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SCP-XXXX completely assembled, running a diagnostic.

Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: The assembly of SCP-XXXX is to be cleared by the O-5 Council only. Otherwise, all components of SCP-XXXX are to be dismantled and systematically scattered to a classified group of high-level sites. These parts are to be stored in electromagnetic-resistant containers which are secured in a two-key vault. All O-5 Council members must carry a key that compliments this lock.

In its fully assembled state, SCP-XXXX requires a complete observance cycle. A larger Task Force divided into four teams will be responsible for watching SCP-XXXX at all times, rotating positions every hour. Each Task Force operative will be outfitted with a neural-scrambling chip which will disable all motor functions should the situation require it. Due to its potential to initiate an XK-Class End-Of-World Scenario, direct interaction is only authorized to Level-5 Personnel overseen by an O-5 Council Member. All others who attempt to interact with SCP-XXXX are to detained pending harsh and thorough investigation.

While receiving full power input, SCP-XXXX is under no circumstance allowed to be activated unless a Class-VI Signal Scrambler is activated in unison. If SCP-XXXX somehow spontaneously activates without the Signal Scrambler, EOW Directive KO-88B is to be followed. All essential personnel are to then be evacuated to their Doomsday-event locations.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a computer identical to an Apple II Advanced Processor, developed by Apple Inc. in 1977. Despite its ancient appearance, it is capable of computational abilities which surpass Foundation technology by approximately eight decades. How SCP-XXXX manages to achieve this is currently unknown, as a complete internal inventory has not revealed any anomalous components. Despite this, SCP-XXXX possess incredible network connection, immense equatorial solving abilities, algorithmic development skills, and an electronic storage space with a size that is currently not explainable by Foundation experts.

If supplied by a constant electrical current, SCP-XXXX can be activated by using the power switch located below the display monitor. In its active state, SCP-XXXX will dedicate all of its resources to attempt to start a Blitzkrieg event.