SCP-XXXX: For the Love of Pete


Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures:

SCP-XXXX is stored in the main office of Dr. B#####. Due to the weight and potential gravitational distortion concerns, SCP-XXXX is to be left exactly in its current location, and all instances of SCP-XXXX-1 (see description) are to be placed on SCP-XXXX immediately upon discovery. While instances of SCP-XXXX-1 may be borrowed without any apparent risk, all personel must log and account for any and all use, and may only have a single instance of SCP-XXXX-1 logged out at any given time. Furthermore, no more than 25 instances of SCP-XXXX-1 may be logged out at any time.

When an instance of SCP-XXXX-1 is found, it must be catelogued, photographed, and a record added to report number ###-####-####-####-#. A photo of the denoted signature found on all instances of SCP-XXXX-1 must be logged in as well (see description). After proper procedures are complete, the located instance of SCP-XXXX-1 must be placed on an open space anywhere on SCP-XXXX for permanent storage.


SCP-XXXX is a classic style of mahogany bookshelf, of the "Classic Worried Wood" styling, measuring approximately 1.5 meters wide, .5 meters deep, and 2 meters tall. It is of durable construction, and has no metal nails or screws anywhere that can be found. Further examination, X-rays, and testing have found it to be completely wooden, and were it a normal booshelf, it would be easily able to hold several hundred pounds. There are several simple varieties of carving and decoration on the front and sides, but nothing that would normally differentiate SCP-XXXX from a standard antique bookshelf.

No measurements have been able to reliably determine the total weight of SCP-XXXX or its contents, as SCP-XXXX appears to have near infinite mass, although moving it is no more difficult than a standard full bookshelf would normally be, and a stout and secure warehouse dolly was used to bring it to its current location. SCP-XXXX can be used for regular storage without risks or changes to the items stored on its shelves.

In addition to SCP-XXXX itself, the shelves are otherwise filled with books, hereafter referred to as SCP-XXXX-1. There are no repeat titles, and these books could normally be obtained at any bookstore. On the front cover of each instance of SCP-XXXX-1, there is a hand-written message, "Thanks for your appreciation, Peter! Enjoy!" followed by a signature of the author of the book. Interviews with what authors can be found show that the actual authors have no recollection of having signed or given a copy of their writings. The shelves of SCP-XXXX seem to fluctuate their "stock" of SCP-XXXX-1 when not observed, and to date there are over 12,000 different titles catelogued by staff.

Instances of SCP-XXXX-1 have no anomalous traits or tendencies beyond their apparent existence, and no mnemetic properties when read. Instances of SCP-XXXX-1 that are damaged or marked retain their markings and torn pages.

On January 24th, XXXX, a package was delivered to foundation staff. The package, designated SCP-XXXX-2, is a box with a collection of new releases, and occasionally replacement releases of overly damaged or lost titles. The shipment is indicated to come from ### ### St, ########, New Jersey. The listed location is not a shipping company of any kind, and field agents have reported that the residents of that house have no connection with SCP-XXXX, SCP-XXXX-1, or SCP-XXXX-2. Another instance of SCP-XXXX-2 was received the following year, and every year since the Foundation's acquisition of SCP-XXXX.

It should be noted that on receipt of SCP-XXXX-2, a shelf would appear to be empty on SCP-XXXX itself, with exactly enough room for all instances of SCP-XXXX-1 to be loaded.

To date, there does not appear to be any danger associated with the containment of SCP-XXXX and the many instances of SCP-XXXX-1. Field agents are still attempting to locate and identify the source of SCP-XXXX-2, but to date, there is no clear origin from the shipping company. The previous owner indicated that the same shipments would appear every year for the entire time of his ownership of SCP-XXXX, which was acquired from a yard sale.


While we have all gained a lot of enjoyment from having an SPC that can double as an on-site library, we have to remember that this "bookshelf" represents a complete violation of space and gravity. While staff is still permitted to enjoy the benefits of this for recreational reading, please continue to treat this SCP with the same care and caution that you would any other contained anomalous item, and follow ALL instructions.

Also, if someone could please return the last book in the Harry Potter series at their earliest convenience, I would appreciate it. I just finished book six.