA comments to SO1 and SO2 that they will need some more D-Class or even a drone. JRB is visibly shaken and requests to leave operations area. SR denies request.
D-5158 is ordered to leave chamber. D-5158 complies and attempts to crawl out of chamber, but collapses on threshold of interior door, preventing it from closing.
1617: Cascade error experienced in door controls. Exterior door opens. Symptoms of SCP-X immediately begin to manifest in all personnel in the operations area. Personnel make way into SCP-X’s holding cell despite obvious pain.
It is important to note that at this point that personnel still retained their original consciousnesses. All personnel, JRB in particular, were obviously terrified but still entered SCP-X’s holding cell.
Aberrant behavior and cries of distress detected by security computers, which notifies site security. Breach alarm activated and security teams are mobilized. Following review of video and audio recordings, on-site Containment Specialist is alerted.
1618: All affected personnel begin to assemble structures using bones taken from SCP-X. Although initially emitting cries of distress and pain, all personnel fall into a trance-like state.
1630: Security forces and Containment Specialist ████ ███████████ arrive at entrance to SCP-X’s operations area. IT staff remote-access the holding cell’s video feeds. Containment Specialist ████ orders the hallway to be sealed and all inessential personnel to be evacuated. ████ requests the remote-operated, Foundation-variant TALON from the Site Response Team. IT staff attempt to close interior and exterior doors via computer commands, but door controls remain unresponsive.
Affected personnel complete a skeletal structure, hereafter designated as SCP-X-1. JRA assembles knives constructed from the remaining bones and distributes them amongst the affected personnel. JRB rips off her clothing and presents her exposed torso to JRA, who cuts into JRB’s torso with a knife and [REDACTED]. Removed organs from JRB, SR, SO1, and D-5158 are carefully inserted into the SCP-X-1. JRB expires from massive hemorrhagic shock and loss of vital organs. Arms amputated from D-4632 and SO1 are stitched together with muscle tissue and installed on SCP-X-1. SR begins to strip off flesh from his arm, draping it over portions of SCP-X-1. SO2 [REDACTED], and expires from loss of cerebral functions. D-5158 places sections of SO2’s cerebral tissue into SCP-X-1.
1645: TALON is deployed. Security forces retreat behind blast doors of the corridor. IT personnel utilize emergency access codes to open entrance to SCP-X’s operations area.
1647: TALON enters operations area. Audio sensors on TALON reveal that affected personnel are muttering at too low a level for audio receptors in the cell to pick up.
1648: TALON enters SCP-X’s holding cell. Remaining affected personnel immediately become aware of TALON despite lack of eyeballs and ears. JRA stands up and begins to limp towards TALON, saying [DATA EXPUNGED]. SO1 and D-5158 emulate JRA’s actions. D-4362 and SR continue with construction of SCP-X-1.
1649: Containment Specialist ████ deems affected personnel irretrievable. TALON opens fire with its onboard M249 SAW.
1652: [DATA EXPUNGED]. SCP-X-1 returns to previous inanimate state. JRA, SO1, D-5158, D-4362, and SR confirmed terminated by TALON. Controlling technicians assess total extent of damage to TALON. Primary treads are severely damaged and frontal armor is fractured, but it is still functional.
1653: Auxiliary treads take over. TALON retreats from SCP-X’s cell and is positioned at the doorway to the chamber in the event SCP-X-1 reanimates.
Over the next 24 hours, no anomalous activity manifests. D-Class personnel are sent in to confirm that the “sudden-affectation” of SCP-X’s effects has passed and has returned to its previous five (5) to ten (10) minutes manifestation time. Bodies are removed by D-Class, and TALON is retrieved for repair. Incident-X-01 is declared ended by the Site Director and evacuated personnel are returned to their posts. The operations area and SCP-X’s cell are rebuilt to present specifications in carefully timed intervals. Containment Specialist ████ ███████████ was commended for quick thinking and professional attitude in deeming affected personnel as irretrievable; ████ was referred to site psychologists because of an intimate relationship with JRA.