
Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is to held in a standard Foundation storage locker. Only personal of clearance level or higher may experiment with SCP-XXXX.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a small sparkle gun with a translucent yellow casing and three neon orange fins on top. It also possesses a pair of small red knobs on the side. One of said knobs controls the settings: Stereotype, Movie Science, Urban Legend, and Folk Lore. The Other the duration. the Duration is between fifteen minutes and an hour ascending in increments of fifteen. When SCP-XXXX is pointed at an object and the trigger is pulled that object will behave in a manner the setting

Test A - Date

Subject: D-23453 Male of African decent.
Procedure: SCP- XXXX was set to stereotype then used upon D-23453. After which D-23453 was asked a series of questions.
Results: D-23453 proceeded to speak with a Gulf Southern accent despite having lived in Montana for most of his life.
Analysis: SCP- XXXX has some mild Cogniohazardous Properties.

Test A - Date

Subject: D-23453 Male of African decent with a standard issue Jackson, Mississippi Police officers hat.
Procedure: The hat was placed atop D-23453's heads after which SCP-XXXX was set to Stereotype and used upon him
Results: After a few moments spent looking at himself, D-23453 attempted to arrest himself for disturbing the peace. The entire time this was going on he was using various racial slurs upon himself.
Analysis: The effect of SCP-XXXX appears to works on a superficial level.

Test A - Date ██████

Subject: 1972 Ford Pinto
Procedure: A 9mm round was fired at the rear compartment of the vehicle, resulting in a small hole. After SCP-XXXX was used upon the vehicle, with the setting Movie Science. A second 9mm round was fired upon the vehicle.
Results: The vehicle exploded upon impact from the bullet.
Analysis: Use of SCP-XXXX has effect on the laws of physics, with in context of the current setting and item used upon.

Test A - Date ██████

Subject: Red 1972 Ford Pinto
Procedure: A 9mm round was fired at the rear compartment of the vehicle, resulting in a small hole. After SCP-XXXX was used upon the vehicle, with the setting Movie Science. A second 9mm round was fired upon the vehicle.
Results: Unlike the previous test, the vehicle did not explode from the 9mm round. Upon removal of the vehicle, it was found to accelerate at double the standard speed of a 1972 Ford Pinto

Test A - Date

Subject: Same red 1972 Ford Pinto as the previous test
Procedure: SCP- XXXX was fired at the subject and its acceleration was recorded.

After which a 9mm round was fired at it.

Results: The Pinto showed to have acceleration qualities similar to those that a standard Pinto possessed. The 9mm bullet did however cause the vehicle to explode.
Analysis: SCP- XXXX appears to be random. Further testing in to this is requested.

Addendum: [Optional additional paragraphs]

Item #: SCP-2290

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2290-1 is to be stored in a standard humanoid containment cell, unless being tested. Two guards are to be stationed with SCP-2290-1 at all times. All personnel are to be screened for psychological health. Any with mental heath disorders of any kind are to be denied access. SCP-2290-1 is to be suspended So it will be unable to come into contact with any planes of any kind. Site ███ personnel and staff are to report any and all SCP-2290-2 activity to the site director. Security clearance of level 3 or higher is required to experiment with SCP-2290, pending approval from the site director. D-class are restricted from interacting with SCP-2290.

Description: SCP-2290-1 is a warped ram skull atop a wooden shaft. SCP-2290-1 is roughly 1 meter in height and 2.5 kilograms in weight. SCP-2290-1's skull is twisted into a crescent shape. The skull shows no apparent markings of any kind. The shaft has the ability to pass through any object that would be labeled as the floor or ground. Testing in SCP-███ has shown this anomalous behavior is affected by the gravity of a room and perception of the surrounding individuals as to what the "floor" is. This effect extends six decimeters down after which it will maintain an upright position with no further phasing.
SCP-2290-2 is a black robed humanoid with a glowing head lacking a face. SCP-2290-2 appears to be unable to move more then roughly 4 kilometers from SCP-2290-1. When SCP-2290-1 is anchored in a "floor" and one of three different events, henceforth labeled -A, -B, -C, occur within a radius of roughly 4 kilometers, SCP-2290-2 will appear to the subject. Reactions to SCP-2290-2 are as follows:

