JubJub's SCP draft

From jyuviolegrace

//A lot of the stuff in parentheses is unnecessary. For instance, the bit about nazism jokes can be deleted.
Also, seems a bit too much like a kid with powers. The SCP himself appears to be aware of what's going on, which doesn't make it that interesting or creepy. It'd be scarier if he weren't sure what the creatures he created could do. Oh, and most of the tests are ridiculous. GET RID OF THEM.

Good idea: keep everything in, add a more humorous spin, and make it a joke SCP.
If not, it'll need quite a bit of work…

For a first idea though, it's pretty good :)//

Main Article

rating: 0+x

Item #: SCP-1264

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: Due to its normally docile nature SCP-1264 does not require any stringent containment procedures. SCP-1264 is kept in a standard Class C suite at Site 17. SCP-1264 is to be monitored by a level 1 researcher and accompanied by at least one(1) guard at all times. At Head Researcher Newkirk’s Stanisic’s discretion 1264 may be permitted to leave the containment chamber. Also, the following restrictions are to be enforced:
1) Under no circumstances is SCP-1264 to be allowed access to ANY video game, film, book, comic or any such media. Any testing involving 1264’s exposure to these must have O5 level approval.
2) SCP-1264 may not have ANY contact with other SCPs.
SCP-1264 may have interaction with other SCP objects as approved on a case-by-case basis by Head Researcher Stanisic.
3) SCP-1264 is not permitted to have a music-playing device of any sort and any requests made as to the playing of music in the containment chamber are to be denied. (Punishment measure as a result of Incident 1264-B)
Requests made by SCP-1264 may be granted if they are within the above restrictions, standard SCP regulations and are approved by Head Researcher Newkirk Stanisic.

Note to all staff involved with SCP-1264 (12/4/████):
REMEMBER: SCP-1264 requires food and water for sustenance or it will DIE. The next staffer that denies 1264 either of these can expect immediate reassignment to a more homicidal subject.

Dr. Newkirk, Head Researcher

SCP-1264-1 is currently being kept in a bare containment cell in Site 17 awaiting a response to the suggestion that it be sent to Armed Research Site 45 for further testing. SCP-1264-1 does not require any sustenance. The entrance to 1264-1’s containment chamber is to be guarded by at least five(5) guards at all times and one(1) of these guards must be manning an emplaced GAU-17/a. It is also recommended that at least one(1) guard be equipped with a M136 AT-4 anti-armor weapon.

SCPs-1264-2, 3 and 4 are kept in a standard Class B suite with two(2) additional standard humanoid beds. As with SCP-1264-1 no sustenance needs to be provided for the subjects. The containment chamber is to be monitored by three(3) armed guards, with one(1) being required to accompany any person(s) entering the chamber.

SCP-1264-5 is to be kept in a specialized containment chamber measuring 7m x 5m x 3m, with the floor and walls of the chamber coated with ‘Raid’ brand insecticide. SCP-1264-5 is to be fed twice daily and each time must be provided two(2) kilograms of material to ingest. SCP-1264-5 does not have a strict diet in place, but may not be used as a method of garbage disposal.

Description: SCP-1264 appears to be a male of roughly 17 years of age with blond hair and blue eyes (Jokes about Nazism are not recommended if you do not want to be assigned to SCP-682). 1264 stands at about 1.87m (6’1”). Subject has the ability to create living, anomalous beings from video games and books, and while not proven, it is suspected that it can do so with comics and films. Testing with 1264 is discouraged due to the high probability of creating dangerous entities and his abnormal personality traits adolescent behavior causing difficulties (see Incident 1264-B).

SCP-1264-1 is a large metallic grey humanoid figure of undetermined sex. 1264-1 stands at 2.26m (7’5”). SCP-1264-1 has not shown any capacity for speech and does not respond to any attempts at communication. Attempts at piercing the outer ’skin’ of 1264-1 have had limited success, as it is extremely difficult, and the subject regenerates the damage once the piercing object is removed. SCP-1264 claims that 1264-1 is wearing a ████████ ███ which accounts for the grey ‘skin’ of 1264-1 as well as the subject’s ability to render itself invisible for a short period of time. SCP-1264 also claims that the subject is capable of modifying its exterior to form a type of temporary armor and also can enhance its muscular system in order to perform incredible athletic feats.

