I dont know if I like the hand drawing. Is there no actual represnetative depiction of the deity?
Item #: 6000
Object Class: Uncontainable/ Tiamat
Special Containment Procedures:
Despite the best efforts of the Foundation, SCP-6000 remains uncontainable until such a time that drastically more powerful containment measures are made available, or SCP-6000 returns to an inactive state of its own accord. As such, current containment procedures revolve around the preparation for such a time, and minimising collateral damage caused by its current state.
SCP-6000 is to be constantly monitored via remaining functional satellite imagery, with satellite arrays to be commandeered "appropriated" is a better word from world governments if necessary. Constant reports of its location, direction, speed and activities are to be provided at all times to better aid global task forces in the evacuation of populations from likely attack sites and impact zones. Due to the volume of casualties, civilians with better chances are the prioritised at the discretion of task force members on the ground. Aid shelters and temporary housing are to be provided in rural, remote and off the grid areas including small towns, Foundation containment sites, and settlements previously attacked by SCP-6000.
To avoid drawing the attention of SCP-6000, all foundation sites are to minimise pollution and carbon emissions as best as possible, with the aim of switching to solar, geothermal or nuclear power as soon as is feasible. Research into the most effective anomalous containment measures and weaponry possible is to be carried out on Foundation and Global Occult Coalition sites globally, with both organisations to collaborate on these projects. Amnestic production has been increased by 230% in order to return the worlds unawareness of the veil following SCP-6000's successful containment. May want to explore the possibility of not being able to amnestitize the populations and how that effects the Foundation. Just a thought.
SCP-6000 is a massive serpentine entity of variable size, measuring between 0.2 and 1900km in length, with mass proportional to its current length. While its physiology varies from resembling that of a carpet python, a taipan or a viper from resembling other ophidians, its colouration has consistently been primarily black with dull prismatic stripes running vertically down its length, with a pale underbelly. SCP-6000 possesses a pair of curved ivory horns and far larger and more numerous teeth posseses a pair of horns and a larger array of teeth, more than what would be expected or biologically possible in non-anamolous ophidians that what is seen in non anomalous snakes. Horns feature thousands of engraved depictions of wildlife.
SCP-6000 is observed to move at abnormally fast speeds, often in excess of 1,200kph on land and 2,800kph underwater It would also make sonic concussions both in and out of the water. Thunder maybe?. This movement often creates large rifts in the terrain, and tsunamis in the water. SCP-6000 exhibits strength and durability far beyond what it's proportions would suggest, having bite force strong enough to crush KEY Units, destroy mountains and throw itself into the upper troposphere. It is able to fly at this altitude in a fashion similar to swimming.
By maintaining consciousness, SCP-6000 alters weather patterns and atmospheric conditions on a global scaleSCP-6000 is able to alter weather patterns and atmospheric conditions on a global scale at will, primarily by exerting a mild cooling effect on the earth’s average temperature by 2 or 3 degrees. This effect varies in intensity and effect locally, with the most significant changes being intensified snowfall in glacial areas and poles, increased rainfall in arid areas, and severe thunderstorms globally.
The most directly threatening use of SCP-6000's ability to control weather conditions is when directly within its line of sight, often in response to outside stimulus or its theoretical emotional state. This most commonly takes the form of severe thunderstorms, hurricane generation, torrential rain and the generation of extremely large waves. It uses this ability primarily as a form of offense in an area, typically striking cities, mines and power plants with severe weather events before striking physically. Rain generated in this form has been observed to spontaneously generate plant life within its area of effect. This flora has been observed to grow extremely rapidly, and is at times hostile to human life.
SCP-6000 possesses several powerful anomalous qualities regarding itself. Thaumaturgical scans have shown that SCP-6000 is simultaneously tangible and intangible, which has been observed at times of attack1. It often uses this ability when swallowing organic materials, primarily animals, while avoiding swallowing earth or buildings. Despite its frequent consumption of living persons, SCP-6000 always regurgitates these individuals, having transfigured them into animalistic forms within itself.
Addendum 1; Discovery and early history of SCP-6000:
Discovery and early investigation into SCP-6000
Statement from Site Director Allan Tibbals
Prior to the discovery of SCP-6000 in the March of 2020, there was much discussion within the foundation regarding how much humanitarian aid to provide towards fighting the 2019-2020 Australian bushfires. We of course knew they were not our problem to deal with, being the result of non anomalous climate change and poor government action, but it is human nature to want to help one another, and in the case of those of us at Australian sites, our homelands.
Still, despite my own feelings towards the matter, we at Site 40 were spread too thin to offer any more than nominal support to fire-fighters and rescue groups, particularly with the growing concern that we had towards the unusual seismic activity being felt around the Australian continent.We knew it was anomalous, emails and communications were sent back and forth discussing what to do. Ultimately survey teams were dispatched to find their source, but due to the fires these efforts were less than successful. We decided to wait until things calmed down before trying again.
We all know now what a mistake that was.
The lesson to be learned here is simple. We need to stop working around the poor decisions made by the non anomalous world, and act more directly. Had we done that, we wouldn't be in the mess we now find ourselves.
Discovery of SCP-6000.
Beginning in December 1988, unusual seismic activity began to be detected throughout mainland Australia, and in particular around the eastern coast of New South Wales. Initially this was not believed to be anomalous, and was ignored. However, over the following years, this seismic activity grew in intensity and frequency, until finally in 2019 it was decided that investigators would be dispatched from Site-40 to investigate.
Investigation showed that the source of this seismic activity was located within Wollemi national park, an area comprised of 501,703 hectares of wilderness located between the Blue Mountains. Investigations were halted before more precise measurements could be taken by the 2019-2020 bushfire season, when intense wildfires affected the area in question, and it was decided that investigation would resume upon the fires being put under control.
While waiting for conditions to improve, drastically more intense seismic activity was detected from within the area, culminating on the 10/2/2020 when fire-fighter Mark Delaney was reported to have disobeyed orders while attempting the rescue of a panicked civilian who had fled into dangerous terrain within Wollemi national park. The subsequent events led to SCP-6000 emerging from a subterranean cavern and departing the area.
Foundation investigation into this event uncovered the remains of Mr. Delaney pinned beneath a large granite boulder located in close proximity to the ruined entrance to a large subterranean cabin, surrounded by evidence of rock slides and an emergence event. The examination of Mr. Delaney's remains revealed a portable video camera was worn on his helmet, and captured the events following his attempted rescue of the as yet unknown civilian leading up to the emergence of SCP-6000. A transcript of the recovered footage follows:
Footage begins showing Mark Delaney among other fire-fighters, standing among several parked fire trucks. Fire-fighters can be seen attempting to suppress intense fire fronts with high pressure hoses, and visibility is very poor due to smoke and reflected light from intense flames. Mr. Delaney is requesting support from another fire-fighter in retrieving a ladder from a fire truck, when an unidentified woman is seen running towards the flames.
Delaney: Stop right there!
The woman appears unable to hear Mr. Delaney, and is a highly panicked state. She continues into the woodland at speed, with Mr. Delaney giving chase. Another fire-fighter can faintly be heard calling for him to stop.
Woman: Jaimie!? Jaimie come back!
Delaney: Oi, no! It's too hot!
Cameras view is largely obscured by smoke and embers as Mr. Delaney inters the woodland. The path appears wide, but is surrounded by intense flames. All that can be heard is the roar of the flames. Mr. Delaney continues to chase after the woman, occasionally swearing.
The camera jolts violently for eight (8) seconds, causing Mr. Delaney to fall. He returns to his feet and resumes running.
Delaney: ████ me, its getting worse, ████! Lady, come back!Why is profanity censored?
Mr. Delaney occasionally loses sight of the woman, running for an additional 83 seconds before entering a clearing on the edge of a ravine. Past the ravine a mass of flaming wilderness can be seen. The unidentified woman can be seen cowering at the edge of the ravine.
Delaney: Come here!
Mr. Delaney approaches the woman, grabbing her and examining her. She appears hysterical and unresponsive to Mr. Delaney’s questioning.
Delaney: ████ing hell, ok, ok.
Mr. Delaney, lifts the woman out of frame, presumably into a fireman’s carry. The camera swings over the edge of the ravine, showing a large reptilian mass partially exposed by a fissure in the ground.
Delaney: ████ me…
The reptilian mass shifts, with the movement seemingly causing another earth tremor. Mr. Delaney stumbles, hanging onto the ground. A jutting ledge on the opposite side of the ravine splits from the surrounding earth, with several flaming trees falling onto the reptilian mass.
The reptilian mass flinches away from the burning vegetation, an much more severe tremors begin. An extremely loud roaring sound can be heard, cutting out the audio for the remainder of the footage. The reptilian mass retreats beneath the earth.