SCP-2290 Event-A: SCP-2290-2 will appear to subject offering a hand. Should subject take the hand, both will disappear in a bubble of black water. Subject will later appear in a location of importance to them. Most subjects report a feeling of peace after this event. This is the only known method for SCP-2290-2 to leave the boundaries of SCP-2290-1.
SCP-2290 Event-B: SCP-2290 Event-B only occurs at the death of a subject in SCP-2290-2's range. SCP-2290-2 will appear next to the subject, embracing them. All signs of pain will leave them and they will expire peacefully. It should be noted that not all deaths in SCP-2290-2's range trigger an Event-B. Research is ongoing to determine how this is triggered.
SCP-2290 Event -C: This event is the most varied of all. During Event -C, the only constant is the subject crying black tears, after which the tears become animate. It is not uncommon for apparent spacial transition to appear during Event-C. See Test 2290-2351. Chemical analysis of these tears shows a high concentration of charcoal contained within.
Test 2290-2343 - Date [REDACTED]

Subject: 24 year year old Caucasian, a known serial killer.
Procedure: Subject was placed in a room containing SCP-2290-1. Subject was instructed to approach the SCP-2290-1.
Results: Upon entering the 3 meter mark, subject feel to his knees and began crying until the vast majority of the test room floor was covered in black tears. As this continued, the tears started to form into female humanoid shapes appearing between 8 and 21 years of age. The shapes proceeded to surround the subject. The subject pleaded with the figures, begging them to spare his. As they descended upon him, subject spoke as if they were speaking back. Subject began sinking into the pool around his knees. Subject completely submerged within 2:30 from beginning of event. Tears evaporated as subject disappeared. No trace of the subject was found.
Analysis: SCP-2290-2 does not need to be present in an area for its anomalous effects to occur so long as the subjects are in the range of SCP-2290-1.

Test 2290 -3456 Date [REDACTED]

Subject: 36 year old Asian male, suffering from depression
Procedure: Subject was to approach 2290-1. Subject was equipped with a GPS tracker and a video camera.
Results: Upon coming within 12 meters of 2290-1, subject tripped. As subject was getting up SCP-2290-2 was seen reaching down its hand. Subject grabbed it without looking and both disappeared in a bubble of charcoal and water. Tracking device was found to still function, reporting subjects location in 2290-1. After an hour subjects location changed to a beach in [DATA EXPUNGED]. Video camera had all its battery drained. When questioned as to what had happened during Event, subject stated to have been taken on the tour of his life. After event, subject had fewer thoughts of suicide and a reduction in depression.
Analysis: Due to the possibility of a breach, Class D personal are barred from being housed within the facility.

Test 2290-3433 - Date 04/23/08

Subject: 35 year old Native American, Researcher ██████████ highly ambitious.
Procedure: (Note, this was Researcher ██████████ acting of his own volition) Subject was seen on camera reaching out to grab 2290-2's hand. .
Results: Upon contact, as usual both were engulfed in the black water bubble. Subject later reappeared at his work station. After SCP-2290 Event-A subject was interviewed.

Interviewed: [Researcher ██████████ ]

Interviewer: [Dr.██ ]

<Begin Log, [04/25/08 14:30]>

Dr.██: I'm sure you are aware of standard questioning, so I will cut right to the chase. Why would you take the hand of a Euclid level threat?

Researcher ██████████: The offer was undeniable.

Dr.██: Offer?

Researcher ██████████: To understand, I understand all too well now. I failed. My goal was simple, advancement. SCP-2290 was an enigma. I wanted the credit of seeing through the mist. Or black water, whatever you'd like to call it.

Dr.██: So what did you find in the black water?