SCPs-1264-2, 3 and 4 were created in SCP-1264’s original observation chamber (why was he given a gaming console?). They appear to be, respectively, an average male in his early- to mid- 20’s, a vertically challenged male in his early 30’s and a young female of average stature. The subjects have been allowed to remain in the same containment chamber as each other, due to any attempts to separate them being unsuccessful. When SCP-1264-2 takes a randomly varying number of steps the three subjects appear in a line and perform what is assumed to be ritualized combat with a non-existent enemy. Indeterminate of where SCPs-1264-3 and 4 both appear beside SCP-1264-2 when this occurs. Also, any attempts to disarm the subjects have been unsuccessful, but this is not of particular concern as they will not draw their weapons outside of the aforementioned ritual combat. The subjects can die when sufficiently maimed by a weapon and will then be replaced by a coffin. All attempts to open the coffin have been unsuccessful and test carried out by research staff indicate that the ‘coffins’ are in fact solid blocks of wood. In the event of all three of the entities assuming the ‘coffin’ form, they will each reappear in their containment chamber, apparently unharmed.

SCP-1264-5 was created by 1264 when he was exposed to the children’s book ‘███ ████ ██████ ███████████’ (See Incident 1264-B). SCP-1264-5 is a 5’ long green caterpillar with randomly distributed red spots 2cm in diameter. 1264-5 displays characteristics similar to that of SCP-524, but does not seem to share 524’s ability to consume itself. Testing with 1264-5 is considered to be of low priority, given that we already have an extensive testing log on SCP-524, which has anomalous characteristics almost identical to 1264-5.


Incident log 1264-A:

Subject has been detained due to his proximity to a recently recovered anomalous entity.

Subject: Hey bro, you guys got any video games in this place?
Agent █████: Get the kid a game ███████.
Researcher ███████: Whoa, we’re not some kind of luxury hotel here █████, all we do is observe him for 48 hours and then dump him.
Agent █████: Just do it ███████.
Researcher ███████: Fine, whatever.

Researcher ███████ returned twelve(12) minutes later with a ███ games console, a copy of “██████ █████ ████” and a portable LCD screen.

Researcher ███████: Here, got your game for the kid.
Agent █████: There you are kid, go ahead.
Subject: Shotz mate.

Subject proceeds to play for 7 hours, progressing through the early stages of the game.

Subject: Hmm, I wonder…
Researcher ███████: What now?
Subject: Nothing.

At this point, the first entity begins emerging from the screen.

Researcher ███████: Whoa, holy shit what the fuck? █████!
Agent █████: (emerging from sleep) What?
Researcher ███████: Fucking get up man!

By now, the first entity has completely emerged with a second following close behind.

Agent █████: Shit it’s armed! (fires four(4) shots from his pistol)
Researcher ███████: Fuck! Get the next one!

Agent █████ fires a further eight(8) shots, killing the second and third entities. When the third entity assumes the ‘coffin’ form they each reappear in front of the now wrecked screen. Researcher ███████ is now lying on the floor, presumably in shock. Agent █████ then proceeds to reload his pistol. Subject approaches Agent █████.

Agent █████: Stay back kid, I don’t want to shoot you.
Subject: Okay, just stop wasting your ammo on them, they won’t attack you and they’ll just keep coming back if you shoot them.
Agent █████: You created them didn’t you?
Subject: In a sense, I guess.
Agent █████: What do you mean “In a sense”?
Subject: They’re from the game, I just brought them out.
Agent █████: Why?
Subject: They looked cool. And I wanted someone to talk to, y’know. I could hardly talk to you guys with your Million-times-Top Secret looks, could I?
Agent █████: Well, you got a point there kid.

At this point Response Team █████ - ███ arrives and subsequently establishes temporary containment of the Subject and the three entities. They also retrieve the now comatose Researcher ███████.

After the ‘discovery’ of SCP-1264 Agent █████ was assigned as Head of Security for SCP-1264 and its creations. Researcher ███████ was reassigned to the bi-monthly cleaning of SCP-173’s containment chamber.

Incident Log 1264-B:

SCP-1264 has been detained since Incident 1264-A, 87 hours ago.
Head Researcher Newkirk has authorized the start of testing.

