
Item #: SCP-0000

Object Class: Euclid


Appearance of SCP-0000

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-0000 is to be contained in a deep underground room of Site-37, below level -164. The containment room must be kept in complete darkness and isolated from all kinds of oscillations, as exposure to visible light and mechanical vibrations is known to accelerate the anomalous evolution of SCP-0000. The containment room must be located above a nuclear-grade security shaft at least three hundred meters deep.

The surface temperature of SCP-0000 must be monitored at all times using infrared thermal sensors permanently installed along the walls of the containment room. Under proper containment, the temperature of SCP-0000 is expected to increase spontaneously by 12K per day. Any deviation from the expected pattern must be immediately reported to Site Command as a potential SEE (Site Evacuation Emergency).

In the event of a sudden increase of temperature above 1049K, level-4 personnel will order the collapse of the containment room floor and the detonation of security charges to fill the shaft with sand. Emergency procedures will be initiated to evacuate all contained SCPs and staff.

One class-D personnel must be available at all times to execute Special Containment Procedure 0000-K, in case the temperature of SCP-0000 exceeds the maximum safety limit of 490K.

Description: SCP-0000 appears as an antique hallway mirror, made of walnut. Due to its anomalous properties, any further investigation of the materials and characteristics of SCP-0000 has been forbidden by an executive order of O5-██. The order can be overridden only by direct counter-order of O5-██ or O5-█.

SCP-0000 was retrieved by Foundation operatives on June 30th, 1908, in a remote area near [DATA EXPUNGED], Russia. The origin of the object is presently unknown. On the morning of June 30th, 1908, an explosion in the sky of a sparsely populated region of Eastern Siberia was reported to destroy an area of 2000km2. The detonation released an estimated total energy of 50 megatons. Millions of trees were flattened. The brightness of the explosion was visible from Beijing to western Europe.

Foundation operatives (Recovery Team Kilo-6) retrieved SCP-0000 at the bottom of a deep trench in an isolated portion of wild Russian Taiga (coordinates ██████N ███████E), 80 km from the closest village. Class-A amnestics were administered to all witnesses in a 50 km radius. Rumours of a comet impact from outer space were spread as a cover story, and the trench in which SCP-0000 was retrieved was flooded.

Upon retrieval, SCP-0000 was reported to be "unusually warm", "worrisome", and "vibrating". The full extent of the anomalous properties of SCP-0000 did not become apparent until the first inspection performed by Triage-12 (See incident report 0000-A).

The temperature of SCP-0000 is constantly increasing at a minimum rate of 12K per day. Exposure to visible light or mechanical vibrations (such as sound waves, seismic waves, physical contact) have shown to increase the heating rate and instability of the object. Models developed by Dr ██████ predict that the anomalous thermodynamics of SCP-0000 will be stable only for temperatures below 1049K. Above that temperature, SCP-0000 will enter an unstable super-exponential increase of temperature, possibly at the origin of the [REDACTED] event. The source of the energy produced by SCP-0000 is presently unknown.

Humans exposed to SCP-0000 have reported various degrees of uneasiness, anxiety, and depression. Between three and twelve minutes of first exposure, subjects report not being able to see their own reflection in the mirror of SCP-0000. Three to five minutes later, subjects report seeing a disfigured humanoid shape (henceforth identified as SCP-0000-1) watching them from inside the mirror (camera footage is unable to confirm the appearance of SCP-0000-1). Descriptions of SCP-0000-1 vary from subject to subject. Common traits that have been reported include complete absence of hair and clothes, darkened skin (severely burned, or similar to gangrene), absence of eyelids, and [DATA EXPUNGED]. Any attempt to establish communication with SCP-0000-1 has been unsuccessful.

After the manifestation of SCP-0000-1, the subject (henceforth identified as SCP-0000-2) enters an irreversible behavioural pattern, beginning with a state of deep apathy lasting from a few seconds to fifteen minutes. During this time, SCP-0000-2 instances have been found muttering disconnected sentences, mentioning concepts such as sins, guilt, sacrifice, and catharsis. After that time, SCP-0000-2 will inevitably attempt suicide. So far it has been impossible to prevent the death of any instance of SCP-0000-2 (instances in restraints have managed to break their own neck, crack their own skull, and bleed to death due to [REDACTED]).

The death of SCP-0000-2 is correlated to a sudden decrease of the temperature of SCP-0000. The intensity of the temperature drop varies wildly (reductions between 3K and 140K have been reported), and it appears to depend on the distance between SCP-0000 and SCP-0000-2 at the time of death, and on the criminal history of SCP-0000-2.

Special Containment Procedure 0000-K: Special Containment Procedure 0000-K requires the ingress of one unprotected and unarmed class-D personnel in the containment room of SCP-0000. Personnel convicted for rape, murder, manslaughter, and torture are to be preferred. Artificial lighting producing less than 100 lux may be activated during Special Containment Procedure 0000-K. The class-D must be instructed to remain completely silent, observe their own reflection and report any strange activity. Failure to comply to the silence order before the manifestation of SCP-0000-1 must be met with immediate lethal force.

As soon as the anomalous properties of SCP-0000 start to manifest, a metal cart containing a variety of lab, surgical, and kitchen items must be introduced in the containment chamber. Under no circumstances is SCP-0000-2 allowed to leave the room at this point. Level-2 personnel must monitor the surface temperature of SCP-0000 to pinpoint the instant of death of SCP-0000-2. At that point, the cleanup team will have approximately eight minutes while SCP-0000 cools down to enter the containment room, remove the cadaver of SCP-0000-2, cleanup and sanitise, remove the instruments tray, deactivate artificial lighting, and vacate the room.

Special Containment Procedure 0000-K cannot be repeated more than once every 24 hours, due to the potential risk of compromising the stability of SCP-0000 during cleanup.