The camera looks toward the sky, showing several lightning flashes through the smoke and rain beginning to fall. Camera shake presumed to be a result of the earth tremors worsens, as the ravine returns to view.
A much larger reptilian mass emerges from the earth, resulting in the upheaval of a significant quantity of stone and earth. Frame by frame analysis shows that the mass is the head of SCP-6000, on fire and visibly roaring.
Mr. Delaney and the unidentified woman are thrown back, with the camera pointed to the sky. SCP-6000 can be seen rising into the air before disappearing in the smoke.
Torrential rain begins to fall into frame, flames recede.
Following the emergence of SCP-6000 severe thunderstorms rapidly formed over bushfire affected areas in Australia, quickly dousing them. While the Foundation began to track SCP-6000, investigation revealed that areas affected by these thunderstorms began to exhibit anomalously rapid plant growth. Additionally, both Foundation and mundane weather monitoring organisations detected a reversing of global warming trends.
Early behaviour of SCP-6000.
Initially, SCP-6000 remained airborne within these thunderstorms, which progressively expanded in area and began appearing further and further from the location of its origin point. Foundation monitors quickly realised that the anomalous rains formed by SCP-6000 were mainly forming above areas affected by desertification and deforestation. During the initial phase of SCP-6000 remaining within Australian borders, these storms covered thousands of square kilometres of farmland, forests, residential areas and cities. This was accompanied by large scale destruction of property as large trees displaced structures.
Multiple Foundation sites were mobilized to aid in the search, rescue and relocation efforts in aid of those affected by the event, with Global Occult Coalition forces offering support. Meanwhile, multiple unsuccessful efforts were made by the Foundation to neutralise SCP-6000, which had been determined to be the logical cause of these events. These attempts were typically met with violence from SCP-6000, typically in the form of lightning strike of bites. It was during one of these failed attempts that SCP-6000 was first observed to attack a human settlement.
On the 27/3/2020, SCP-6000 directly attacked the city of Canberra. At 10:47AM intense thunderstorms formed over the city, with wind speeds measuring over 140kph. This was rapidly followed by SCP-6000 descending from the clouds and landing on most of South Canberra before rapidly striking at the ground and appearing to swallow large amounts of rubble and large numbers of people and animals. Notably, SCP-6000 targeted Parliament house in particular, flinging most of the building and its occupants into the air with extreme force, with some debris and individuals2 later being seen orbiting earth. This attack prompted response from multiple Foundation Mobile Task forces, including both Eta-5 ("Jäeger Bombers") and Tau-5 ("Samsara"), but by time of arrival SCP-6000 had departed and 74% of Canberra had been destroyed, with 197,728 persons missing. No dead bodies were found, and survivors were subjected to mass amnesticisation with the cover story of an asteroid impact.
Despite renewed efforts from both the Foundation and the GOC to neutralise, redirect or otherwise contain SCP-6000, it continued to attack human settlements, largely targeting cities, mines, areas of intense pollution and coal fire power plants. Each of these attacks resulted in the majority of the population of a given area being consumed by SCP-6000, with surviving CCTV footage showing SCP-6000 to be simultaneously tangible and intangible as it visibly phased through structures believed to have been deliberately left intact by the entity. Following these attacks, SCP-6000 has always been observed to travel to remote locations and regurgitate consumed materials. Ensuing investigation into these sightings showed drastically increased wildlife populations in areas where SCP-6000 was seen to vomit, as well as increased fertility in the soil.
Due to the scale of the damage caused by SCP-6000, survivors began to be housed in safer areas of areas previously attacked by SCP-6000. Temporary power sources became necessary on a large scale, due to the disruption to power grids, with many turning to solar power. During resettlement, many survivors and Foundation staff reported a large increase in the populations of native wildlife, which did not interfere in resettlement efforts.
Following an attack on the Australian city of Sydney, The Foundation entered into development of experimental weaponry alongside the GOC aimed at neutralising SCP-6000. This research was dubbed "Project MONGOOSE" and required vast resources, some of which required the aid of other groups of interest such as Marshall Carter and Dark Ltd. and the Church of the Broken God. Given the obvious similarity between SCP-6000 and Australian Aboriginal dreamtime stories of the Rainbow Serpent, research into these stories is being carried out in the hopes of discovering a weakness or ritual that might be used in the containment of the anomaly.
Discoveries of SCP-6000 attack after-effects.
Following the destruction of Sydney, an investigatory unit operating out of Site 40 were deployed to the area in an attempt to gather any information possible about SCP-6000 and its effect on areas attacked by it. As this was the first major city to be destroyed by SCP-6000 it was hoped that some significant information would be discovered.
At 3:21 AM Survey Team 40 arrived in northern Sydney and were instructed to head for Rushcutters Bay via the city center, as the destruction was particularly intense in the former region. Survey Team 40 was instructed to document and mark the locations of any notable anomalies that had resulted from SCP-6000s attack, as well as mark survivors locations with flares for Foundation rescue teams. The following is a video log taken from Cpt. ████ Vercoe's body camera of the resulting events, with irrelevant sections removed for brevity's sake..
Exploration Video Log Transcript
Date: 7/4/2020
Exploration Team: Survey Team 40
Subject: SCP-6000
Team Lead: Cpt. ████ Vercoe
Team Members: Sgt. Brendan Harlowe, Cpl. Irwin Porosus, Cpl. Eve Barahona.
[Cameras view shows that Survey Team 40 is travelling on foot through Sydney city center. much of the surrounding structures are severely damaged by emerging plant life, particularly large eucalyptus trees, along with signs of massive impact events. there is steady rain, and occasional flashes of lightning. Cpl. Porosus can be seen in the lead, using a chainsaw to remove fallen timbers from their path. Cpl Barahona stands guard nearby, with her weapon aimed at the tree canopy above them. The rest of the team is currently off camera.]
Vercoe: We are removing debris from our path and should be within the area of interest shortly command.
[Cpl. Porosus saws through a fallen beam, causing most of the debris to slide away.]
Porosus: That'll do it.
Vercoe: Good work, keep going team, remember, eyes open. Watch the trees for movement and stay away from anything obviously unstable.
Barahona: Yes Captain.
Harlowe: Affirmative.
Porosus: Mhm.
[The team continues south via the road, often climbing over roots and through vegetation.]
Porosus: You see all those koalas boss?.
[Camera swivels upwards, showing eight koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) within the treetops looking down at the team.]
Vercoe: Well they definitely weren't living here before.
Harlowe: Cute though.
Barahona: Marking it.
Vercoe: Command, we have large numbers of koala here, couldn't have been here before, marking the location now.
Command: Affirmative, this is consistent with other attack locations, continue to your destination.
Vercoe: Affirmative, move out guys.
[Survey Team continues along the route, frequently seeing wildlife. Animals seen universally avoid the team, with the exception of multiple snakes, which raise their heads and watch the team pass.]
Barahona: I don't like that, do we have antivenin ready Captain?
Vercoe: A dose for each of us, just stamp your feet as you walk and they'll leave us alone.
Harlowe: I swear, I keep seeing something big in the trees.
Vercoe: Where? Point it out.
Porosus: Movement!
[Camera swivels to the direction indicated by Porosus. A large mass can be seen moving behind some vegetation. The team train their weapons on it, with Porosus taking cover by a car close to the vegetation.]
Vercoe: Command, unidentified creature has been spotted. Going to attempt to flush it out.
Command: Be careful.
Vercoe: Barahona, toss that stone behind the bushes, see if it runs out.
[Barahona can be seen nodding, reaching to grab a fragment of concrete, looking to Cpt. Vercoe before throwing the stone. There is a dull thud and a deep grunting sound from the bushes as the creature moves towards the team.]
Barahona: Shit, I hit it!
Vercoe: Into cover now!
[Barahona can be seen ducking into cover by a pile of rubble, and the camera begins to jolt in time with the sounds of the creatures footsteps. Vegetation is increasingly disturbed as it approaches.]
Harlowe: Fuck, it sounds huge.
Vercoe: Calm yourself, here it comes.
[A large brown furred quadruped measuring approximately 2m tall emerges from the bushes, snorting and grunting. It stops upon reaching the clearing where the survey team is and looks around at its surroundings.]
Porosus: Is that a giant wombat?
Vercoe: Command, identification? Do we know what this is?
Command: Nothing in our databases, this isn't a known anomaly. Evans here says it looks like reconstructions of diprotodon, an extinct giant wombat.
Harlowe: What the fuck.
[The diprotodon begins to snort and throw its head in the air aggressively, pawing at the ground, approaching Sgt Harlowe. Harlowe aims his weapon at it and begins backing away, while the animal continues to approach him.]
Harlowe: Fuck off! Get back fucker!
Vercoe: Harlowe, slowly back away, stop shouting.
Porosus: Barahona, get the trauma kit ready, just in case.
