lambda999 - Cordelia
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Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Keter


A 198█ photograph of Dome-1's construction

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7979 is contained within two facilities; Dome-1, a steel structure with an internal height of 69.9m, and a 14m distance between the centers of the upper and lower dome chords. The internal span of the dome is to be 138m, and the external span is to be 145m. The dimensions of the dome were determined by the area of the condensed nuclear power facility; in 1988, upon the discovery of SCP-7979 underneath Cordelia's Nuclear Facility the area required immediate containment. Excessive construction of a second facility has taken place since the discovery of SCP-7979's prolonged growth in 199█, today SCP-7979 has been surrounded, with the Foundation encircling the town in an elaborate system of concrete and Silver-lined thump-coiled tubes.

Dome-1 is to be monitored by a five-person Resonance Team1 every 15 minutes for instances of behavioral change relating to SCP-7979's consistent agitated state. A total of 8 Resonance Teams are employed, each is to have monitored SCP-7979, 16 times, every 15 minutes for a total of four hours before a breach and swap by the following team; done to ensure 24 hour coverage of SCP-7979. Contingency plans call on all seven inactive teams to remain on base at all times, in the preliminary stages of a neutralization or destruction order for the facility; teams are to be locked in with SCP-7979 in correspondence with the decontamination protocol 32,[DATA EXPUNGED] and [DATA EXPUNGED].

Procedures relating to public contingency protocol are as follows; eight plainclothes enforcers cover State Route 116 at 250-foot intervals for a 1.2 mile stretch, enforcers are given permission to converge on vehicles that turn off at halfway point: Camp Thayer, whilst heading North on Cazadero Highway. Enforcers are to approach any suspect that exits their vehicle between the townships of Cazadero and Sheridan with intent to head West, enforcer is by no means expected to follow nor arrest suspect until they have broken federal law by trespassing on black site Cordelia. It is at this point agents are expected to arrest and subdue the suspect, if plainclothes teams fail to arrest suspects before they reach Gate One; the suspect will be The Foundation's property.

Description: SCP-7979 (also referred to as Cordelia and Manitou) resembles the township of Cordelia, █████ County, California, the SCP is known to be approximately 0.343 sq mi whilst the surrounding black site Cordelia encircles SCP-7979 at 3.532 sq mi. The SCP is maintained at featuring several disheveled houses, a medical center, nuclear power plant and indiscernible amount of structures ranging in shape and heat signature. No attempt has been entirely successful at photographing, visually recording or by means of sonar, capturing the internal structure of Cordelia. Since it's initial containment, SCP-7979 has continued to grow outwards from it's initial location; The Cordelia Nuclear Facility. It will commit to a psychopathic link with all human subjects, eventually as hypothesized by key researcher Dr. ██████; the creature will control and kill any human that submits itself to SCP-7979's company. SCP-7979 is mysterious in its nature of hunting and destroying its victims' bodies, by somehow erasing all physical evidence of Subjects in Encounters, troubling [DATA EXPUNGED] and the Foundation's key figures. In 199█, the Cape Medocino Earthquake led scientists to believe SCP-7979 detested rhythmic thumping after it was recorded to have stopped it's growth, the deduction by [DATA EXPUNGED] and the Foundation was that continuous motion inhibits SCP-7979's roots, which hinders the SCP's ability to grow outwards by a state of confused regression. See addendum 7979-1

Value: SCP-7979 is of high priority to The Foundation, excessive fees in the tally of $120B(USD) have been spent not only on containment and the security of SCP-7979 but overall the protection and mass anonymity procedures to maintain Black Site Cordelia's secrecy. There have been 294 experiments conducted onsite, with ten resulting in first contact with SCP-7979. As of today there have been no survivors of SCP-7979, all evidence is exclusively audio recordings, SCP-7979 possesses the ability to reflect imagining equipment and disables a vast array of electronics, especially those which feature visual recording devices. The value of research and continuation of Encounters with SCP-7979 is expected to answer questions regarding how the creature kills, and how it disposes of the bodies.


Black site Cordelia

First Contact Encounters

"Encounters of individuals at Cordelia were paramount in their promise of a swift death in all emergency circumstances, suffering was always attributed to the SCP's direct actions and The Foundation is not liable to any deaths in accordance with the appropriate conventions; all fatalities were within the breadth of seconds and auditory evidence showed that all cases had similar symptoms of SADS/SUDS/SUNDS-related deaths3." - Dr. ██████ of black site Cordelia

See addendum 7979-2

Audio Logs

Audio logs of human encounters are currently pending review by The Foundation, new security protocols by the Board of Directors under Overseer Rodriguez have been implemented, if you are at clearance level-3 we recommend entry to the archives for unedited documents, audio logs and level-certified documents. A message from The Foundation.

Addendum 7979-1: Further tests indicate that SCP-7979 does not achieve partial or complete regression with Thump Coil procedures, rather it stagnates in it's own current state. There is no further evidence of regression, despite Dr. ██████'s claims.

Addendum 7979-2: Please refer to Nautilus, consequently 'scum' has replaced 'REDACT' excuse mistake as a deliberate act of vandalism to an impervious network, revise this initially.

Addendum 7979-3: False claim, should be updated to halt/stagnation.

Addendum 7979-4: Follow protocol, exterior businesses are not to be disclosed, as par with redundant employees, fully-disclosed dates, black site personnel and surnames of subjects.