Karenini- Personal ideas : /
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Item #: SCP-XXX

Object Class:Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXX is to be kept in a standard humanoid containment cell, no closer than 200 meters away from any Euclid or Keter class object. A transparent, movable barrier is to be put between SCP-XXX-2 and its host and should be raised for two hours each day in order to avoid SCP-XXX-2 attempting to breach containment. During this period, the activity inside the containment cell is to be closely monitored and in case SCP-XXX-1 attempts to damage SCP-XXX-2, the room is to be filled with fast effect sedative gas

The anomalous entity may only be interacted with for research purposes only, as well as its host. Interviews should be done strictly through male D-class personnel. No aggressive behavior should be shown during the interaction time.

Description:: SCP-XXX consists of two separate entities, only one of which having a confirmed anomalous nature. So far, it has been impossible to separate both.

The non-anomalous part, referred to as either the host or SCP-XXX-1 is an Hispanic woman named Marta Gonzaléz, 43 years old, born in Mexico. It is hostile towards SCP-XXX-2, having made several attempts to kill it, all of which failed so far. It is known that SCP-XXX-1 is the responsible for the only wound which the anomalous entity currently presents: A wire cable, approximately 45 cm in length, traversing its head completely.
Interviews revealed that it has a strong desire to destroy SCP-XXX-2, blaming several life events on it. It also finds satisfaction in its numeric designation, claiming that "it is what that thing deserves" and encouraging experiments, despite the risks involved.

Should a safe way to cut the umbilical chord be found, SCP-XXX-1 is to be administered Class-A amnestics and freed under a different name, with SCP-XXX-2 being placed in an artificial womb.

SCP-XXX-2 is a human fetus aged approximately 12 weeks. It is connected to its host with an umbilical cord, which currently appears to be indestructible. Its behavior matches its outer looks, with its movements consisting mostly of kicking and moving its hands.

SCP-XXX-2 is able to alter neuronal activity of others, as well as specific waves. This seems to be done mainly as a method of self-preservation, though it will protect its host in case it deems it endangered. In most instances, it will induce painful sensations or shocks, though it has reportedly put the "aggressor" to sleep, caused nausea and disorientation. This effect is short lived and will pass no more than a few hours after the affected individual has left the company of SCP-XXX-2. Particularly, its ability to induce sleep is often used to contain its host's attempts to kill it. It will only do this in case of extreme risk, leaving it vulnerable in other cases.

The entity seems to also use its ability to affect dreams and change their theme. Research shows that it may communicate, albeit precariously, with the affected individual by creating pictures and showing words to convey a meaning. It will usually repeatedly show the concepts of "mother", "womb", "love" and "warmth", with no further imagery introduced into the dream.

It becomes the most active if children or pregnant women are around, using its abilities to put them to sleep instantly, as long as they are within its reach1. During this process, it will also try to keep all other life forms away by constantly sending signals of randomized affects to them. Due to serious risk of this causing a security breach, no female staff are allowed to come near the entity.

SCP-XXX was found in Hospital ██████ ██ ██████, a public hospital in Mexico city, during an attempt to remove the fetus from its mother. Mrs. Gonzaléz affirmed that she had attempted an abortion at home using a wire coat hanger, but upon failing to cut the umbilical chord she headed to the hospital. The medical crew attempted to remove SCP-XXX-2 from the host, causing it to use its abilities in order to inflict pain to the crew.
This incident was reported to the Foundation and SCP-XXX was soon contained. All functionaries that had direct contact with the entity were applied class-B amnesiacs.