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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class:Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be contained at Site 180, in a ballistic glass enclosure. The enclosure is to be filled with flora native to the Daintree region of North Queensland, Australia. The enclosure is to contain a minimum of one (1) Ficus Macrophylla (Moreton Bay Fig). The entrance consists of two steel doors in an airlock configuration. SPC-XXXX is to have a GPS ankle bracelet attached to it at all times.

SPC-XXXX is a hairless bipedal entity, at a height of 1.5 meters and is of "Blood Red" colouration. The head is vaguely shaped as fruit from Ficus Macrophylla ( Moreton Bay Fig) and is large and out of proportion . The arms of SCP-XXXX are long and drop below the patella.The entity's appendages (on all limbs) have suction cups, reminiscent of those found on the Litoria Caerulea (Australian Green Tree Frog) and is used in climbing and hunting aid. SCP-XXXX possesses a low gait similar to that of Pongo Pygmaeus (Bornean orangutan). It would seem that SCP-XXXX is a "Yara Ya Ma Who", a vampiric creature found in Australian aboriginal mythology. (for more information, please the addendum).

This SCP is far from finished. I plan justify the seemingly lavish containment procedures and add an addendum.