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SCP-xxxx in its new frame

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-xxxx is stored in a wooden box inside Item Storage Locker-754 within Site 641. The object may be taken out for cleaning and testing. For permission to use SCP-xxxx for field testing, please inform Dr. Burns. Only with the permission of Dr. Lagorio would SCP-xxxx be taken out of its containment.


SCP-xxxx is 17.5 cm in length and resembles an antique magnifying glass produced in the mid-1800s. The object consists of a wooden handle attached to a round metal frame - 9 cm in diameter. Study of the object revealed that changing the frame does not reduce SCP-xxxx’s anomalous effect. Moreover, any attempt to damage the lens of the item has been unsuccessful.

Contact with SCP-xxxx is known to drive the user into doing dangerous act, believing they are a private detective. This had led to several fatal accidents. As a result, testing of the object is discontinued until further notice. Personnel who came in contact with SCP-xxxx are to be questioned and observed for at least twenty-four (24) hours.

Incident Reports:

Testing Reports:

Addendum 1: SCP-xxxx was once in the possession of Detective ████████ ███████ up until 1918 when it was sold to an antique collector in America after said detective’s demise. Whether or not SCP-xxxx already showed its anomalous nature prior to its change of owner is still in debate.

Addendum 2: A malicious attempt to attack Site 64’s database on █/█/████ had resulted in the loss of many data. The Technical team was able to recover most of them. However, certain files had been corrupted beyond help.

Addendum 3: A Study in 64 [link not available]