[Sgt. Harlowe begins to back away from the diprotodon, which in turn stops before roaring at him. Sgt. Harlowe flinches, but returns to cover. Movement can be seen in the treetops behind him, but is not noticed by the team. After a moment, the diprotodon snorts and begins eating grass before returning to the bushes.]
Vercoe: Everyone alright?
Harlowe: I guess.
Barahona: I think the sarge needs new pants.
Harlowe: Fuck off.
Porosus: Fine.
Vercoe: Enough, we need to keep moving. I don't want to be here if 6000 comes back.
Porosus: Mhm.
Barahona: So it's making extinct animals too, not just koalas.
Vercoe: Looks that way.
[Team continues towards Rushcutters Bay, eventually reaching the edge of a large crater formed by SCP-6000 striking at the earth. Trees and vines can be seen growing visibly larger within the crater, and kangaroos are foraging among the area.]
Porosus: Fuck me, how big must that snake be to do this?
Vercoe: Varies, eggheads at 40 say it changes between about 400 metres to over a thousand k's long.
Barahona: Jesus.
Vercoe: Command, we're going to need to detour around this crater.
Command: Roger. Be advised we have detected movement in the trees and buildings above you. Be careful.
Harlowe: Fuck, diprowombats?
Porosus: Diprotodon.
Barahona: Diprotodon.
Harlowe: Who cares, whatever.
Vercoe: Quiet. Acknowledged command. Team, eyes up high.
Porosus: Mhm.
[Survey Team 40 continues along the lip of the crater, before coming to a ruined apartment block overhanging the edge. A group of large kangaroos approximately 2.5m tall are grazing beside it, looking over at the team.]
Vercoe: Hold up, go around them, don't want to piss them off if we don't have to.
Barahona: They're huge.
Command: Evans has identified those as Procoptodon goliah, An extinct short faced kangaroo. Given their size I would recommend caution.
Vercoe: Thanks. You heard her team, steer clear.
[The team moves to circle around the animals, when Cpl. Porosus is seen to swing his weapon and light towards the apartment building. A moderately large animal can be seen emerging from a hole in the wall, with its eyes reflecting the light into the camera]
Porosus: Fucking, lion or something!
Vercoe: Watch it, take cover, weapons ready!
[Team takes cover and aims weapons towards the animal. It is a brown colour with white stripes, a robust, muscular build and a large mouth with large teeth. It slowly climbs down the side of the building, towards the Procoptodons, which have turned to face the team.]
Harlowe: Am I the only one who thinks that looks like that thing up in Canada?
Barahona: Oh shit.
Command: Team, Evans here, that's a marsupial lion, Thylacoleo carnifex. Powerful predator, looks like its hunting the kangaroos. Assuming it works like normal predators, don't bother it and it should leave you alone.
Vercoe: Assuming? Team, be ready to fire on the lion.
Porosus: Way ahead of you.
Harlowe: Ok.
Barahona: Got it.
[The Thylacoleo carnifex drops from the building onto the back of a Procoptodon, grabbing it and biting it around the neck. The other Procoptodons scatter rapidly, fleeing into the trees. The two animals struggle, before the Thylacoleo subdues the Procoptodon, removing the head and beginning to drag the carcass back up the side of the apartment block. Two smaller Thylacoleos can be seen at the edge of the hole where the larger instance emerged from, vocalising loudly.]
Porosus: Holy shit!
Barahona: Fuck me!
Vercoe: Easy guys, easy. Harlowe, cover me while I recover the head.
Harlowe: Yes Captain.
[Varcoe approaches the severed Procoptodon head, with the camera repeatedly swiveling to see where the Thylacoleo went. Vercoe picks up the head and goes to place it in a containment pouch.]
Barahona: Hold on, is that a tattoo?
Vercoe: What?
[Vercoe turns the head over and examines it. The words "Live, Laugh, Love" can be seen tattooed on the brow ridge of the Procoptodon, along with a stylised human skull on the right side of the face.]
Vercoe: Holy shit.
Afterword: Following review of the footage, these tattoos were matched to those on John Bearing, a tattoo artist whose body was not recovered following SCP-6000's attack on Sydney. It is now believed that all animals emerging in the wake of SCP-6000 attacks are people that have been transfigured into wildlife within SCP-6000 before being regurgitated.
Addendum 2: Expansion of SCP-6000 attacks to other continents.
Statement from Site Director Allan Tibbals
Things haven't gone well. From the total loss of Australia, the discovery that it's eating us and vomiting us up as animals, and the veil of secrecy being annihilated, it has been a bad few months.
I know many of you don't believe that we can turn this around. But you're wrong.
The Foundation has ALWAYS managed to tip the scales back to our favour. Time and again we have contained the uncontainable, and recontained it when it escaped. We have save humanity time and again from extinction. We have handled the whims of mad gods and the red tape of world governments. We have restarted the world a time or two.
So I say this. We will rebuild what this snake has destroyed. We will find its weakness, and we will lock it away. We will begin again, using anomalous means until we're back on our feet. And when the work is done, we will help the world to forget the horror that we have faced these past few months.
But right now the big job is still ahead of us. We are continuing to build upon our weapons and containment experiments. We are learning more every day about SCP-6000, and we are getting closer to the answers we need. I just need you to dig deep, and do our part in bringing this thing down.
Yes, it has shrugged off all our efforts thus far, and yes, it is attacking settlements on a near global scale now.
But now the Veil is down.
We don't have to pull our punches anymore. We can throw all we have at it. We can take what we have learned in this document, forge it into a weapon and use it to win.
Expansion of SCP-6000s area of activity
In the months following the destruction of Sydney, Australia, SCP-6000 went on to not only attack all other major Australian settlements, but extend its range into Asia, Europe, Africa and Antarctica, where it behaved similarly. While the Foundation and the GOC did make hundreds of attempts to stop, incapacitate, neutralise or otherwise contain SCP-6000 through various means3, It continued to attack settlements with impunity, with the death toll believed to be in the low billions.
Worldwide, SCP-6000 has now lowered the the average global temperature by 0.7 degrees Celsius, replenished glacial and polar ice, and refilled depleted lake and river systems. Much of the world’s deforestation has been reversed, and dozens of species of wildlife have been declared no longer endangered or extinct. It is estimated that over 40% of human settlements have been rendered uninhabitable with SCP-6000s area of effect, and relocation projects have been made a priority. Due to SCP-6000's targeting of dams, coal fire plants and large cities, numerous temporary solar power arrays and nuclear power plants have been erected worldwide to cope with power demands, and both the Foundation and the Global Occult Coalition have resorted to anomalous means of food production to aid in the supply of rations to refugees.
The handling of governments worldwide has become a priority, as many nations have moved to defend themselves from SCP-6000 militarily. The Global Occult Coalition has volunteered to use its United Nations channels to manage the issue, with the focus being on ensuring global governments priority is on the rescue and shelter of citizens rather than the bolstering of military forces, which has thus far proven ineffective at best, and provocatory at worst.
While media suppression was possible in the weeks immediately following the emergence of SCP-6000 was possible, albeit extremely difficult, the expanding area subjected to SCP-6000s attacks has made it impossible to conceal the truth from the eyes of the world. As of now, the veil of secrecy is to be considered broken and no further efforts to conceal the existence or effects of SCP-6000 are being made, as this has been deemed a waste of Foundation resources.
It is hoped that the lowered global population may aid in global amnesticisation programs in the event that SCP-6000 be successfully contained or neutralized.
