Item #: SCP-xxxx
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: A privacy fence is to be erected along the property of the abandoned Sleighton School located in Glen Mills, PA, USA. Personnel assigned to SCP-xxxx will need to have a urological catheter installed and must not exceed 72 24 8 hours any amount of exposure outside of necessary evacuation control procedures, although permanent controls are still in the process of being developed. Samples from any evacuation event are to be stored in a standard refrigeration storage unit for further study disposed of.
Description: SCP-xxxx is an abandoned water tower. SCP-xxxx stands 50 meters in height and shows moderate signs of corrosion typical of a structure left in such conditions with no ongoing maintenance. Based on its dimensions, SCP-xxxx could hold up to 40,000 liters of water. It has also been observed during extended evacuation testing that the contents of the water tower cannot be significantly reduced and will continuously remain between 80% and 115% of its rated capacity. SCP-xxxx's riser pipe, that connects from the tank to the underground water system, appears to have recently collapsed due to compromised structural integrity caused by corrosion. Despite that, tank water does not appear to flow freely from broken pipe.
Low frequency reverberations of a structural nature and from inside the tank itself have been recorded periodically over time before an evacuation event. The support columns and struts have also been observed to spontaneously buckle through unknown means in the moments prior to evacuation, but will revert back to its original shape after the evacuation event is over. The source or cause of these sounds and stressors are undetermined, but several theories are being investigated.
Records indicate it was erected on the now abandoned Sleighton School property sometime after 1920; however, its anomalous properties were only just recently discovered after a significant evacuation event was reported within the nearest populace killing at least one person instantly and injuring several others in the blast1.
Ok, did you get it? Mind if I just wrap this up already?
~Herman Muntz, Field Research and Acquisitions
No, more additional context is required. Plus we are still working on a containment plan.
~Frederick Carlyle, Director
The effective range of SCP-xxxx seems to be correlated to time, with the range increasing at a rate of 20m/hr. This distance will continue to increase in size over time until a human enters the range of SCP-xxxx, which will trigger an evacuation event. After an evacuation, the range will begin to decrease to a 5m radius, which is its observed minimum. The intensity of evacuation seems to build in pressure as the range increases. It is recommended to avoid ranges in excess of 500m which constitutes a pressure greater than 170kPa. Such pressures will damage human tissues. The highest recorded pressure during the most recent evacuation event was estimated to be in excess of 10,000kPa. Highest recorded pressure is still under investigation.
Seriously, I'm done. Reassign me please.
~Herman Muntz, Field Research and Acquisitions
Denied. Finish the report while you wait. I'll have you rotated out when we have something, but not before.
~Frederick Carlyle, Director
Currently the only know method of interrupting evacuation is during direct observation of SCP-xxxx. However, this does not halt the increase of the effective range. In fact it has been observed to accelerate the increase in most cases. Once direct observation is broken, evacuation can resume.
For Pete’s sake, Fred. This is downright unbearable. I did what you asked. Get me out!
~Herman Muntz, Field Research and Acquisitions
We just don't have the D-class on hand at the moment to replace you. I'm sorry. You're stuck until I can arrange something. Request denied.
~Frederick Carlyle, Director
It is believed that the majority of the tower's contents is comprised mostly of freshwater, but again this has only been verified indirectly through evacuation testing and has not been measured directly. Debris such as rust flakes, dirt, algae, and other particulates have also been verified through evacuation testing. No solids have been observed to be greater than 2mm in diameter, however this limit remains inconclusive as more evacuation testing may be required.
It hurts and its freezing cold! My genitals are not for containment. Can't you get one or two D-class from another site nearby?
~Herman Muntz, Field Research and Acquisitions
We can't afford another incident like the one in town. A man exploded from the waist down at the local church? Crews are still dealing with that mess. You were the only specialist in the area on short notice. I swear I will have a replacement for you in 24 hours. All you have to do is sit and wait till we sort this out.
~Frederick Carlyle, Director
SCP-xxxx and this assignment are fucking bullshit.
Now you're really pushing it.
~Frederick Carlyle, Director