Lurks Lair
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Item #: SCP-6000
Object Class: Uncontainable/Tiamat
Site Responsible: AVSNTS Site-40
Director: Allan Tibbals
Research Head: Kate Lloyd
Assigned Task Force: MTF Omicron-40
Level 4/6000


Hong Kong, 12 minutes prior to being destroyed by SCP-6000.

I dont know if I like the hand drawing. Is there no actual represnetative depiction of the deity?


Rock art depicting SCP-6000. Carbon dating places it as being made approximately 60,000 years ago.

Item #: 6000
Object Class: Uncontainable/ Tiamat
Special Containment Procedures:
Despite the best efforts of the Foundation, SCP-6000 remains uncontainable until such a time that drastically more powerful containment measures are made available, or SCP-6000 returns to an inactive state of its own accord. As such, current containment procedures revolve around the preparation for such a time, and minimising collateral damage caused by its current state.
SCP-6000 is to be constantly monitored via remaining functional satellite imagery, with satellite arrays to be commandeered "appropriated" is a better word from world governments if necessary. Constant reports of its location, direction, speed and activities are to be provided at all times to better aid global task forces in the evacuation of populations from likely attack sites and impact zones. Due to the volume of casualties, civilians with better chances are the prioritised at the discretion of task force members on the ground. Aid shelters and temporary housing are to be provided in rural, remote and off the grid areas including small towns, Foundation containment sites, and settlements previously attacked by SCP-6000.
To avoid drawing the attention of SCP-6000, all foundation sites are to minimise pollution and carbon emissions as best as possible, with the aim of switching to solar, geothermal or nuclear power as soon as is feasible. Research into the most effective anomalous containment measures and weaponry possible is to be carried out on Foundation and Global Occult Coalition sites globally, with both organisations to collaborate on these projects. Amnestic production has been increased by 230% in order to return the worlds unawareness of the veil following SCP-6000's successful containment. May want to explore the possibility of not being able to amnestitize the populations and how that effects the Foundation. Just a thought.
SCP-6000 is a massive serpentine entity of variable size, measuring between 0.2 and 1900km in length, with mass proportional to its current length. While its physiology varies from resembling that of a carpet python, a taipan or a viper from resembling other ophidians, its colouration has consistently been primarily black with dull prismatic stripes running vertically down its length, with a pale underbelly. SCP-6000 possesses a pair of curved ivory horns and far larger and more numerous teeth posseses a pair of horns and a larger array of teeth, more than what would be expected or biologically possible in non-anamolous ophidians that what is seen in non anomalous snakes. Horns feature thousands of engraved depictions of wildlife.
SCP-6000 is observed to move at abnormally fast speeds, often in excess of 1,200kph on land and 2,800kph underwater It would also make sonic concussions both in and out of the water. Thunder maybe?. This movement often creates large rifts in the terrain, and tsunamis in the water. SCP-6000 exhibits strength and durability far beyond what it's proportions would suggest, having bite force strong enough to crush KEY Units, destroy mountains and throw itself into the upper troposphere. It is able to fly at this altitude in a fashion similar to swimming.
By maintaining consciousness, SCP-6000 alters weather patterns and atmospheric conditions on a global scaleSCP-6000 is able to alter weather patterns and atmospheric conditions on a global scale at will, primarily by exerting a mild cooling effect on the earth’s average temperature by 2 or 3 degrees. This effect varies in intensity and effect locally, with the most significant changes being intensified snowfall in glacial areas and poles, increased rainfall in arid areas, and severe thunderstorms globally.
The most directly threatening use of SCP-6000's ability to control weather conditions is when directly within its line of sight, often in response to outside stimulus or its theoretical emotional state. This most commonly takes the form of severe thunderstorms, hurricane generation, torrential rain and the generation of extremely large waves. It uses this ability primarily as a form of offense in an area, typically striking cities, mines and power plants with severe weather events before striking physically. Rain generated in this form has been observed to spontaneously generate plant life within its area of effect. This flora has been observed to grow extremely rapidly, and is at times hostile to human life.
SCP-6000 possesses several powerful anomalous qualities regarding itself. Thaumaturgical scans have shown that SCP-6000 is simultaneously tangible and intangible, which has been observed at times of attack1. It often uses this ability when swallowing organic materials, primarily animals, while avoiding swallowing earth or buildings. Despite its frequent consumption of living persons, SCP-6000 always regurgitates these individuals, having transfigured them into animalistic forms within itself.
Addendum 1; Discovery and early history of SCP-6000:

Addendum 2: Expansion of SCP-6000 attacks to other continents.

Addendum 3: SCP-6000 global expansion and Project MONGOOSE.

Addendum 4: Revision of Containment Procedures and future of SCP-6000

Addendum 5: Final summary


Thanks to: Dexanote, Ihp, lurkD, Magnolia, Lord of Laugh, shaggydreadlocks, drBleep, Chaosera, Topdownunder, stormfallen