Table of notable locations visited by SCP-6000
The following table has been made for the purpose of determining a pattern of behaviour in regards to SCP-6000. For the sake of brevity, hundreds of examples have been omitted, with more data to be added as events unfold.Location | Description | Events | Death Toll | Notes |
Canberra, Australia | Capital City | Direct attack, SCP-6000 Landed on the city and rapidly struck at it with its mouth. Accompanied by hurricane force winds and thunderstorms. | 197,728 | SCP-6000 appeared to target Parliament house in particular, a trend seen reflected in subsequent attacks on capital cities. |
Sydney, Australia | Coastal City | environmental attack, SCP-6000 remained in the clouds, only striking the ground occasionally while tsunamis flooded the city. Severe winds and storms also in effect. | 3,129,428 | The offices of major mining and oil companies4 were specifically targeted with physical strikes from SCP-6000, as was the area of Rushcutters bay. Temperate forest rapidly took hold following the event. |
Hong Kong, Peoples Republic of China (PRC) | Island City | Direct attack following multiple days of severe storms and monsoons. SCP-6000 dropped its tail into the sea and swept multiple massive waves at Hong Kong island before landing its entire mass between Hong Kong island and Kowloon | 6,284,300 | Multiple waves were reported to exceed 200m in height. Despite the thoroughness of the attack, multiple skyscrapers remain standing. |
Aral Sea, Khazakstan/Uzbekistan | Former Lake | Refilled by rainstorms over a period of months | 9 | Lightning strikes and flood damage caused much of the Soviet irrigation systems responsible for the drainage of the Aral sea to be destroyed, allowing water flow to return to pre-Soviet routes. |
Great Pacific Garbage Patch | Garbage Patch | A perpetual rainstorm has formed over the area. Plastics and other debris hit by this rain are observed to transform into multiple different forms of marine life.5 | 0 | It is estimated that the garbage patch will have been reduced to a negligible size by 2022 |
Three Gorges Dam, Peoples Republic of China (PRC) | Peoples Republic of China (PRC) | Direct attack. SCP-6000 directly struck at the dam from the air multiple times, destroying the entire structure. | 406,184,000You sure about this number? | Following the impact, 37 billion cubic metres of water flood down the Yangtze river, with widespread flooding in the Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Anhui, Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. Shashi City, Gezhouba Dam, Zhicheng, Jingjiang, Wuhan, Nanjing and Shanghai were all destroyed. Despite multiple drainage attempts prior to the attack, the perpetual thunderstorms to the north of the river caused by SCP-6000 had caused the dam’s reservoir to be extremely full. |
Taichung Power Plant, Taiwan | Coal Fire Power Plant | Multiple lightning strikes entered the plant, causing a series of steam explosions. | Unknown | The precise nature of the rapid lightning strikes suggests that SCP-6000 is able to understand the plants function by unknown means. |
Mt Kenya Glaciers, Kenya | Glaciers | All 11 glaciers6 atop Mt Kenya began rapidly expanding at the same time as SCP-6000 awoke. | 0 | It is estimated that all glaciers will return to pre 1890 levels by 2030 |
Mayak Production Association, Russia | Nuclear Processing Plant | direct attack. SCP-6000 approached the Mayak facility via the Techa river before emerging and physically attacking and swallowing multiple structures, including multiple disused nuclear reactors and waste storage tanks. Thunderstorms caused rapid plant growth. | Unknown. | Following this attack, Foundation investigation has discovered that nuclear contamination in the region has reduced drastically. |
Sahel Region, North Africa | Ecozone | Long periods of rainstorms formed over the entire region, triggering anomalously rapid plant growth and soil revitalisation. SCP-6000 directly struck several communities, swallowing and transfiguring the inhabitants into wildlife. | 993,000 | An area of 650,000 km² that had previously been seriously affected by desertification reverted to semi tropical forest and bush lands. Lake Chad was seen to be greatly replenished. |
Congo basin, Central Africa | Tropical Rain forest/ River system | Widespread reforestation as a result of SCP-6000's rainstorms. Multiple settlements within the area previously within forest boundaries were attacked and the occupants transfigured into endangered wildlife. | 48,500,000 | An area of 148,460 km² has been converted to rain forest in the Democratic Republic of Congo alone. Numerous endangered and previously extinct animals have been reported to be inhabiting the area in large numbers. |
Eastern Australian temperate forests/ grazing lands, Australia | Former Forest/ Grazing lands | SCP-6000 directly attacked grazing lands over a period of several weeks, consuming over 70,000,000 livestock animals before rainstorms triggered the growth of native flora in the form of temperate forests. | 300,000 | Wildlife regurgitated by SCP-6000 in this area has primarily been previously extinct animals, and has drastically changed the local environment. The presence of numerous specimens of carnivorous megafauna in the area has rendered the area unlikely to be resettled in the future. |
Antarctica | Pole | SCP-6000 flew over much of Antarctica, causing increased snowfall and causing increased auroras over the southern pole. Increased snowfall resulted in the reformation of approximately three trillion tons of ice. | 0 | SCP-6000 was seen to circle Mount Sidley for 19 days. The reason for this is currently unknown despite Foundation investigation. |
Benguela-Belize Lobito-Tomboco Oil Platform, Republic of Angola | Offshore Oil Platform | SCP-6000 directly attacked the platform from below the surface of the sea, physically pulling it beneath the surface and repeatedly slamming it into the sea floor. Structure remnants rapidly converted to coral reef over the following months. | All hands lost.State the number to make it consistent | It is theorised that the immense pressure generated by SCP-6000s body mass crushing the station has effectively plugged the oil well. |
Ok Tedi Mine, Papua New Guinea | Open Pit Mine | Rainstorms formed over the mine pit and surrounding areas, but did not cause plant growth, instead detoxifying soil contaminated by mining waste. SCP-6000 approaches the mine via the Fly River and later the Ok Tedi River, swallowing much of the contaminated river bed. SCP-6000 then emerged and proceeded to fill in the mine with surrounding earth before departing. | 10,000Estimate? | Rain forest regrew in the area following the attack. Pollution levels in the Ok Tedi and Fly rivers has dropped to nearly 0. |
Malagrotta Landfill, Italy | Landfill | Thunderstorms appeared over the landfill, with the rains converting much of the waste into fungus, trees and insects. | 0 | A large portion of the waste was converted into wasps and bees, resulting in vastly increased natural pollination. |
Ganges River, India | River | SCP-6000 physically entered the Ganges delta via the bay of Bengal, attacking numerous settlements before swimming up the river at low speed over the course of 24 days. It was observed to have its mouth open, with its lower jaw scraping the river bed and swallowing it, with its entire mass filling the river. SCP-6000 repeatedly attacked structures and settlements on the banks of the river. Multiple dams were destroyed, and millions of people were consumed. | 250,500,000 | Military forces repeatedly attempted to intercept and attack SCP-6000, but were either ignored or crushed by SCP-6000. Following its departure, the Ganges River was found to be clean and heavily populated by fish and dolphins. |
Tanzania Wilderness, Tanzania | Wilderness | Rainfall over the area was reported similar to other areas affected by SCP-6000, but induced changes in local wildlife. Animals killed by human activity such as poaching and trophy hunting were observed to recover, in some cases multiple times. | Unknown, estimated between 300 - 19,000 | Following wildlife recovery, massively increased aggression towards humans has been observed, with numerous reports of lions, leopards, hyenas and elephant attacks occurring daily. |
Himalayan Mountain Range, Asia | River | Glacial expansion coinciding with the awakening of sCP-6000, rainfall rapidly reintroduced forests to areas affected by deforestation, and multiple settlements converted to wildlife with similar aggression and regenerative abilities seen in Tanzania, Siberia and the Ganges. | 28,000,000 | Numerous reports of SCP-1000 sightings in the region have been reported following attacks by SCP-6000. |
Incident 6000-Beijing
Following the destruction of the three gorges dam, Foundation plants within the CCP reported significant unrest within the party. There was immediate mobilization of military assets not affected by the floods under the name of preparedness. Despite attempted Foundation intervention much of Chinas military resources were relocated to Beijing, including at least 80 nuclear weapons.
Multiple attempts were made by both Foundation and Global Occult Coalition diplomats to discourage the CCP from antagonising or engaging SCP-6000, citing the failure of India's military during the Ganges attacks and potential fallout, but failed to make progress and were eventually barred from discussions with the CCP. Multiple plants remained within the party and continued to relay information to the Foundation/ GOC alliance.
Rather than use further resources attempting to negotiate with the CCP, it was determined that the Foundation would continue to prioritize the attempted containment of SCP-6000 and the development of Project MONGOOSE.
At 4:23PM, the 27/10/2020 Foundation satellites detected SCP-6000 was airborne and approaching the Jingjinji Metropolitan Region. Shortly afterwards, Site-40 received the following message from Agent Zhou Wei, who was embedded within the CCP.
The Intelligence Bureau has spotted SCP-6000 approaching Beijing and a state of emergency has been declared. CCP in a state of panic, the military is on high alert and Jinping is talking about nuclear weapons. Please advise.
Agent Zhou Wei was advised to attempt to discourage the use of nuclear weapons, and it was decided that an early prototype for Project MONGOOSE be diverted to the South China Sea via the SCPS Indominus7 and attempt to incapacitate SCP-6000 before it could arrive in the Jingjinji Metropolitan Region. It was theorised that despite operating at 23% of the capacity of the projected output of the finished weapon, the prototype would be able to induce unconsciousness or a sleep state within SCP-6000.
Recovered PLA footage:
Camera feed shows a battalion of PLA Rocket force soldiers reading to attack outside the city of Lhasa. Multiple launch platforms can be seen, and it is raining heavily. Lightning frequently illuminates the scene.
SCP-6000 can be seen approaching from the southwest within the cloud cover approximately 8km away. A Sergeant can be seen in the foreground on a radio, requesting for air force support.
SCP-6000's head can be seen overuse of phrase 'can be seen' by this point. Break it up a bit.dipping below the clouds as it approaches. It visibly shifts between the appearances of an elapid and a python visibly shifts appearance to resemble different species of ophidians simultaneously. It roars loudly. Multiple rocket platforms appear to be readied.