Researcher ██████: SCP-1264 how did you create the four entities we now have in containment?
SCP-1264: I do have a name you know.
Researcher ██████: Answer the question 1264.
SCP-1264: Why, asshole?
Researcher ██████: Because I can order your termination 1264.
SCP-1264: Like hell you can, Newkirk wants me alive.
Researcher ██████: Only while we still want to run more tests on you, 1264.
SCP-1264: Fuck it, let’s get this over with.
Researcher ██████: How did you create the entities?
SCP-1264: I dunno, I just wanted to.
Researcher ██████: How did you create the entities?
SCP-1264: I. Told. You. I don’t know, I just did.
Researcher ██████: Okay, we’re getting nowhere with this. Bring it in!
SCP-1264: Bring what in?
Researcher ██████: Is your, uh, ability limited to video games?
SCP-1264: I don’t know, I’ve never done it with anything else.

Researcher ████ enters with a copy of ‘███ ████ ██████ ███████████’.

Researcher ██████: Now that’s suitably harmless isn’t it?
SCP-1264: Challenge accepted.
Researcher ██████: Whatever. Read this and try to make it will you? Then I might not kill you, Okay?
SCP-1264: Yeah, now fuck up and let me read.

SCP-1264 reads the book, provided taking particular interest in the numerous pictures throughout the book.

SCP-1264: Awesome, it even has a pop-out part, epic. You seriously want me to try make this?
Researcher ██████: I did say that, didn’t I?
SCP-1264: This is one sweet prank you’re pulling here bro.
Researcher ██████: Just do it 1264.
SCP-1264: Yeah, whatever. Don’t get your balls in a knot.

SCP-1264 proceeds to create the caterpillar described in the book, with it rising out of the pop-up on the cover.

SCP-1264: Coolburgers!
Researcher ██████: Okay 1264, you can go now.
SCP-1264: Awwww, com’on man. I just made the thing.
Researcher ██████: And now you will leave.

The entity subsequently begins to devour large parts of the table and moves in the direction of Researcher ██████.

SCP-1264: On second thought, I’ll leave you here with Steve.
Researcher ██████: Shit! Guards!

The guards stationed outside the testing chamber move in and secure SCP-1264 and the entity. Head Researcher Newkirk forbids further testing on SCP-1264, unless O5 approval is obtained due to the high possibility of creating further dangerous entities.

Note from Dr. Newkirk to all personnel involved with SCP-1264:

What in the name of God made Ex-Researcher ██████ think that I would approve of him threatening SCP-1264 with termination? The request to have him join Ex-Researcher ███████ as a designated cleaner of SCP-173’s cell has been approved. Any who wish to follow those two are invited to display similar levels of idiocy and/or disregard for the aims of our foundation.
Dr. Newkirk

Note from O5-█:

Dr. Newkirk has been removed from his post as Head Researcher of SCP-1264 after threatening it with termination by another SCP object (For more details see Document 1264-R). His replacement is Dr. Stanisic, recently promoted to level 2 clearance. Also, the request that Head of Security Valez be reassigned has been denied and the order that he is not permitted any contact with SCP-1264 has been rescinded.

Document 1264-R is a log of all requests made by SCP-1264 as of ██/██/████

Document 1264-R

Requests made by SCP-1264 as of ██/██/████:

Date: (Of request)
Request:(Made by SCP-1264)
Reason:(Supplied by SCP-1264)
Response:(From Dr. Newkirk)
Notes:(Made by Dr. Newkirk)

Date: 13/4/████
Request: Interaction with SCP-1264-5.
Reason: To congratulate it for “making that asshole shit his pants”
Response: Denied.
Notes: SCP-1264 may not interact with any of its creations unless required during testing.

Date: 14/4/████
Request: Testing involving the manga/light novel series “The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya”
Reason: That the character ‘Haruhi’ would be “pretty fun to have around”
Response: Denied.
Notes: Advise SCP-1264 of the suspension of testing and explain that it may not request items to be tested with.

Date: 17/4/████
Request: The insertion of “Meatball Wednesday” into its weekly routine.
Reason: “I’m really craving meatballs bro”
Response: Granted.
Notes: 1264 is gaining weight rather rapidly, initiate a strict fitness regime if it does not show interest in physical exercise in the next two(2) weeks.

Date: 22/4/████
Request: Interaction with SCP-105.
Reason: “I need to talk to someone who isn’t totally obsessed with your ‘Foundation’ shit”
Response: Denied.
Notes: How did 1264 even find out about her?

