Jaekoff's SCP

A portion of SCP-XXXX

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: No unauthorized personnel are allowed within 50km of SCP-XXXX. In addition, the immediate location of the machine is to be guarded and patrolled at all times by Class B personnel. Unauthorized personnel found to be within SCP-XXXX are to be detained and questioned. Security cameras have been placed in various locations around the facility, and are monitored daily to record any change in SCP-XXXX's behavior.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a mass of turbines, gears, pullies, and chutes, vaguely resembling early to mid-era Victorian steam-powered engines, albeit far greater in size and complexity than anything known to have had existed during the time of its creation. It is located at ███████, England in a clearing surrounded by a thick forest on all sides. The land upon which SCP-XXXX currently stands was owned by the wealthy ████████ ████ who abruptly vanished from official English records in 1897. SCP-XXXX was presumably abandoned, suffering great structural damage until 19██ when embedded Foundation agents responded to reports of a "mechanical robot" which had been roaming the streets of a nearby town, apparently in search of metal. Class B amnestics were administered to several civilians, and the automaton was tracked to SCP-XXXX, which was given official SCP status shortly after.


A scale replica of SCP-XXXX's head

Upon reactivation, SCP-XXXX was found to be sentient and capable of speech. Generally, SCP-XXXX appears to possess the personality of a kind, elderly man, though on occasion it has been shown to be irritable. SCP-XXXX communicates through a head in the center of the facility, which emulates human vocal cords, lips, and a tongue through mechanical means. It is fully capable of recognizing speech and will answer almost every question asked to it. Answers from SCP-XXXX have been shown to always be correct, though the machine may choose to answer vaguely.

When asked a question, the mechanical components of SCP-XXXX spring into motion until the machine has reached a conclusion, at which point it will reply to the user with the correct answer. The means through which SCP-XXXX reaches its answers are currently unknown, and the machine is unwilling to part with such information. On rare occasions, SCP-XXXX will be unable to answer questions asked to it, usually those relating to other SCPs. Following a session with a user, SCP-XXXX will enter a cooldown period during ranging in time from a period of one hour to three days, depending on the complexity of the question asked. At this point, SCP-XXXX will deploy several maintenance automatons (hereby referred to collectively as SCP-XXXX-01) and enter into a state of dormancy until the cooldown period has ended.


An instance of SCP-XXXX-01

In the event of damage being inflicted to any part of the machine, SCP-XXXX will again deploy SCP-XXXX-01 which will then attempt to repair the damaged components. The automatons will begin to search for suitable materials if nothing of use is presently available. Instances of SCP-XXXX-01 are currently not believed to be sentient, and appear to have only a limited perception of their environment. Upon the retrieval of suitable materials, the automatons will enter a small forge located within the facility and craft whatever components are needed to repair the machine within the span of one day to several months. SCP-XXXX will then revive, typically in an agitated state, and return SCP-XXXX-01 to their respective deployment sites.


Interviewed: SCP-XXXX

Interviewer: Dr. █████

Foreword: Dr. █████ enters SCP-XXXX’s containment site

<Begin Log, █/██/████>

Dr. █████: Good day.

SCP-XXXX: Hello again, doctor. Have you returned to learn the secret of eternal life? Or perhaps to find your true love?

Dr. █████: Actually, I would like to ask you some questions.

SCP-XXXX: Questions? Again?! Will nothing satisfy you and your Foundation besides these incessant questions? Hmmm… very well. I am again at your service, Dr. █████.

Dr. █████: Thank you. Who was your creator and why were you constructed?

SCP-XXXX: Ah, my creator was the late Mr. ████. He constructed me so that humanity might better itself; so that humanity might learn the unfiltered truth behind anything they can imagine. Well, almost anything.

SCP-XXXX proceeds to laugh for approximately 30 seconds before being asked to resume by Dr. █████

Dr. █████: How is it that you function?

SCP-XXXX: Why, are you thinking of building a duplicate of me? How rude of you! One is more than enough I think, thank you!

SCP-XXXX refuses to answer further questions regarding the means through which it operates

SCP-XXXX: Is there anything else that you wish to learn doctor? My offer still stands.

Dr. █████: No, again thank you. Are you aware of any other SCPs? If so, then do you know how best to effectible contain them?

SCP-XXXX appears to think for approximately one minute

SCP-XXXX: Hmm… there are several that I can see and understand. Still, there are others which elude me. Don’t be so surprised, doctor! Within your Foundation’s custody are many objects and entities that defy natural law. Some even originate from different plains of reality! While obviously extraordinary in function, even I have limits you know!

Dr. █████: Thank you. This interview is concluded.

SCP-XXXX: My pleasure, doctor. And next time, please don’t hesitate to ask whatever it is that you truly wish to know!

<End Log, █/██/████>

Closing Statement: Questioning SCP-XXXX has led to the explanation and discharge of ██ SCPs to date. It is recommended that SCP-XXXX be consulted regarding all new Foundation acquisitions. Considering its usefulness so far it is also recommended that the facility housing SCP-XXXX be refurbished.