The Sergeant gestures to several soldiers and points at SCP-6000, which is rapidly approaching. Multiple gunships enter frame, approaching SCP-6000 and opening fire. SCP-6000 does not react and continues Northeast
A gunship is forced to take evasive action as a coil of SCP-6000's body emerges from cloud cover. SCP-6000's motion causes it to collide with the gunship, which detonates.
An order to fire can be heard from the Sergeants radio.
Eighteen ballistic missiles are seen being launched from the ground, entering the cloud cover, detonating above the clouds.
Multiple soldiers can be seen staring at the clouds. Some can be heard asking one another if SCP-6000 has been killed.
SCP-6000 emerges from the clouds at high speeds speed, roaring and continuing northeast. Multiple lightning strikes hit the area, with most of the soldiers being killed on impact.
Task forces operating out of multiple Chinese Foundation sites were mobilized to aid in the evacuation of civilians across the projected path of SCP-6000. As the evacuations were carried out, The PLA dispatched numerous air force combatants to attack SCP-6000. Numerous eyewitness accounts reported SCP-6000 largely ignoring these attacks.
SCP-6000 continued heading northeast towards Beijing, with widespread thunderstorms and anomalous plant growth following in its wake. Foundation and GOC forces began treatment and organization of evacuated civilians within various staging areas throughout China.
Task force 341, tasked with aiding in the evacuation of Beijing, was halted by PLA forces on the outskirts of the Jingjinji Metropolitan Region and ordered to exit the area. Despite multiple attempts at diplomacy, Task force 341 was forced to exit the area. Upon exiting the area, they sent the following communication to Site-40.
Evacuation of Beijing is impossible. The PLA has locked down the city on the orders of Xi Jinping, and has declared the Foundation to be enemies of the state. Advise all Foundation activity within Chinese borders to be carried out with caution.
At this time, the SCPS Indominus was approximately 40 minutes from being in range of SCP-6000. Multiple reports of PLA attacks on Foundation and GOC forces began to reach Site-40, and it was decided that all Task forces were to withdraw. This decision was met with resistance, but was carried out.
By 5:03pm, all foundation activity within China northeast Chinahad ceased, with all forces returning to their home Sites. Satellite monitoring and local surveillance cameras showed SCP-6000 continuing to approach the Jingjinji Metropolitan Region in spite of increasingly thick resistance from the PLA.
At 5:09pm, the following communication was received from Agent Zhou Wei
They're going to launch nuclear weapons. I can't stop them.
Following this communication, the SCPS Indominus was ordered to fire the MONGOOSE prototype as soon as possible. The Indominus replied in the affirmative, estimating that they would be in range in 12 minutes.
DATE: 27/10/2020
NOTE: At 5:14pm, SCP-6000 reached the outskirts of the Jingjinji Metropolitan Region. The following events were recorded by numerous Foundation and civilian cameras and satellites.
5:14pm: Air raid sirens sound out over the cities, and civilians remaining on the streets can be seen fleeing indoors. A very large storm front can be seen approaching from the Southwest, with SCP-6000 approaching from within. Multiple military aircraft are engaging it to no effect.
5:14pm: thunderstorms rapidly form over the entire region. Heavy rain begins to fall, and large masses of vegetation form from the ground and architecture of the cities. Numerous lightning bolts strike multiple skyscrapers.
5:14pm: Site-40 command relays SCP-6000s arrival to the SCPS Indominus. The Indominus continues its approach.
5:15pm: SCP-6000 coils above the city of Baoding and observes the city. Lightning strikes cease.
5:16pm: SCP-6000 strikes at Baoding, destroying seven skyscrapers. It rises before hitting the ground and proceeds to scrape the ground with its mouth, forcing numerous vehicles and structures down its throat. Multiple CCTV cameras show civilians falling into the throat, which does not appear different to that of non anomalous snakes.
5:17pm: SCP-6000 fully reaches the ground, and proceeds to circle the city, moving in an inward spiral as it swallows terrain and buildings. Some buildings are spared, with CCTV footage showing SCP-6000 passing through them harmlessly.
5:17pm: Military aircraft begin bombing runs on SCP-6000. Multiple bombs detonate on its back with no effect. One aircraft is seen to deliberately ram the eye of SCP-6000, detonating violently. SCP-6000 fails to notice and continues the consumption of Baoding.
5:18pm: Multiple tornadoes and lightning bolts strike multiple sites within the Jingjinji Metropolitan Region, continuing along paths throughout the area, targeting skyscrapers in particular.
5:19pm: SCP-6000 finishes consuming Baoding and rears its head into the air, ignoring the efforts of the PLA air force. It turns to face the city of Beijing before pushing off the remains of Baoding and rapidly approaching the city.
5:20pm: PLA air force retreats from SCP-6000 and Beijing. The SCPS Indominus reports it will be in range of SCP-6000 in 70 seconds.
5:20pm: Numerous sirens sound within Beijing as SCP-6000 approaches, and a recording of Xi Jinping plays over citywide loudspeakers, stating the following: "Better for Beijing to fall than for China to be overrun."
5:21pm: SCPS Indominus reports to Site-40 command that SCP-6000 is now within range of the MONGOOSE prototype and requests permission to fire.
5:21pm: Multiple simultaneous launches are detected from within Beijing. Satellite imaging identifies these launches as being four nuclear warheads.
5:21pm: Tornadoes and lightning strikes continue to ravage the area, with large masses of vegetation forming over the ruins.
5:22pm: Twelve nuclear warheads simultaneously strike SCP-6000 on separate lengths of its body and head 43km Southwest from Beijing. The resulting blasts are estimated to have yields ranging from 5 to 16 Megatons, causing SCP-6000 to recoil. Multiple windows within Beijing shatter.
5:22pm: SCPS Indominus reports sighting of a flash of light from the direction of Beijing. Rainfall, tornadoes and lightning strikes cease in the area, and the upper portion of SCP-6000 is obscured by mushroom clouds.
5:22pm: O5 command orders the SCPS Indominus to charge the MONGOOSE prototype. On board cameras show the barrels of the MONGOOSE aim towards SCP-6000 and the device begins to emit green light and high pitched wailing vocalisations.
5:23pm: SCP-6000 roars and rears above Beijing. Its head and much of its body is aflame, but does not display any sign of damage or burning. SCP-6000 roars again and tosses its head violently extinguishing the flames, before turning towards Beijing and bodily flinging itself at the city while roaring and emitting multicoloured bolts of energymaybe describe the energy?
plasma? lightning? something else? at Beijing, causing catastrophic damage. Thunderstorms, tornadoes and winds in excess of 450kph spontaneously form over the area, causing significant damage.
5:23pm: SCP-6000 strikes at the ground repeatedly and thrashes its tail across the region, leaving multiple large craters. SCPS Indominus reports that the Mongoose prototype will be ready to fire shortly.
5:24pm: PLA aircraft returns and engages SCP-6000, with multiple aircraft deliberately colliding with it. SCP-6000 continues to strike the earth, with numerous lightning bolts impacting the PLA aircraft. Lava begins to emerge from multiple craters as a result of SCP-6000s strikes.
5:24PM: Project MONGOOSE technicians aboard the SCPS Indominus begin the firing sequence. The prototype begins wailing more intensely and emitting flashes of dark green light.
5:25pm: The last remaining PLA aircraft retreat from SCP-6000.
5:28pm: SCP-6000 ceases striking at the ground and surveys the area. Tornadoes and lightning storms dissipate, and vegetation begins to form in areas unaffected by the emergence of lava. SCP-6000 begins to roar and vocalise repeatedly.
5:28pm: Project MONGOOSE technicians report that the prototype is ready to be fired. O5-Command grants permission to fire.
5:29pm: Project MONGOOSE fires once the entities coordinates are confirmed. Crew of SCPS Indominus lost upon activation. A large, sustained beam of green energ dont use the energy wordy comprised of [DATA EXPUNGED] fires from Project MONGOOSE, accompanied by an intense screaming sound. Satellite visuals are lost as a result of the weapons firing.
5:30pm: A fault occurs within the MONGOOSE prototype, causing an energy failure and cessation of fire and vocalisation.
5:30pm: Satellite visuals are regained as weapon's vocalizations cease; entity appears to have taken notice of the beam.
5:31: SCP-6000 rapidly propels itself into the cloud cover, visibly tracking the MONGOOSE beam as it passes and impacts the Jundu mountains, destroying approximately 37km2.
5:32: The entity emits a low vocalisation and approaches the SCPS Indominus, entering the South China Sea and raising its head out of the water to inspect the Project MONGOOSE prototype for the following four minutes before submerging itself beneath the surface and leaving the area.
