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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX-1 and SCP-XXXX-2 must be hung directly opposite each other in a standard, single-object storage room containing one ceiling light fixture. This room must be sealed off from external light interference and remain un-illuminated outside of testing. Activation of the ceiling light requires Level 3 clearance. SCP-XXXX-1 and SCP-XXXX-2 must be hung directly opposite each other within their containment cells so that they can create a perfect mirror tunnel.

Description: SCP-XXXX consists of two identical, circular, mirrors each with a circumference of 157cm. The mirrors hang opposite to one another and do not create the reflection of anything placed between them, because of this they end up creating a perfect mirror tunnel. Once this tunnel has been created any human person that stands between the two mirrors will be dragged away after period of 5 minutes by SCP-XXXX-A into SCP-XXXX-2.

SCP-XXXX-A will fly out of SCP-XXXX-1 at an average recorded speed of 800kph. It will then, without stopping, grab the individual stood between the two mirrors and continue to fly into SCP-XXXX-2, taking the individual with it. The details of SCP-XXXX-A appearance are yet to be recorded Occasionally, SCP-XXXX-A has been spotted passing through SCP-XXXX despite there being no human person stood between them. It is speculated that SCP-XXXX is just a part of a larger network of mirror tunnels used by
SCP-XXXX-A which could span between possible parallel dimension as well as other earth locations; however there is no evidence to back this support this theory.

Class Ds placed between SCP-XXXX have reported hearing the sound of sprinting footsteps which gradually get louder as time continues. Subjects are always completely pulled into SCP-XXXX-2 despite their size and it is impossible to enter either SCP-XXXX-1 or SCP-XXXX-2.

Addendum: This is the audio log from the first test ever preformed on SCP-XXXX to see if SCP-XXXX-A did indeed exist.