Researcher ██████████: I found my affliction. Within it is choice. It is the chemo. The chemo is as likely to kill you as the cancer is

Dr.██: ██████████, you are speaking in riddles. Give me a straight answer!

Researcher ██████████: Go to it yourself. It is the only way for you to see.
<End Log, [14:36]>

Closing Statement: For the rest of the time Researcher ██████████ sat in silence. Termination postponement requested. Dr.██:

Incident Report 2290-29: On ██/██/████, SCP-2290-2, along with several other SCPs, broke containment. During this breach, Assistant Researcher ██████ was struck with a stray 9mm . At this time it was reported that SCP-2290-2 was seen embracing Assistant Researcher ██████. Due to the presence of SCP-2290-2, Foundation medical staff were unable to retrieve Assistant Researcher ██████. She did not survive.

Incident Report 2290-34: During the previously mentioned containment breach, eight were reported to have vanished after crying black tears. Thus far four have been located. Three of the agents are in Foundation custody. The fourth was found on ██/██/████ at his childhood home in ████████, ██. Foundation forensics have determined it was a suicide. The other three agents retrieved have withheld information on SCP-2290 even through use of advanced interrogation techniques. The remaining four agents are still missing.

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: -1 is to be stored in a standard Foundation storage, unless being tested. Two guards are to be stationed with -1 at all times. -2 is currently uncontainable. Site ███ personal and staff are to report any an all activities undertaken by -2 to the site director. Security clearance of level 3 or higher is required to experiment with Scp_, pending approval from the site director. D- class are restricted from interacting wit Scp_

Description: Scp_ -1 is a warped ram skull atop a wooden shaft.Scp_-1 is roughly 1 meter in height and 2.5 kilograms in weight. The shaft has the ability to pass through any object that would be labeled as the floor or ground. Testing in Scp ███ has shown this anomalous behavior is effected by the gravity of a room and perception of the floor. This effect extends six decimeters down and only effects floors.
Scp_-2 is appears to be a black robed humanoid with a glowing head lacking a face. Scp_-2 is unable to move more then 2567 meters 4589 meters from Scp_-1. When Scp_-1 is anchored in a "floor" and one of three different events,hence forth label -A, -B, -C, occur within the 2567 meter 4589 meter radius Scp-2 will appear to the subject. Reactions to Scp_-2 are as follows

Scp_Event-A: Scp_-2 will appear to subject offering a hand. Should subject take the hand, both will disappear in a bubble of black water. Subject will later appear in a location of importance to them. Most subjects report a feeling of piece after this event. This is the only know method for Scp-2 to leave the boundaries of Scp_-1
__ Event-B: Scp_event-B only occurs at the death of a subject in Scp_-2's range. Scp_-2 will appear next to the subject embracing them. All signs of pain will leave them and they will expire peacefully. It should be noted that not all death in Scp-2's range trigger an event-B. Research is ongoing to determine how this is triggered.
_ Event -C: This event is the most varied of all. During Event -C, the only constant is the subject cries black tears. After which the tears become animate. It is not uncommon for apparent spacial transition to to appear during Event-C. See Test _-2351. Chemical analysis of these tears shows a high concentration of charcoal contained with in.
Test ___-2343 - Date [REDACTED]

Subject: 24 year year old Caucasian male, hence forth refereed to as D-2343-C. D-2343-C is a know sex offender and child molester.
Procedure: D-2343 was placed in a room containing Scp_-1. D-2343-C was instructed to approach the Scp_-1.
Results: Upon entering the 3 meter mark, subject feel to his knees and began crying until the vast majority of the test room floor was covered in black tears. The subject continued to cry until the tears started to form into female humanoid shapes appearing between 8 and 21 years of age. The shapes proceeded to [REDACTED] No trace of the body was found.
Analysis: Scp_-2 does not need to be percent in an area for its anomalous effects to occur so long as the subjects are in the range of Scp_01

Test ___-2349 - Date_03/08/08_

Subject: 25 year old African female, Assistant Researcher █████
Procedure:(Note: this was not a plan test) During the containment breach of SCP-███, Assistant Researcher █████ was struck with a stray 9mm bullet.
Results: As she lay dieing Scp_-2 appeared and embraced her. Scp_-2 remained there until all movement of subject stopped.
Analysis: Scp___-2 appears to act on an ethical level with its actions. further study required to ascertain what its ethics are or if this is even the case.