Following the departure of SCP-6000 from the area no search and rescue operations were carried out in the Jingjinji Metropolitan Region. The death toll from this incident has been estimated as being in excess of 140 million. Investigation into the former site of Beijing showed the formation of three fault lines, previously undiscovered species of flora and fauna, and masses of human remains. SCP-6000 was tracked to the Pacific Ocean before being lost in deep waters.
After a period of several hours it was deemed to be safe for the SCPS Indominus and Project MONGOOSE prototype to be recovered by the Foundation, with further research and development to be carried out.
Addendum 3: SCP-6000 global expansion and Project MONGOOSE.
Project MONGOOSE: An overview.
Following the emergence of SCP-6000, multiple attempts at containment were made. Conventional means were quickly proven useless, and shortly afterwards so were even high level Foundation devices. HECOR bounced off of its hide. Class-Σ auto cannon fire passed through it. Scantron Reality Anchor derived devices had no effect. The KEY units that proved so effective against LSA's were at best bulldozed, and at worst totally ignored. In short, the Foundation needed a new weapon. Whether it would allow for SCP-6000's containment or its neutralisation was deemed irrelevant.
To this end, the Foundation reached out to the Global Occult Coalition, whose prowess at killing anomalous entities was famed, feared and even hated throughout the anomalous community. Given the highly visible nature of SCP-6000, the GOC was already aware of the entity and were already working towards its neutralisation. They were receptive towards a collaboration, and development soon began at both Site-19 and the GOC Advanced Weaponry Facility in Colorado, USA.
Numerous resources were used, both mundane and anomalous. As SCP-6000 began to move over larger portions of the globe, development became increasingly desperate. Both Marshall Carter and Dark Ltd. and the Church of the Broken God were contacted, and both agreed to aid in the construction of a viable device. This collaboration led to what has become known as Project MONGOOSE, a long range Charged Particle Emitter that draws on thaumaturgical, ████████ and reverse siphoned hume energies to produce a devastating projectile attack.
It was agreed that the GOC would manufacture the Charged Particle Emitter, while the Foundation would manufacture the barrel and focusing rings necessary to amplify and control the beam. Specialists from the CotBG aided both parties in the construction of these elements. Each site produced a smaller prototype for the purposes of testing, with one of these prototypes being fired at SCP-6000 during Incident-6000-Beijing.
As of the 23/11/2020, SCP-6000 has expanded its area of operation to encompass the entire globe. Multiple attacks within the Americas are being reported daily, and Project MONGOOSE has been completed. Due to the prototypes charge sequence causing the annihilation of all life forms within a 444 radius of it, all components have been fitted, mounted aboard a GOC Class-Lincoln Satellite and launched into orbit, from where it will be fired remotely.
Due to the immense energy requirements and complex reactions, Orbital Project MONGOOSE requires 444 seconds to fire after the location has been locked. As such, it is now the Foundations responsibility to fire Orbital Project MONGOOSE at SCP-6000 when an opportunity arises, with all efforts being made to create such a window of opportunity.
SCP-6000 Global behaviour patterns.
Following Incident 6000-Beijing SCP-6000 was not seen for a period of nine days, remaining submerged in the world’s oceans. An overall improvement in the health of coral reefs was detected, and numerous vessels were lost at sea in hurricanes and squalls. At this time remaining governments have taken shelter in subterranean bunkers, and a joint effort between the Foundation and the GOC has been working towards relocating and safely housing survivors of attacks by the entity, with both organizations producing food, medicine and power via anomalous means.
During this time, SCP-6000 was spotted beneath the arctic ice pack. Pack ice could be seen thickening and expanding with the naked eye, returning to pre-1948 levels within two days. It then proceeded to circle an area slightly outside the Arctic Circle and portions of northern Siberia, Canada and Alaska, consuming large numbers of livestock and humans. Reports of flora and fauna lost during the quaternary extinction event appearing within these areas were proven correct through multiple satellite images. Glaciation rates in this area increased to a large degree, in some cases expanding over towns and a subterranean Foundation Site. Despite multiple attempts to target SCP-6000 with Orbital Project MONGOOSE, the entity proved too mobile for a lock to be made.
SCP-6000 then shifted its focus to the Americas, causing widespread rainstorms, plant growth and reintroduction of endangered and extinct species coinciding with mass disappearances of civilian populations within densely populated cities throughout much of South America, with a particularly large portion of time and activity centred on the Amazon rain forest. The entity was observed to move over much of the Americas, changing direction seemingly at random but following the established pattern of targeting large urban centers and environmentally damaging installations. Of note, The entity attacked Washington DC via the Potomac river and was observed screaming at military forces engaging it, where previously it had always ignored military forces.
Foundation historians and archaeologists have conducted extensive research into Australian Aboriginal mythology, particularly in regards to the rainbow serpent. It is now believed that oral dreamtime stories passed down over millennia refer to confrontations with SCP-6000, and that the entity has attacked humanity before. These attacks have been proceeded by periods of environmental instability, and were often resolved by various rituals, abandonment of environmentally damaging practices, or in some cases by "Guardian Spirits8" engaging the rainbow serpent in battle. Should project MONGOOSE fail, the Foundation must consider influencing a significant shift in the way in which modern civilization functions so as to not draw the attention of SCP-6000 until containment becomes possible. The prospect of seeking out one of these protector spirits9 to intervene on behalf of the Foundation is also being considered.
At this state, SCP-6000s range is to be considered global. Foundation and GOC political ambassadors are encouraging world governments to limit military activity, and to move their populations outside of urban areas. Areas not targeted by SCP-6000 have been prioritized as temporary resettlement locations, and efforts are being made to safely provide housing for the world’s population without drawing the attention of SCP-6000.
Activation of Project MONGOOSE.
After a period of forty nine days of activity over the Americas with no opportunity to activate Orbital Project MONGOOSE, SCP-6000 began displaying interest in numerous Foundation and GOC facilities. The entity would often circle Sites, but not approach for unknown reasons. It was during one of these events on the 23/12/2020 that SCP-6000 began examining Global Occult Coalition Advanced Weaponry Facility, one of the two locations where Project MONGOOSE was developed.
At 4:37PM SCP-6000 began to investigate the Advanced Weapons Facility and displaying signs of agitation. Satellite imaging showed the facility enter a lock down, with multiple weapons platforms10 being activated. It was at this time that the O5 Council voted 8-5 to fire Orbital Project MONGOOSE upon both SCP-6000 and the Advanced Weapons facility.
The following is a log of the ensuing events.
DATE: 23/12/2020
NOTE: The following events were captured via satellite imagery aboard various Foundation Monitoring Satellites as well as cameras mounted aboard the Orbital Project MONGOOSE satellite platform.
4:38pm: SCP-6000 can be seen circling the GOC Advanced Weapons Facility (AWF) on the ground, appearing increasingly agitated. The AWF has initiated a lockdown, with multiple weapons platforms tracking the entity. Of note is a Project MONGOOSE Prototype, which appears to be charged and ready to fire.
4:38pm: Orbital Project MONGOOSE is activated and begins its charging sequence. Guidance rails and focusing rings can be seen moving into position as the barrel system aims at both the AWF and SCP-6000. Green light and wailing vocalisations begin emitting from the device, causing numerous visual glitches and illusions to appear on footage acquired from on board cameras11. GOC access to Orbital Project MONGOOSE is blocked.
4:39pm: The GOC attempts to contact Site-19, but are ignored. Multiple attempts to access Project MONGOOSE are detected and blocked. Diplomatic ambassadors are sent to meeting sites to ensure GOC cooperation.
4:39pm: SCP-6000 vocalises loudly and continues circling the Site, seeming to direct the vocalisations at the AWF.
4:40pm: Movement from SCP-6000 causes a portion of the AWFs exterior to separate from the surrounding mountainside, resulting an unidentified weapons platform mounted to this region to fire prematurely. The projectile impacts SCP-6000s tail and detonates violently but causes no damage to the entity.
4:40pm: SCP-6000 ceases vocalising at the AWF for a moment before roaring and coiling back into a striking position. Multiple weapons platforms begin firing at the entity, and numerous shielding devices can be seen activating. Wind speeds immediately increase drastically and rainstorms spontaneously generate.
4:41pm: Orbital Project MONGOOSE begins emitting pulses of energy as it enters its criticality stage
4:41pm: SCP-6000 strikes at the AWF, destroying a large portion of the mountainside which the Site is housed in. The AWF MONGOOSE Prototype fires at SCP-6000 with a sustained beam following the entities movements. The beam can be seen visibly irritating SCP-6000s skin on contact, and causes it to recoil and begin dodging the beam, vocalising loudly and staring at the prototype.
