"Make It Loud"


Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to be kept within a sealed reinforced 1x1m steel case lined with vibration dampening foam, and is to be kept within this case at all times, expect for testing permitted with Level 2 researcher approval. This case is to be kept in a soundproof room at Site-19 when not in testing. Following Incident-[I don't know how to properly number this], no D-Class personnel are permitted to interact with SCP-XXXX without screening for obedience and previous.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a 0.6m diameter brass cymbal, of a design typical of that associated for use on a six-piece drum set. Unmarked with any form of company branding or serial number, it bears no form of identification and is shows no signs of damage or wear.
The anomalous effects of SCP-XXXX manifest when it interacts with any form of kinetic energy, be that concussive blasts or sound waves. Once struck, a force of similar frequency will be projected from the other side, of greater amplitude. This measure of increase in kinetic force has been recorded at increases of between ██% and ███%. Depending on which side is struck, the dispersal of force is different. Striking the convex side results in a focusing of the resulting force, with the concave side further disperses it.

SCP-XXXX was brought to the Foundations attention after the earthquake of ████, England, where a registered aftershock of █.█ was detected several miles from the original epicenter. Upon investigation by Foundation agents, SCP-XXXX was found in the basement of the home of musician █████ ████.

Confirmation for experiments to test SCP-XXXX's usefulness in disposal of hazardous anomalous materials susceptible to kinetic force is pending.

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