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SCP-XXXX, illuminated from behind

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to remain electromagnetically suspended in a vacuum chamber at all times. Environmental pressure within the chamber should be constantly monitored and adjusted, and must never exceed 0.01 kPa. Observation of significant pressure change should be reported to the acting Site-11 Director preluding full chamber diagnostic. In the event of a full or partial power failure, SCP-XXXX is to receive Alpha priority from on-site reserve power. Cessation of SCP-XXXX's suspension within its chamber could have catastrophic consequences which would compromise The Foundation's ability to contain it.

On-site staff Level 3 and above, as well as all staff directly assigned to SCP-XXXX, should review Addendum β for protocol following a containment breach.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a "super black" sphere comprised of unknown material with a circumference of roughly 33 cm1 and uncertain mass2.

Any matter which comes into direct contact with SCP-XXXX is lost, presumably absorbed by the sphere. Duration of contact is irrelevant; Absorption begins immediately, and continues at a constant rate of [REDACTED], provided constant contact is maintained. SCP-XXXX absorbs wavelengths in a similar fashion, reflecting no light.