Item #: SCP-2290

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2290-1 is to be stored in a standard humanoid containment cell, unless being tested. Two guards are to be stationed with SCP-2290-1 at all times. All personnel are to be evaluated for psychological health. Any with mental problems of any kind are to be denied access. SCP-2290-1 is to be suspended from the ceiling, so it is unable to come into contact with anything that may be considered a floor. Site ███ personnel and staff are to report any and all activities undertaken by SCP-2290-2 to the site director. Security clearance of level 3 or higher is required to experiment with SCP-2290, pending approval from the site director. D-class are restricted from interacting with SCP-2290

Description: SCP-2290-1 is a warped ram skull atop a wooden shaft. SCP-2290-1 is roughly 1 meter in height and 2.5 kilograms in weight. SCP-2290-1's skull is twisted into a crescent shape. The skull shows no apparent markings of any kind. The shaft has the ability to pass through any object that would be labeled as the floor or ground. Testing in SCP-███ has shown this anomalous behavior is affected by the gravity of a room and perception of the surrounding individuals as to what the "floor" is. This effect extends six decimeters down after which it will maintain an upright position with no further phasing.
SCP-2290-2 is a black robed humanoid with a glowing head lacking a face. SCP-2290-2 appears to be unable to move more then roughly 4 kilometers from SCP-2290-1. When SCP-2290-1 is anchored in a "floor" and one of three different events, henceforth labeled -A, -B, -C, occur within a radius of roughly 4 kilometers, SCP-2290-2 will appear to the subject. Reactions to SCP-2290-2 are as follows:

SCP-2290 Event-A: SCP-2290-2 will appear to subject offering a hand. Should subject take the hand, both will disappear in a bubble of black water. Subject will later appear in a location of importance to them. Most subjects report a feeling of peace after this event. This is the only known method for SCP-2290-2 to leave the boundaries of SCP-2290-1.
SCP-2290 Event-B: SCP-2290 Event-B only occurs at the death of a subject in SCP-2290-2's range. SCP-2290-2 will appear next to the subject, embracing them. All signs of pain will leave them and they will expire peacefully. It should be noted that not all deaths in SCP-2290-2's range trigger an Event-B. Research is ongoing to determine how this is triggered.
SCP-2290 Event -C: This event is the most varied of all. During Event -C, the only constant is the subject crying black tears, after which the tears become animate. It is not uncommon for apparent spacial transition to appear during Event-C. See Test 2290-2351. Chemical analysis of these tears shows a high concentration of charcoal contained within.
Test 2290-2343 - Date [REDACTED]

Subject: 24 year year old Caucasian, a known serial killer.
Procedure: Subject was placed in a room containing SCP-2290-1. Subject was instructed to approach the SCP-2290-1.
Results: Upon entering the 3 meter mark, subject feel to his knees and began crying until the vast majority of the test room floor was covered in black tears. As this continued, the tears started to form into female humanoid shapes appearing between 8 and 21 years of age. The shapes proceeded to surround the subject. The subject pleaded with the figures, begging them to spare his. As they descended upon him, subject spoke as if they were speaking back. Subject began sinking into the pool around his knees. Subject completely submerged within 2:30 from beginning of event. Tears evaporated as subject disappeared. No trace of the subject was found.
Analysis: SCP-2290-2 does not need to be present in an area for its anomalous effects to occur so long as the subjects are in the range of SCP-2290-1.

