Magma Whales
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Preserved corpse of SCP-XXXX-83 in a research lab of Site ██ with Dr. ██████ standing in the foreground.


Corpse of Juvenile SCP-XXXX-271 with it's armor stripped away after being discovered by ██████ ████████ during drilling operations.


Ground impression showing into the emergence hole formed by SCP-XXXX-368 after having accidentally surfaced underneath the island of █████████ resulting in an immense volcanic eruption.


Example of a "Blue hole" used by SCP-XXXX to travel undetected.

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: Due to the nature of SCP-XXXX and it's numerous instances, SCP-XXXX can not be contained within a facility. Any seismic or volcanic activity that occurs withing a large body of water is to be monitored and immediately reported by Mobile Task Force Gamma-6. There is no known method of terminating SCP-XXXX at this time. (See Addendum XXXX-B) Upon receiving notification the nearest Mobile Task Force to the location is to immediately report to the site of the activity and prepare to execute Procedure-543-Krieger. Procedure-543-Krieger is carried out by a team of divers who will use harpoons sharpened and hardened by SCP-████ to fasten a drill that has been similarly treated. The drill will then penetrate into SCP-XXXX's heart where the toxin ████████████ will be released to kill SCP-XXXX. The corpse will then be sent to Site ██ for testing and disposal.

Ships of steel construction are to be set as traps in the area commonly known as "The Bermuda Triangle". These ships should be constructed to look like an oil tanker. Their tanks are to be filled with the toxin ████████████ and piloted by a small crew of D-class personnel. Vessels should be marked as civilian vessels as to not arouse suspicion. When a SCP-XXXX specimen consumes a vessel, the ship will be marked as "Lost at Sea- Cause Unknown" for public record. The corpse of the specimen will then be sent to Site ██ for testing and disposal.

Description: SCP-XXXX is an extremely large animal which seems to be both related to the orders Cetacea and Crustacea. Juvenile specimen average 1-2 kilometers in length while adults average 5-6 kilometers in length, the largest recorded having been 9.5 kilometers long (SCP-XXXX-147) They bear a strong resemblance in shape to Orcinus orca but is covered in a thick jagged armored exoskeleton that protects them from extreme heat and which is virtually indestructable. (See Addendum XXXX-B) Their internal organs are also heat resistant but begin to fail at temperatures exceeding ███ degrees Celsius. SCP-XXXX varies in color, and specimens have been found in various shades of orange, brown, grey and black. The species has grown in number at an alarming rate since the year 18██. There have been ███ specimens terminated. but the current surviving populous is believed to be approximately ████.

SCP-XXXX spends most of it's life in the upper mantle layer for reasons unknown. All individuals of SCP-XXXX will periodically burrow throught the Earth's crust to surface most commonly in an ocean in order to feed and cool it's body temperature. SCP-XXXX consumes solid deposits of primarily Ferrous ore, but also smaller deposits of Manganese, Aluminum and Nickel ores. It is believed confirmed that due to these being primary ingredients in the making of steel, SCP-XXXX began to attack and consume vessels of steel construction. Once SCP-XXXX has fed, and it's body sufficiently cooled, it will return down it's burrow hole to the mantle. Its believed confirmed that SCP-XXXX uses the ambient heat in the mantle to soften the metals to a digestible point without it being too hot. SCP-XXXX's internal organs cannot handle the temperatures present in the mantle and will close all possible orifices tight to prevent any magma entering it's body. This is the reason that it must feed on cool solid metals on or near the surface.

When SCP-XXXX emerges from it's burrow it causes an earthquake which can severely damage man made structures and be responsible for enormous loss of life. A scale of measurement for these events is yet to be decided (See Addendum XXXX-A) These events are also commonly accompanied by volcanic eruptions due to magma rushing up the now present hole in the crust. When SCP-XXXX returns to the mantle, it uses the same burrow it used to surface. This causes a series of aftershocks, which in turn seal the burrow behind SCP-XXXX.

SCP-XXXX is also believed to use "blue holes" (A series of deep vertical caves in the Caribbean to ease it's travel. This theory is supported by an extremely high number of vessels lost in the area known as "The Bermuda Triangle". A specimen of SCP-XXXX taking this route will create no resulting earthquake or eruption due to the vastly reduced amount of earth being displaced.

Addendum XXXX-A: From here forthwith the tremors caused by SCP-XXXX will be measured on the ████████ magnitude scale as created by Dr. ███████ ███████ ████████ in 19██. A unit of magnitude is measured by a number to a single decimal place. This number is correspondent to the approximate length of the specimen in kilometers. Each whole unit of magnitude is also equivalent to 10x the previous unit of magnitude. (5.0 is 10x greater than 4.0)

Addendum XXXX-B: Objects treated with SCP-████ have been found to have the ability to penetrate SCP-XXXX's armor. When used in conjunction with the toxin ████████████ it is believed that it will successfully terminate SCP-XXXX.