Licensing Staff Guidelines

Hello, Licensing Team members! Below is listed a summary of your duties, expectations, and responsibilities. Of course, due to the often arcane and rarefied nature of Licensing material, this is only a crash course, and certainly should not be taken as exhaustive. Any questions can always be posed to the Team Captain or other ranking members.

Duties and Expectations

The first duty of a Licensing Team member is to be familiar with our CC-BY-SA 3.0 License. Junior Staff will initially only be expected to understand the basic precepts of it so as to be able to handle assignments given to them by the Team Captain. Operational Staff and above, as well as Junior Staff who are being promoted to Operational Staff, should have a thorough and complete understanding of the license and its interaction with other license/license-equivalents such as CC-BY-NC and Public Domain, as well as possess at least a working knowledge of United States Fair Use Law. In addition, all Junior Staff and above should be able to answer basic licensing questions posed by users, Operational Staff and above should be able to apply our license to unusual and/or edge cases.

Team members should be in both 17 and 34, and if possible, 19, when they are on chat, and ready to answer posed licensing questions in any of those channels when they are active. In addition, all team members should be ready and able to answer same on the wiki or through wikidot or chat PMs.

Finally, team members should be knowledgeable as to how to handle an offsite licensing violation when one is assigned to them, including logging it on 05, and are responsible for making the broader team aware of ones that are brought to their attention or that they discover independently. Junior Staff will receive instructions, Operational Staff and above are expected to be able to operate with a degree of autonomy.

Being recommended for promotion from Junior Staff to Operational Staff shall be determined by a discussion between the Team Captain and Licensing Team Operational Staff about the quality and quantity of your activity on the team, as well as other factors. The final say on recommendations belongs to the Team Captain.