Mad King
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Item #: SCP-XXXX
Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures:
SCP-XXXX is to be kept in a cell with fireproof walls and door no thinner than 5 inches with a steady supply of oxygen. It should be fed 2 times a day with wood or any other kind of flammable, solid objects and/or liquids. Two (2) security officers are to be present outside the chamber door at all times, equipped with fireproof suits and heavy duty fire extinguishers. Sprinklers should be mounted on the ceiling of the cell. An authorized staff member that is able to speak the sign language should always be present in the vicinity of the cell.

While dormant, SCP-XXXX appears to be a normal suit of medieval armor. When it awakes, a large flame bursts from the interior of the armor, that appears to serve as it's phisycal body. SCP-XXXX is sentient and appears to have the same level of inteligence as a normal human being. It usually speaks in a series of crackles and howls, similar to a crackling fire, altough it is able to speak in sign language when needed. The color of the flames change according to it's mood. The color guide is as follows:

  • RED- anger
  • BLUE- calm
  • WHITE- anxiety

While SCP-XXXX is able to get out of the suit or armor, it appears that it can't walk further away from it than 2 meters in any direction. SCP-XXXX will become aggresive only if insulted or threatened in any way, at which point it will lunge out of the suit of armor and proceed enveloping the subject in flames.