4:42pm: Multiple energy pulses are seen emitting from the AWF's MONGOOSE prototype, annihilating all vegetation within 200m of the weapon. Multiple lightning bolts strike at the Site, but are redirected by GOC shield generators. SCP-6000 attempts to fling large portions of earth and rock toward the MONGOOSE prototype with its tail, but is unsuccessful due to the sites shielding system. SCP-6000 continues to move evasively.
4:43pm: Following several seconds of uninterrupted impact from the MONGOOSE Prototype, SCP-6000 roars and emits a stream of multicoloured energy from its mouth toward the prototype, causing it to misfire and re-enter a charging phase. SCP-6000 proceeds to wrap around the mountain and strike down at the MONGOOSE prototype, resulting in a massive energy discharge. This discharge is largely negated by remaining shielding devices.
4:43pm: Orbital Project MONGOOSE readies to fire.
4:44pm: SCP-6000 continues to strike down at the AWF, breaching the top of the facility. GOC operatives can be seen within attempting to evacuate the facility, with some directing small arms fire at the entity. SCP-6000 roars and rears back in preparation for another strike.
4:44pm: Orbital Project MONGOOSE fires a sustained beam, with resultant vocalisations12 being heard by surrounding satellites and in a 44km radius of the AWF. SCP-6000 raises its head toward the source of the noise, and is engulfed in the beam along with the AWF. The beams impact annihilates the AWF, with the weapons energy flood and negative hume field disintegrating all life forms within a 444km radius.
4:47pm: Orbital Project MONGOOSE ceases firing on the orders of the O5 Council. The GOC AWF and surrounding mountains have been completely destroyed, with a large crater having been formed by the beams impact. SCP-6000 can be seen within the crater and surrounding areas of devastation, displaying moderate burns over much of its body.
4:47pm: SCP-6000 rises from the ground and roars, displaying extreme signs of rage, and the burns to its scales can be seen healing rapidly. Rainfall and wind speed intensifies, and the entity begins to rapidly expand and coil around itself, looking upwards. Visual contact is lost as storm clouds thicken. The O5 Council orders Orbital Project MONGOOSE to fire again.
4:47pm: Orbital Project MONGOOSE fires a second sustained beam at SCP-6000, clearing much of the generated storm clouds. SCP-6000 can be seen struggling against the beam and coiling on the ground before rapidly launching itself upwards.
4:48pm: SCP-6000's head approaches Orbital Project MONGOOSE. Firing ceases automatically as proximity sensors detect an imminent collision with the entity. SCP-6000 proceeds to grab the Project MONGOOSE satellite platform within its mouth, causing catastrophic damage to the MONGOOSE before falling back down to the upper troposphere and rapidly approaching Site-19.
Following the destruction of the Global Occult Coalition Advanced weapons facility as well as Project MONGOOSE, all contact with Site-19 was lost. Subsequent investigation revealed that much of the Site had suffered catastrophic damage, large amounts of anomalously grown vegetation had overtaken much of the surface levels, and partially destroyed remnants of Project MONGOOSE were present among the debris. Multiple Safe and Euclid class SCP objects were found to have breached containment, but lower levels remained uncompromised.
Rescue efforts following the attack were able to evacuate ██% of surviving staff. The following statement was provided by Site technician ██████ Wagner.
I, uh, I was working on a broken fast access cart, down in Euclid block. All the lights went red and the alarms started blaring, so I rolled out from underneath and started running to the shelters. You know, pretty standard stuff. Thought it was a containment breach. Then the banging and the explosions started. It felt like an earthquake. Everything was shaking; you could hear the upper levels caving in. I was so busy looking at the supports that I didn't watch my feet, fell, got trampled pretty bad. The bulkhead shut before I could get into the shelter.
I ran down to the workshop, there was an LSA attack vehicle there with shit brakes. Jumped in, held my hands over my ears and watched the security feed before it went down. That snake had crushed the whole eastern compound, thrown a satellite or something into the admin ward. All the guns and missiles were unloading on it and it was like trying to put out a wildfire with a water balloon. I saw it scream on the video feed, heard it all the way 23 floors underground. Ruptured both eardrums. Then it started blasting us with that rainbow lightning, feed cut out and the roof collapsed. Water started pouring in, I thought I was going to drown until it started draining down lower. I could hear the people in the bunker screaming, something had gotten in there with them. I don't want to know what.
Then just like that there was another quake and it had gone. MTFs rolled in not long after, rescued those of us who survived, got started on getting the scips back in their cells. Heard a lot of the D-Class guys helped with the rescuing. I'm just glad it didn't try and dig down to the rest of the site.
Following rescue and excavation efforts, it was determined through witness interviews that SCP-6000 had attacked Site-19 largely the use of the same bolts of multicoloured energy seen in Beijing and the GOC AWF, throwing Orbital Project MONGOOSE at the Sites Administrative wing, and by physically landing on the eastern compound.
Addendum 4: Revision of Containment Procedures and future of SCP-6000
A Word from Director Allan Tibbals
These have been some very hard months.
Entire cities were annihilated. Countries damn near depopulated. Sites lost, anomalies escaped, truces made and broken. Friends, family and loved ones we'll never see again were killed or turned into plants or animals. The veil's gone, the Foundations resources have been drained on a failed project, and the world as we know it is pretty much over.
But so are the attacks.
SCP-6000 has been revisiting the site of its awakening, it hasn't hit a single settlement in weeks, and rain has stopped making forests. There is hope now, light at the end of the tunnel. This thing is going to sleep, we have excellent leads on how to keep it that way, and we will ensure it never wakes up again.
We have a lot of work to do. A new world to make, towns, cities and Sites to rebuild. New Facilities to build, full of new means of production for food and materials. Billions of people to amnestisize, history books to re-write and effectively a whole new world to create. Luckily it isn't the first time we've done this, and likely not the last.
We can do this. You can do this. It will likely be the hardest thing you will do for us, but I promise you, it will be worth it.
Site-40 Director, Allan Tibbals.
Proposed Revisions to SCP-6000 Containment Procedures
Following the discovery of the core nature of SCP-6000 through Aboriginal rock art, extensive research into the history of SCP-6000, Interviews with various communities13 and the observed behaviour of the entity throughout its period of activity, it has been determined that SCP-6000 is able to be contained through a rigorous and intensive re-ordering of global human development and practices.
Along with the development of machinery capable of inducing sleep in entities of similar scope to SCP-6000, the Foundation must influence human civilisation in such a way as to encourage a lack of outward expansion into wilderness areas, increased adoption of renewable energies such as solar, wind and nuclear power sources, and reduced reliance on large scale farming. In an effort to maintain societal progression, the Foundation and other organisations such as the Global Occult Coalition will be required to anomalously produce livestock, construction materials and other amenities to reduce land usage. Cities and townships will be encouraged to advance via subterranean and vertical expansion, and total expansion into wilderness areas to be determined on a case by case basis, but overall limited to below 30%.
Current Foundation efforts toward the rebuilding of settlements, rehousing of refugees and re-establishing power to affected areas have already lent themselves to these efforts. Areas not targeted by SCP-6000 were naturally selected to house refugees, and at no point did the entity attack solar or wind farms, leading to more widespread use out of convenience. Nuclear power was similarly used. It is believed that these sites and power sources will be ideal launching pads for the implementation of these proposed containment measures, and numerous locations suitable for the development of further cities, towns and Foundation complexes have already been identified.
These measures are extreme and will require the cooperation of both world governments and Groups of Interest, but in the face of SCP-6000 returning they are warranted until such a time as the Foundation is able to fully contain the entity.
Reduction In SCP-6000 Hostility
Post 2021 behaviour of SCP-6000
By Dr. Kate Lloyd
Since the conclusion of 2021, SCP-6000 has displayed significantly less aggressive tendencies when compared to earlier behaviours. It is hypothesised that this is due to two main contributing factors. That the revised Containment Procedures have "Appeased" the entity, and that it has essentially achieved the majority of its goals following its awakening. Each of these factors are evidenced by several observations and statements. Based on these factors and SCP-6000's continued behaviour, it is projected that the entity will soon return to a sleep state.
Effectiveness of revised Containment Procedures:
Towards the end of 2021, the Foundation implemented revised Containment Procedures designed to appease SCP-6000, based on Australian Aboriginal dreamtime lore. Since the implementation of these new procedures SCP-6000 has been significantly calmer, having been observed ignoring multiple Foundation rebuilding efforts and not attacking a single human settlement during this time. The following examples point towards this behaviour being the result of these revised Containment Procedures.
