
Oh gosh, let's actually do a thing, shall we?

Brainstorming time!

1)Money that self-replicates (cliché)

2) A plastic bag that has a constant volume of air in it (why even.)

3) Perfume that, when worn, makes you smell as though you're not wearing perfume (what's wrong with my mind today.)

4) Alcohol that, after being drank (drunk?), permanently inhibits your ability to balance. (Booooring. And probably cliché, too.)

User Note 1: Gods, I love antimemes.

5) An SCP that causes anything written about it to be inherently terrible. (Snickering. This has definitely been done, it's too obvious for it to be original. Probably got deleted due to lack of effort.)

User Note 2: Whoopdee dew, I'm stoock fer idea-rs.

6) I think that the article about the typewriter that 1) compels those using it to write to write a story until it is completed and 2) writes stories that are so gripping that outside viewers of the story constantly bug the writer of the story to continue writing it, though it should be noted that there can be multiple authors to one story without any shift in tone, literacy, or entertainment value. I mean, that's kinda interesting, yeah? But it just doesn't really fit me, you know?

7) ThE CAt kiNgDomS of SLOvAkInAiya anD How THEy WRongeD me, THeir CouRT MagiCian bEcausE I'm A PACifIst anD woN'T KiLl pEopLE for THem wiTH my OP MAGICAL PowErS 9001+

User Note 3: Omfffffgggggggggggg why is everyone so inventive & creative & I'm just stuck here drawing furries. Teim 4 crai.


User Note 4: ^ What the hell is wrong with me.

9) A grandmother who will noT StoP BAkING cOOKIES. Even when impedimented by:

10) The word 'impedimented' & how it's not a real word but people use it cos it make dem lo0k teh smartz. Oh, irregardless, too.

11) An SCP based around how languages change? That'd take some work & I'm sure that it's been taken already & by someone who can write far better than me.

12) Scissors that function as normal scissors except for when intentionally used to cut things that scissors shouldn't cut. Like bone. Then they turn iNt0 MAsSive DemOn doGS WHiCH bREATHe stEEl Bl4Des At you!!111

13) A snippet of code that, when written, slowly optimizes & reduces itself, eventually completely deleting itself despite anything written inside of it still being functional & running.

14) Sunglasses that, when you put them on, make everyone like you. BEcAUse THat'S Orig1NAl, I'M SURe. (I'm actually, if you couldn't pick up on the sarcasm, completely, 100%, sure that that is not original; I believe that I read an article about a hat that raises your charisma to an incredibly high degree just awhile ago. Or is that from SAO Abridged?)

15) The website of an alternate universe's news site. (WRESDHJU That's so stupid; that's been done, like, three times. Albeit slightly differently.)

User Note 6: Maybe I'd be better with tales? Tails… snails… pails… activation fails… Holy Grails… my-type-of-reality-bending, mentally-challenged, pragmatic hay-bales.

User Died 1: Snibblety bogus biscuits and everything covered in buttery goodness.

Problem: I can think of nothing that I consider interesting enough to write about. I do like the idea of a joke SCP with the grandmother (though I believe that that has been done before?) and I do also like the idea of the SCP that is just a special loop that optimizes itself to, like, one or two characters (because making it disappear completely is weird.)

Solution: ???

Solooshun: iF coLLapSE enTire UNiViRs Into SInguLariTy, NOthINg MAtTer anYMore.

SULUchOn: AM smOl ToddLEr, WilL wRiTE güd Art1cLE SOme DAy.