Kastelan's drafts and stuff
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An instance of SCP-XXXX in its resting form

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object class Eculid

Special containment procedures: SCP-XXXX must be contained in a room with 8 metre tall walls with a random pattern of 10cm by 10cm holes containing hydrochloric acid. If SCP-XXXX is contained within a room with a height of less than 4 metres then it will start to vibrate, when it stops it will lower itself onto the ground which will be followed by the release of thousands of insects which will tear apart the container and any personnel within it. This process can take from 10 minutes to 7 days with the most common amount of time being 12 hours meaning that transport must be swift.

Description: SCP-XXXX takes the form of an insect hive similar to an abnormally large beehive which is constantly hovering exactly 2 metres above the ground, able to be pushed slowly into different locations however if in a moving vehicle it will not be triggered. It is made out of a rock like substance that shows no way of getting in or out except for 1 hole at the top, 1 at the bottom and 4 evenly spaced around its middle which also supposedly function as eyes.

SCP-XXXX will release swarms of SCP-XXXX-1A, SCP-XXXX-1B and/or SCP-XXXX-1C. SCP-XXXX will feel threatened when being moved by a living object faster than 5 km/h. It will continue releasing the swarms until it has been still for a minute, the aggressor has moved 100 metres or the aggressor has been killed, often with staff around the aggressor. SCP-XXXX-1A takes the form of large, green wasps with large stingers. The poison does not produce any pain however it is lethal in high doses which can be given in under a minute. The wasps are fragile and most attempts to swat them away or kill them will result in their deaths. SCP-XXXX-1B takes the form of a group of large, green ants with larger stingers and jaws than what would normally be expected from an ant of their size. The ants are much stronger, capable of lifting up to 200 grams each with normally 150 ants per group. These ants can make small jumps towards prey and will often subdue them with painful bites, preferring to drag them back to the hive before killing them which allows rescues when possible. SCP-XXXX-1C is only seen in times of great danger to SCP-XXXX. It takes form as a swarm of large black earthworms that are surrounded by a black, bony armour. SCP-XXXX will drift down to the ground to put SCP-XXXX-1C directly into the ground. This is the first warning to get away as the worms can burrow through any surface at a rate of 30 km/h for up to [REDACT] hours without stopping. They will drag their prey under, after which they will take apart the body at the joints to bring them back to the hive easier while also leaving most of the torso behind.

Addendum:SCP-XXXX shows signs of intelligence, able to send out small swarms of insects to control paintbrushes or pencils. It is also able to find out the weaknesses of any living creature, SPC or otherwise, by collecting enough of its flesh and/or blood. Class D personnel are to approach SPC-XXXX with a bouquet of live flowers, a jar of honey, super worms or cockroaches and a bag of mushrooms and place them in a triangle with each food over 2 metres away from each other and 1 metre away from SCP-XXXX. SCP-XXXX will dip down lower if it is acceptable and higher if it is not, at which point it must be retried with new foods. If it is acceptable then one (1) class C or D personnel may give it a 3cm by 3cm by 3cm chunk of flesh (or equivalent) and a notepad with 3 pages and 3 fountain pens. After 1 hour of not being monitored, with the lights off so that the C or D personnel may not see SCP-XXXX, a noise will be heard from within the chamber similer to a small bell being rung. The lights may then be turned on and monitoring can commence. On the notepad will be assorted ways to contain or kill the owner of the flesh. Certain methods such as painting the storage room of SCP-[REDACT] proved successful in killing it while others such as the constant bleeding of SCP-[REDACT] killed 12 class D personnel, 5 class C and a single class B with another being knocked out for two and a half months.