On the 19/1/2022, SCP-6000 arrived at Site-40 via the coast, raised its head from the sea and observed the Site for a period of six minutes. This event was witnessed by Cpl. Irwin Porosus of Survey Team 40, who was participating in a training exercise at the time. When asked for a summary of the event, he stated the following:
I was holding up a log for my team when it came, raised up out of the sea. The whole time it was staring at the building, like it was looking at it before it even came up. Everyone was scared, we'd heard about 19 and that GOC base, thought it was here to do the same. But it didn't do anything. It just stared at us. The base first, the power systems building, us training, the Director out on the observation deck, the shitload of guns pointing at it. Everything, just taking it all in. It felt like we were being judged, you know? You could feel it even more than you could see it. Then after a minute, it flicked out its tongue, turned around and swam away.
In addition to the above, SCP-6000 has been observed spending a great deal of time at the area formerly housing the GOC's Advanced Weapons Facility. Despite multiple attempts to dig out lake beds and river sites, the rains generated by the entity have failed to produce lakes, rivers, or trigger plant growth as seen in other areas, with wildlife regurgitated by the entity all expiring within hours of placement. Previous models of SCP-6000's behaviour suggest that such events would trigger violent outbursts from the entity, yet it has only responded by leaving the area.
SCP-6000 then proceeded to the Amazon rain forest, where it remained for a further three days.
Achievement of SCP-6000's "Goals":
The other primary cause of SCP-6000's reduced hostility is likely a result of it achieving its goals, primarily the reversion of the global environment to a state similar to that of pre-human habitation and the re-population of various species of flora and fauna. It has been observed that as global temperatures have fallen, SCP-6000 has appeared less aggressive. The same can be said in regards to global wildlife populations rising, and the reduction of air pollution.
Beyond a reduction in the number of attacks carried out by SCP-6000, it has also been observed that the entity has not caused the anomalous growth of vegetation or regurgitation of wildlife since the 13/2/2022. While attacks on human structures and settlements can be seen as an expression of aggression on behalf of SCP-6000, the generation of forests, wildlife, lakes and rivers is exclusively motivated by returning its environment to a pre-human state. The cessation of this behaviour indicates that the entity is satisfied with the current world state.
Other behaviours of SCP-6000:
Following its visitation of the Amazon rain forest, SCP-6000 has been sighted resting within large bodies of water multiple times. Its movements have become noticeably more sluggish, displaying signs of fatigue including yawning. It has been heading in a consistently West South Westerly direction, with predictive models placing it as heading towards the Wollemi national park, where it was first discovered.
Barring unforeseen outcomes or provocation of SCP-6000, it is estimated that it will return to the site of its discovery by the 27/10/2020 and enter a period of hibernation. As such, Project MONGOOSE research is being utilised in the development of technologies capable of ensuring that SCP-6000 remains in hibernation, which will be installed on location when ready. Following this, the widespread use of amnestics on global populations will allow the Foundation to rebuild the veil of secrecy and resume its mission.
Addendum 5: Final summary
Item #: 6000
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures:
The portion of Wollemi national park containing SCP-6000, a recently formed lake over a subterranean cavern with an approximate diameter of 450m is to be restricted from public access under the guise of secret government research and testing activities. Under no circumstance may civilian or governmental individuals enter the containment area. Should this occur, all persons involved are be detained, questioned and amnesticised before being released.
A total of 27 Lloyd-Tibbals Consciousness Nullification Devices14 have been installed around the perimeter of the containment area at a depth of 4-28m in an effort to ensue SCP-6000 does not exit its hibernation. Provisional Site-6000 has been constructed within the containment area for the maintenance and operation of the devices.
To further ensure SCP-6000 does not breach containment, The Foundation is to continue to encourage world governments to limit expansion into wilderness areas. All human activity within these areas must be as non-destructive as possible. To ensure this, the Foundation has installed various cultural practices within most human societies and cultures.
A joint effort between the Foundation, the Global Occult Coalition and the Manna Charitable Foundation has been established to anomalously produce food, construction and technological materials rendered impractical to produce conventionally by these containment procedures.
SCP-6000 is an extremely large serpentine entity measuring approximately 700km in length and 1.3x1017kg in weight, currently in a state of hibernation within a submerged cavern located in the area of Wollemi national park, located in NSW, Australia. SCP-6000's appearance has been noted to shift in the past, and currently resembles an extremely large Oxyuranus scutellatus (Common Taipan) with features of Morelia spilota (Carpet Python). Its colouration has consistently been primarily black with dull prismatic stripes running vertically down its length, with a pale underbelly. SCP-6000 possesses a pair of curved ivory horns and far larger and more numerous teeth that what is seen in non anomalous snakes. Horns feature thousands of engraved depictions of wildlife.
SCP-6000's physical capabilities have been extensively observed and studied. It is capable of exceptionally rapid movement, up to 2,700kph on land and far greater in aquatic or airborne environments. This movement often creates large rifts in the terrain, and tsunamis in the water. SCP-6000 exhibits strength and durability far beyond what it's proportions would suggest, able to exert bite forces powerful enough to crush anomalously hardened bunkers, destroy mountains via bodily impact and leap into the lower exosphere. It is able to fly within the upper troposphere in a fashion similar to swimming. Due to a paradoxical physiology, SCP-6000 is simultaneously tangible and intangible. This renders it largely impervious to physical harm, with only several minutes of concentrated fire by Project MONGOOSE having been seen to superficially injure the entity.
While inactive during its hibernation, SCP-6000 possesses numerous anomalous abilities. These include a total control of the global climate and weather patterns, with a higher degree of control over local weather patterns within its line of sight. Rain generated by SCP-6000 has also displayed anomalous qualities, primarily the rapid generation and growth of vegetation. SCP-6000 frequently consumed both people and animals, both of which were observed to be totally transfigured into a wide range of different animal species and deposited within wilderness areas.
SCP-6000 displayed a significant influence over the natural world, particularly over the behaviour of wild animals. This ability was frequently used to direct wild animals to attack humans, and appears to be passive, as attacks have continued under specific circumstances.
Following the containment of SCP-6000, attacks on humans by wild animals have continued to be much more frequent than before its discovery. These attacks have universally occurred within wilderness areas, and display the use of teamwork beyond the capabilities of species involved, with some cases involving the cooperation of multiple species of animal.
However, these attacks have become less frequent as time progresses. Eyewitness statements have observed that where animal species would previously chase or attack any individual found within wilderness areas, animals have more frequently been seen to observe people at a distance, often withdrawing after a short period of time. Attacks by these animals can be broadly categorised into five categories: Rabid, provoked, defensive, predatory and guided. The former four varieties are considered typical and not of Foundation concern whereas the fifth variety; guided attacks are believed to occur under the direction of SCP-6000.
It is suspected that attacks guided by SCP-6000 are an enforcement of its desire to prevent humanity from significantly impacting natural environments. While attacks of this nature were previously observed to be immediate and coordinated, more recent encounters appear to have been limited to individuals who were in the process of activities discouraged by current Containment Procedures15. Given the trend of observation before attack it is believed that sustainable, low impact activities within wilderness areas will soon be safe for the civilian population to engage in, along with low impact construction.
Description doesn't say it turns them into animals? Just say it either is capable of inducing transfiguration, and/or doesn't poop.
Refer to a full document of species made unextinct (You don't have to make the actual document) OR table in Kate Lloyds document of animals returned
People going Mad Max and hoarding petrol to get across the wilderness in powerful cars quickly.
- Go back and try listpages
- Better visuals, use pictures deliberately, not just because you can
- Sort of clearance levels, is this highly classified?
- Proofread, revise and edit. A lot.
I dig it quite a bit classic Kaiju shit, I don't have anything nitpicking wise for Grammar but a couple things. I definitely feel like the notable attack log can be cut in half, I get what you're doing with it but as a whole it's just a demonstration of what it did and doesn't add a ton to the narrative. Also unless I skimmed over something on accident I feel like you're not capitalizing enough on the cave painting you have as your first image. I saw you're gonna have an addendum for how the Foundation realizes what your 6k wants have you considered maybe the possibility that this has happened before? Last time the 6K emerged it sent humanity literally back to prehistory pretty handily, tangentially related is this based off Ouroborous? Loop of humanity being destroyed and remade again etc. So maybe the way present day discovers what the snake wants is they find some sort of machuffin document down in a cave and are like "Well we figured out what this fuckin snake wants but humanity is too far gone to fix it"
(also remember to collapse the notable attack stuff)
I think that cave painting should be your key maybe to tying this thing together. Humanity has experienced this before and it'll happen again unless they stop it. The whole looping snake (Oroboros) bringing about the end of the world is a strong theme within Norse and Indo-European mythos so while it doesn't have to be a direct reference it definitely feels like that's kind of looming in the background
As for the attack log I'd focus on the most varied, unique, or interesting things your 6k did like the garbage patch, the south pole, Sydney, and Tanzania
A few strong ones will hit harder than a bunch of weaker ones you dig
Thanks to: Dexanote, Ihp, lurkD, Magnolia, Lord of Laugh, shaggydreadlocks, drBleep, Chaosera, Topdownunder, stormfallen