JKenshi's dogs
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SCP-XXXX-1 and SCP-XXXX-2 compelling an agent to drive them to the park

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: XXXX-1 and XXXX-2 are currently contained at a Foundation safe house in the outskirts of █████████, Cumbria, UK. They are to be provided with 1 (each) standard large dog kennel with sleeping pad, 30 minutes of stimulating exercise twice daily, and periodic (at least weekly) access to pastured sheep. If these criteria are met, no other containment protocols appear necessary. Agents and researchers assigned to the care and study of XXXX-1 and XXXX-2 must take appropriate precautions and avoid direct eye contact with XXXX-1 and XXXX-2 at all times. At no time should any Foundation member with security clearance of 3 or higher be in direct observation of XXXX-1 and/or XXXX-2.

Description: XXXX are a pair of male, domestic dogs (canis familiaris) of the breed Border Collie. XXXX-1 is of the standard, black and white coloration, while XXXX-2 is of the less common, "blue merle" coloration. While the breed is known to be highly intelligent, these two display mental traits that are anomalous in nature. They have shown the ability to understand and solve complex problems, communicate with each other directly, and have developed a telepathic ability using direct eye contact with other living subjects, including humans.

If either XXXX-1 or XXXX-2 makes direct eye contact with a human subject and uses its anomalous "eyeing" technique, the dog can "hijack" the subject's mind and have complete control of the subject for an indeterminate length of time. Subjects that have been hijacked have reported a euphoric feeling and intense joy, but retain no memory of their actions during this time. With the exception of some minor mischief (usually associated with control by XXXX-2), the hijacked subjects perform actions that are at worst relatively benign, or directly beneficial to the operation of the safe house. It is believed that during the hijacking period XXXX may also have access to the thoughts, memory and knowledge of the affected subject.

XXXX first came to the attention of the Foundation after several complaints of cheating at a prominent sheep dog trial in █████████shire were investigated by local authorities. A bystander captured cell phone video of XXXX-1 eyeing the judges while XXXX-2 frolicked on the course, clearly not attempting to obey commands. At the end of the allotted time XXXX-2 made contact with the sheep, all of which immediately performed the necessary tasks without further contact from XXXX-2 or command from their handler. XXXX-2 received a perfect score from all three judges.

Foundation researchers were dispatched to investigate XXXX on 6 separate occasions. Each time the researchers would make contact with the dogs, then "wake up" hours later. Those researchers making contact with XXXX-1 would find themselves in their vehicle, safety belt buckled and keys in hand, ready to depart. Those making contact with XXXX-2 would find themselves in their cars traveling at high speeds, performing "doughnut" maneuvers in a field, or standing at the edge of a steep drop. On the sixth investigation two agents were dispatched, one of whom observed XXXX-1 eye her partner followed by a significant change in the other agent's behavior. She was then able to get control of both dogs without making eye contact and prepare them for transport.

Recent observations have also shown that XXXX-1 may have the ability to teleport out of containment. Further observations show XXXX-2 attempting to learn this new skill as well. Both are also beginning to show signs of prescience. Until the intent and full scope of the anomalous abilities of XXXX are understood they should remain classified Euclid and kept away from high ranking foundation members or other SCP's.

Addendum: During a recent exercise session Agent ████████████, assigned to handling XXXX, lost focus and inadvertently made eye contact with XXXX-1. Video surveillance shows the agent stopping what she was doing, walking away from the exercise area and entering the safe house. Upon entering the house the agent accessed her laptop, logged into the Foundation system and sent the following email as a reply-all to a Foundation wide HR bulletin:

From: █████████████
To: All Foundation Staff
Subject: RE: W2 forms for cover employment


I, Me, We, Us see You.
I, me, we, us know you. Love you.
I, me, we, us help you.
I, me, we, us see next before you.
you let I, me, we, us help you. I, me, we, us tell better.

After sending the email the agent left the house and returned to the exercise area where she regained her awareness. She found XXXX-1 and XXXX-2 half a mile away in the main sheep pasture. All of the sheep had been herded into a pen with the exception of one. XXXX-1 was guarding the pen while XXXX-2 was keeping the one sheep separated from the flock. It was later determined that the single sheep was suffering from a communicable disease that could have infected the entire flock. Video surveillance did not show XXXX-1 or XXXX-2 moving from the exercise area to the pasture. Agent ███████████'s total time loss was approximately 25 minutes.