
Item #: SCP-XXXX

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: The house containing SCP-XXXX has its windows boarded off with plywood sheets that have steel plating bolted on their backsides. The front door is replaced with a steel door and reinforced framing (finished with wood veneer to fit the standard look of a front door for the area). Backdoor is bricked shut from the inside. The yard around the house is left unkept, with “Condemned, by order of ███████ City Council” signs planted around the premise. Security cameras and motion detectors are installed in the house, and on suitable locations around it, to have full surveillance of any un-authorized entries. In the case of a breach, a security team posing as local law enforcement will apprehend and escort the trespassers out, in a manner fitting to their role. If the trespassers have found SCP-XXXX and identified its function, Class-A amnestics will be applied before releasing the intruders.

Description: SCP-XXXX is the main staircase of 10 steps between the first and second floor in a 1920s house in ███████, Arkansas, that decreases the weight of any living entity ascending the stairs on their own volition by 20%/step through unexplained means. Descending the stairs reverses the effect. If the person affected by SCP-XXXXs tries to ascend/descend again within a week without reversing the effects first (by, in example, using the non-anomalous staircase at the back of the house), the change in weight will not stack. The effect will not fade over time, except by termination of the affected subject. Upon death the subject will immediately revert to its original weight, and all anomalous effects will cease.

Addendum: SCP-XXXX was found and contained when news about a failed break-in were published in a local newspaper. The burglar (Marcus D, aka “Yolo-Dog”) and home owner (Meredith S.) were found dead at the bottom of SCP-XXXX, cause of death was concluded to be blunt force trauma on both cases. However, the force of impact was disproportionate to the height of fall. Every major bone in the deceased thiefs body was broken, and whilst damage is expected when a body is crushed under 350 pounds, the extent indicated that the burglar had either been crushed by a small sedan, or that they had hurled down SCP-XXXX at 171m/s. The body of Meredith S. showed less damage, presumably because her excessive fat tissue absorbed some of the impact.