Test 2290 -3456 Date [REDACTED]

Subject: 36 year old Asian male, suffering from depression
Procedure: Subject was to approach 2290-1. Subject was equipped with a GPS tracker and a video camera.
Results: Upon coming within 12 meters of 2290-1, subject tripped. As subject was getting up SCP-2290-2 was seen reaching down its hand. Subject grabbed it without looking and both disappeared in a bubble of charcoal and water. Tracking device was found to still function, reporting subjects location in 2290-1. After an hour subjects location changed to a beach in [DATA EXPUNGED]. Video camera had all its battery drained. When questioned as to what had happened during Event, subject stated to have been taken on the tour of his life. After event, subject had fewer thoughts of suicide and a reduction in their depression.
Analysis: Due to the possibility of a breach, Class D personal are barred from being housed within the facility.

Test 2290-2349 - Date_03/08/08_

Subject: 25 year old African female, Assistant Researcher █████
Procedure:(Note: this was not a planned test) During the containment breach of SCP-███, Assistant Researcher █████ was struck with a stray 9mm bullet.
Results: As she lay dying SCP-2290-2 appeared and embraced her. SCP-2290-2 remained there until all movement of subject stopped.
Analysis: SCP-2290-2 appears to act on an ethical level with its actions. further study required to ascertain what its ethics are or if this is even the case.

Test 2290-3433 - Date_04/23/08_

Subject: 35 year old Native American, Researcher ██████████ highly ambitious.
Procedure: (Note, this was Researcher ██████████ acting of his own volition) Subject was seen on camera reaching out to grab 2290-2's hand. .
Results: Upon contact, as usual both were engulfed in the black water bubble. Subject later reappeared at his work station. After SCP-2290 Event-A subject was interviewed.

Interviewed: [Researcher ██████████ ]

Interviewer: [Dr.██ ]

<Begin Log, [04/25/08 14:30]>

Dr.██: I'm sure you are aware of standard questioning, so I will cut right to the chase. Why would you take the hand of a Euclid level threat?

Researcher ██████████: The offer was undeniable.

Dr.██: Offer?

Researcher ██████████: To understand, I understand all too well now. I failed. My goal was simple, advancement. SCP-2290 was an enigma. I wanted the credit of seeing through the mist. Or black water, whatever you'd like to call it.

Dr.██: So what did you find in the black water?

Researcher ██████████: I found my affliction. Within it is choice. It is the chemo. The chemo is as likely to kill you as the cancer is

<End Log, [14:36]>

Closing Statement: For the rest of the time Researcher ██████████ sat in silence. Termination postponement requested. Dr.██:

How Long Must I Run.

Faster and faster, I hear the echos of death behind me. The endless descending patterns of my own folly. I just wanted to save them. Just save them, nothing more. Dogs, animals hunting me. Driving me to the brink. Another Foundation manhunt. I can hear the echoing footfalls coming to me. Once upon a time each of those sounds meant something else. A friend sneaking up on you, a break through with understanding, a containment breach. Now, It all only means one thing, death or worse.

A world like this would drive you to madness. Parting the veil, but instead of your beautiful bride to be, a monster. Only three years ago I could sit at the kitchen table without imaging it swallowing me whole.

How much did I give to them? How much did they demand? They burned away all the comforting lies, dispelled all the simple truths. I've watched the walls twist and bended to impossible shapes, swallowed by darkness. Torn to shreds in my dreams. I never leave my feet out at night. Burned all away until all that was left was fear. Simple, primal fear.

I gave all of this to them to keep the horrors locked away. to keep the devil from knocking down all the world's doors. None of it was enough. Nothing is ever enough.

I grabbed the blade to bring them back. Let the slayer suffer and die. Use it to open the gate to bring someone from the brink. Yes, I breached containment to do so and, yes, I slew a SCP. After all they did for them, after all we did for them, they owed us that much.

They want it all. All I am. I just wanted to save them. How can I be blamed?

I sorry, but you know what must be done.

There is no hiding.