Date: 25/4/████
Request: Provision of pen and paper.
Reason: To write down an account of his “incarceration”
Response: Denied.
Notes: The probability of him writing about a character in order to create it is, considering SCP-1264’s personality, extremely high.

Date: 29/4/████
Request: Access to the bare cell opposite his containment chamber.
Reason: To practice his karate.
Response: Granted.
Notes: We should consider testing 1264 for mental aptitude in the near future to gage what level of education he has received.

Date: 2/5/████
Request: One(1) Gillette brand disposable razor, provided on a weekly basis.
Reason: SCP-1264 complained that his facial hair had started to cause irritation, expressing a strong desire to remove it.
Response: Granted.
Notes: This privilege is to be revoked if SCP-1264 begins to display melancholic or suicidal tendencies.

This privilege has been revoked due to an incident where SCP-1264 lacerated his right index finger in order to write ‘Lulz, you can’t stop me writing bitches’ in blood all over the walls of his containment chamber.

Date: 5/5/████
Request: Interaction with SCP-347.
Reason: “Uh, duh. She’s the Invisible Woman”
Response: Denied.
Notes: Whoever is revealing the existence and nature of other SCP subjects in this facility to 1264 can expect to be sent down SCP-087 without a flashlight when I find out who you are.

Date: 5/5/████
Request: Interaction with Dr. Bright
Reason: None provided.
Response: Denied.
Notes: Just no. God no.

Date: 5/5/████
Request: Interaction with an O5.
Reason: To “punch him in the face”
Response: Denied.
Notes: Feed 1264 nothing but gruel for a week, then we’ll see if he feels like pissing me off again.

Date: 13/5/████
Request: To be administered a Class-C amnesiac.
Reason: To remove his memory of being fed gruel for a week.
Response: Denied.
Notes: Imposition of a diet consisting solely of gruel is to be used as a punishment measure in the future.

Date: 17/5/████
Request: A lawn chair, hairdryer and seventeen(17) large plastic bags.
Reason: “Did you ever watch the A-Team on TV?”
Response: Denied.
Notes: Yes. Remind 1264 that he has never had, nor will have (in the near future), permission to access the on-site outdoor areas.

Date: 17/5/████
Request: Interaction with SCP-343.
Reason: “I’m an Atheist”
Response: Denied.
Notes: Security Head █████ is no longer permitted to have any contact with SCP-1264, pending reassignment.

Date: 17/5/████
Request: Interaction with SCP-327.
Reason: “She’s a fucking MERMAID dude”
Response: Denied.
Notes: Tell that little shite that the next request he makes regarding interaction with another SCP subject will result in him being placed in an unlit room with

At this point O5-█ reassigned Dr. Newkirk to a Research Unit ██, which specializes in the initial assessment of recently discovered humanoid SCP subjects. Researcher Stanisic was promoted to Level 2 and appointed to Head Researcher of SCP-1264. All following ‘Notes:’ sections have been written by Head Researcher Stanisic.

Date: 23/5/████
Request: Interaction with SCP-423 while it is contained in a journal.
Reason: To converse with it.
Response: Denied.
Notes: SCP-1264 is to be informed that he is now allowed 30 minutes per day in which he may converse with me as if I am not a member of the Foundation.

Date: 25/5/████
Request: Interaction with SCP-073.
Reason: “Head Researcher Stanisic has the authority to grant me access to other SCP objects, let’s exercise that”
Response: Granted.
Notes: It appears that SCP-1264 now has a greater respect for the Foundation after SCP-073 explained to him exactly what we do for humanity.

Date: 27/5/████
Request: That his razor privileges be reinstated.
Reason: To remove the large beard that hides most of his face.
Response: Granted.
Notes: Only granted on the condition that SCP-1264 maintains the recent improvements to his behavior.

Date: 31/5/████
Request: Tutelage in various subjects, including Aeronautical Engineering, Calculus, Statistics, Japanese and British History.
Reason: To continue his studies from before he was recovered by the Foundation.
Response: Granted after deliberation with O5-█.
Notes: Foundation personnel are being canvassed for volunteers in this regard.

O5-█ was consulted on this due to the requirement that SCP-1264 be provided with books and writing utensils if he were to be allowed to continue his studies.

