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Item #: SCP-7009-J

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: Instances of SCP-7009-J-1 are to be taken down and replaced with non-anomalous copies. Mobile Task Force Alpha-4 ("Pony Express") is to remove any known instance. One instance of SCP-7009-1 may be stored in a computer without access to an internet connection.

Description: SCP-7009-J is a memetic phenomenon found on the internet. It masks itself as important or relevant information. Each instance is called SCP-7009-J-1. SCP-7009-J-1 consists of a bait-and-switch technique, and the anomaly is exposed at the end. Once exposed, the viewer reacting to SCP-7009-J-1 show signs of rage and anger.

Addendum 1: Test log 7009-J-5

Class D-39371 was shown SCP-7009-J-1-94. At the end, D-39371 began screaming and flipped the chair over.

Addendum 2: Test log 7009-J-17

Class D-49270 was shown SCP-7009-J-1-31. When the anomalies were exposed, D-49270 yelled "COME ON! YOU GUYS ARE MEAN! I HATE YOU!!!!"

Addendum 3: Security level 2 memetic screening is required to view this addenda.
Begin memetic screening.

Note from O5-03
This better be a joke!