Legacy655 collection of SCPS


SCP: 2520


Special Containment Procedures: SCP 2520 is to be kept in a locked container in site [REDACTED] and should only be removed for testing. SCP 2520 is to be contained in a 5 x 5 padlocked box under heavy guard at site [REDACTED]. Under no circumstances should any electronic devices be within a 1 mile radius of SCP 2520

SCP 2585 Is a 2012 Toshiba satellite laptop with no marking or other oddities distinguishing it from a normal laptop. The SCP has no irregularity for the 1st month of use however after that month is up it will delete all of the information stored on the computer and at the same time the last person to use the laptop will suddenly drop dead. Even if they are in peak physical health. It should also be noted that extended use of 5 or more hours will cause the user to pass out with no recollection of the encounter with the SCP. SCP 2520 was recovered on [Redacted] From The police department in [REDACTED] Ohio. It was first found in the home of a hacker who had died two days before his home was raided. Police believed that this laptop was the same one that friends and family members described people using right before they died. The SCP is believed to have caused a massive spike in deaths in that area. Upon initial recovery it was assumed to be a normal laptop. Should SCP 2520 be close to any electronic device will suddenly burst into flames, and will continue to burn for 12 hours. At this time anyone who touches the flames will die upon contact with any other electronic device

[INCIDENT 2520-1A-1123D]

Subject: D1123

SCP: 2585

D1123 was a white male. Age 23 and a hacking genius. Given his background with computers he was deemed the best possible person to deal with SCP-2520

Time: 1700 hrs
PERSONAL: DR. Simon M. D1123

Scp 2520 Was placed on a table with a single chair in the room

[D1123 enters]

"Hey doc. whats up"

"D1123 Please access the computer"

"Alright alright. Geez."

[D1123 uses the laptop for 2 hours without incident]

"Thank you. You may return to the holding area now."

Time: 0700 hrs

At 0700 hrs D1123 was found dead exactly 1 week after interactions with SCP 2520. At urging of doctor [REDACTED] SCP 2520 has been upgraded from safe to Euclid.