Date: 19/6/████
Request: That an outside tutor be brought in.
Reason: A willing Japanese tutor has not been found in Site-17.
Response: Denied.
Notes: SCP-1264 should be provided a list of basic guidelines to follow in terms of making requests in order to reduce the time wasted on requests that are simply unable to be fulfilled under standard Foundation policy.

Date: 20/6/████
Request: That he receive tutelage in the German language.
Reason: German being “The second most awesome language after Japanese”
Response: Granted.
Notes: I wonder how far down Croatian is?

Date: 23/6/████
Request: That the cell currently used by SCP-1264 be converted into a dedicated dojo.
Reason: “It just seems wrong doing it in a bare cell”
Response: Granted.
Notes: Inform 1264 that his request is rather far down on the priority list, so will probably take a long time to be addressed.

Date: 27/6/████
Request: That he receive tutelage in the Russian language.
Reason: Russian being the “next most awesome”, as a German tutor could not be found.
Response: Granted.
Notes: Hopefully this won’t take too long…

Date: 2/7/████
Request: That he receive tutelage in the French language.
Reason: A Russian tutor could not be found.
Response: Granted.
Notes: I think I’ll have Valez recommend Croatian to 1264.

Date: 3/7/████
Request: Interaction with SCP-105.
Reason: “To see if she knows a foreign language”
Response: Granted.
Notes: I have an idea…

Date: 3/7/████
Request: That he receives tutelage in the Croatian language.
Reason: “Iris said that it looks like a really cool language to learn”
Response: Granted.
Notes: That’s convenient, as I am fluent in the Croatian language. Also, SCP-105 is allowed to pull one(1) prank on SCP-1264, as per our agreement.

Date: 5/7/████
Request: Permission to pull a revenge prank on SCP-105.
Reason: “It took me hours to get [Redacted] out of the carpet!”
Response: Denied.
Notes: Tempting though, just to see what he comes up with.

Level 2 clearance is required to access the following information:

Date: 11/7/████
Request: Provision of a music player loaded with a selection of songs chosen by 1264.
Reason: Good behavior.
Response: Denied.
Notes: No matter how co-operative 1264 has been Incident 1264-B still happened.

For those who are interested the requested songs are as follows:
Meet the Monster, Five Finger Death Punch
-A little disturbing given the nature of 1264’s anomaly
Undone, Five Finger Death Punch
- Possible evidence of deep remorse?
-Scratch that, upon questioning 1264 said that he simply likes the song.
The Devil’s own, Five Finger Death Punch
-This may be cause for concern…
Die Motherfucker Die, Dope
-I recommend that 1264 be given another psychological examination given these song requests
My Own Hell, Five Finger Death Punch
-Now I am really worried.
The song requests by SCP-1264 were all similar to this, including other artists such as Trivium, Disturbed and Lamb of God. These are worrying to say the least. The only ray of hope in the requests is two songs: 1) Kalimba, Mr. Scruff and 2) Donkey Ride, Mr. Scruff. These two are actually rather upbeat and catchy. Depending on the psychologist’s review, we may wish to implement the frequent playing of these songs to 1264.

Date: 12/7/████
Request: Interaction with SCP-105
Reason: 1264 claims that she reminds him of his older sister.
Response: Granted.
Notes: SCP-105 has been advised of 1264’s recent music requests and has been asked if she may attempt to gage 1264’s mental state during their interaction.

It should be noted that SCP-105 has not been forced or coerced into the interactions with 1264, and seems to find satisfaction in her role as the ‘elder sister’ to SCP-1264. Also, requests for interaction with 105 will no longer be recorded in this log due to their high frequency.

Date: 15/7/████
Request: Permission to see his psychological review (I assume Valez told him of this).
Reason: To see “What the doc’ reckons is wrong with me”
Response: Granted.
Notes: Have Dr. █████ write up a review that states 1264 is simply displaying a normal, albeit delayed, reaction to his displacement.

Date: 19/7/████
Request: That Dr. Bright be granted permission to “Show him ‘round the place” - (Request made by Dr. Bright)
Reason: “If you haven’t done it by now, I get to”
Response: Granted.
Notes: What’s the worst thing that could happen?

Date: 20/7/████
Request: That Dr. Bright be permitted to “drop by again”
Reason: “That was the most fun I’ve had in YEARS”
Response: Denied.
Notes: Hopefully O5-█ won’t find out…